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Swine Flu Death Certificates

KC | 13.05.2009 11:40 | World

It was reported on the BBC World Service last month that some doctors in Mexico were told not to write 'swine flu' or the equivalent on death certificates. Respiratory failure is what they've been recording. Think what that does to the actual swine flu mortality rate. Check out testimonies dated Saturday 25th April in particular!

Has this been happening in the UK and elsewhere?

The following article regarding UN plans to curb human population growth is from the UN Chronicle, December 1, 1994.

Genetic Material of Virus From 1918 Flu Is Found
"One part of the answer is that the Spanish flu virus passed from birds to pigs and then to humans, a mode of transmission that is thought to produce the most dangerous strains of influenza viruses."

Video - [Spanish] Flu victim's body exhumed
"Darwyn Kobasa, a research scientist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, and lead author of the research, defended the decision to recreate one of the most dangerous viruses in history."

"Many influenza virologists remain nervous about creating and experimenting with a reconstructed 1918 Spanish flu virus, an extremely dangerous virus which disappeared from the world long ago"
"In 1918, an influenza pandemic started that became a global disaster ....There was a mild wave in the spring, but the very serious, lethal wave was in the autumn to the winter..."

Swine flu: the worst is yet to come in autumn, warns Alan Johnson

Scientists isolate genes that made 1918 flu lethal
"....researchers have identified a set of three genes that helped underpin the extraordinary virulence of the 1918 virus."

1918 flu resulted in current lineage of H1N1 swine influenza viruses, study says.



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13.05.2009 14:19

New virus "very unstable," more changes seen: expert
"Already it appears to more virulent than seasonal flu because it is killing younger people and it appears to have higher mortality than seasonal flu, so it doesn't make sense to treat this like seasonal flu."

"Seasonal flu kills about 250,000 to 500,000 people annually with a fatality rate of less than 0.1 percent. A study published in Science on Monday estimated that the new H1N1 flu virus has a case fatality ratio of 0.4 percent based on confirmed and suspected deaths."

Many Swine Flu Cases Have No Fever
"Many people suffering from swine influenza, even those who are severely ill, do not have fever, an odd feature of the new virus that could increase the difficulty of controlling the epidemic, said a leading American infectious-disease expert who examined cases in Mexico last week......"
“It surprised me and my Mexican colleagues, because the textbooks say that in an influenza outbreak the predictive value of fever and cough is 90 percent,” Dr. Wenzel said.

Vaccination News


Kill the poor

13.05.2009 15:51

The death rate is higher among poor countries and poor people than with rich countries and rich people. Poor countries such as Mexico have worse underlying respitory problems, poorer diagnosis and less access to antivirals. During pandemics rich countries stop sharing their drugs.

Rich people in countries such as the UK can buy Tamiflu (Oseltamivir), and so they do, and they use them as a precaution rather than as treatment. Unnecessary use of antivirals forces faster evolution of drug resistant strains of any flu virus. The seasonal H1N1 virus that spread last winter wasn't particularly virulent but it was resistant to Tamiflu. If these two strains mix, then the problem is significantly worse. In other regards, humanity would be better accepting the current death rate to save the effectiveness of antivirals for a later, more deadly flu.

Relenza (Zanamivir) is currently more effective and far cheaper than Tamiflu (Oseltamivir), it is just slightly more inconvenient as it has to be inhaled . Poor people are dying for lack of these drugs simply because of the Hoffman-LaRoche and Glaxo-Smith-Kline brand names.


I forgot the link (nm)

13.05.2009 16:05

hoffmann la roche
and a floor to call your own
it all adds up
add it up

take from the total
all that divides us
figure it out
now we're equal

subtract from the sum
all but the root
we start from zero

so take it in
take it all in _
grease it down
that severe hair
as flat as the thirties
crammed room (bouncing heads)

red light
a necklace or two rolling around
several ties
feet all thumbs (tumble about)
something to say (can't think)
lying your head off, lying your head off
just for today (alright, i'm a liar)
great great no really
great great great no really (boiling up)
now who thought this out?

hip rebels
good rebels
useful rebels
leading a good and useful life

- Homepage:,3800011228,63010743,00.htm

Scare mongering

13.05.2009 17:39

How is this article helpful in any way. Over the last few years we have seen one health scare after another, first there was bird flu, SARS, and now this! 2 weeks ago the worlds was press was broadcasting doom and gloom... the end is nigh... and when this has failed to materialise we are told to wait for the next round in the autumn. Far better we worry about a virus than the current economic crisis. Nothing like a bit of fear mongering.


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