Humanitarian aid at sea considered a crime | 14.05.2009 10:52 | Migration | World
The trial against the Cap Anamur is happening these days and it is now entering its decisive stage. The prosecution of the Italian region Agrigento demands that Elias Bierdel and Captain Stefan Schmidt are to be convicted to four years of prison and a fine of 400.000 Euros.
The judgment is to be pronounced on 20 May 2009.
PRO ASYL and the German Ecumenical Committee on Church Asylum are initiating a campaign of solidarity with the defendants. We would like to ask you for your support: please sign the attached appeal, it is available in German, English and Italian.
The attempt to outlaw the salvation of refugees at sea has far reaching implications. Broad international support for Elias Bierdel and Stefan Schmidt is necessary. We have to send out a clear signal: the charges were not to be raised in the first place.
The real scandal is the loss of life at the gates of Europe.
Humanitarian aid and rescue at sea are no crime.
The trial, the threat of a possible conviction and the prospect of further legal proceedings are severe burdens for our two friends and colleagues. Their livelihood and reputation are at risk.
We ask you to send the signed appeal to, to support the upcoming press work and advocacy efforts and to develop your own activities of solidarity.
On Monday 18 May 2009 we will publish the appeal with the signatures of as many supporters as possible. Starting from 18 May it will also be possible to sign an online-petition to the Italian Ministry of Justice on our homepage
The judgment is to be pronounced on 20 May 2009.
PRO ASYL and the German Ecumenical Committee on Church Asylum are initiating a campaign of solidarity with the defendants. We would like to ask you for your support: please sign the attached appeal, it is available in German, English and Italian.
The attempt to outlaw the salvation of refugees at sea has far reaching implications. Broad international support for Elias Bierdel and Stefan Schmidt is necessary. We have to send out a clear signal: the charges were not to be raised in the first place.
The real scandal is the loss of life at the gates of Europe.
Humanitarian aid and rescue at sea are no crime.
The trial, the threat of a possible conviction and the prospect of further legal proceedings are severe burdens for our two friends and colleagues. Their livelihood and reputation are at risk.
We ask you to send the signed appeal to

On Monday 18 May 2009 we will publish the appeal with the signatures of as many supporters as possible. Starting from 18 May it will also be possible to sign an online-petition to the Italian Ministry of Justice on our homepage
proasyl at