Too Much Bling?
Noo Whirled Ordure | 13.05.2009 18:17 | Culture
This is a wunnerful opportunity to help the police in their inquiries - once they can be arsed to get around to them, anyway.
This is not a joke - seriously! asks all us law abiding citizenry to give them a ring if you see too much bling.
O---kay, for starters:-
Every fat cat in the City who has stolen from our common wealth, starting with the entire boards and CEO's of the major banks and finance companies.
Most politicians + all MIx operatives above c1
The board of the CBI and all their cronies (Me Lords Turdville, Car.rington etc etc ad nauseum); the faculty of every university engaged in crimes against humanity and the environment
ALL the CEO's of transnational corporations dead set on enslaving entire populations
The list is endless before you even START on the smack'n'crack dealers and other such low life scum.
What are you waiting for? Mobiles out filming every fancy hotel gathering. Get cracking and we can help give the country back to the people, once all this criminal lot are banged up.
Kudos to the 'Brains' of the Police. Hip hip hooray! -not-
Bye bye bwitish fairness, hello Stasi... asks all us law abiding citizenry to give them a ring if you see too much bling.
O---kay, for starters:-
Every fat cat in the City who has stolen from our common wealth, starting with the entire boards and CEO's of the major banks and finance companies.
Most politicians + all MIx operatives above c1
The board of the CBI and all their cronies (Me Lords Turdville, Car.rington etc etc ad nauseum); the faculty of every university engaged in crimes against humanity and the environment
ALL the CEO's of transnational corporations dead set on enslaving entire populations
The list is endless before you even START on the smack'n'crack dealers and other such low life scum.
What are you waiting for? Mobiles out filming every fancy hotel gathering. Get cracking and we can help give the country back to the people, once all this criminal lot are banged up.
Kudos to the 'Brains' of the Police. Hip hip hooray! -not-
Bye bye bwitish fairness, hello Stasi...
Noo Whirled Ordure
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13.05.2009 22:23
A Radical Fool