Urgent! Avigdor Lieberman in London tomorrow!
bash the fash | 12.05.2009 13:56 | Palestine
Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's newly minted and openly racist Foreign Minister, who recently suggested that Israel do to Gaza what the US did to Japan in 1945 and that as former Transport Minister a few years ago said he would donate busses to round up Palestinian prisoners and drown them in the Dead Sea, is coming to London to meet David Miliband at the Foreign Office tomorrow at 10:30. This is so not on.
Subject: URGENT – Lieberman in London – protest Wednesday 10.30am Foreign
Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s openly racist Foreign Minister, is coming to
Join us from 10.30am-12 noon on Wednesday 13 May to protest outside the
Foreign Office, Whitehall, London.
Lieberman will be meeting with David Miliband – tell the Foreign Office that
there is no place for racists here.
Protest called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Jews for Justice for
Palestinians, British Muslim Initiative, Stop the War Coalition, CND,
Palestinian Forum in Britain.
During Israel’s bombing and invasion of Gaza, Avigdor Lieberman threatened
action ‘just like the United States did with the Japanese in World War II’,
when the US used nuclear bombs to obliterate two cities. He has called for
the execution of elected Arab members of Israel's parliament if they have
any contact with
nd threatened the expulsion of Palestinian citizens of Israel.
For more information on Lieberman:
Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s openly racist Foreign Minister, is coming to
Join us from 10.30am-12 noon on Wednesday 13 May to protest outside the
Foreign Office, Whitehall, London.
Lieberman will be meeting with David Miliband – tell the Foreign Office that
there is no place for racists here.
Protest called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Jews for Justice for
Palestinians, British Muslim Initiative, Stop the War Coalition, CND,
Palestinian Forum in Britain.
During Israel’s bombing and invasion of Gaza, Avigdor Lieberman threatened
action ‘just like the United States did with the Japanese in World War II’,
when the US used nuclear bombs to obliterate two cities. He has called for
the execution of elected Arab members of Israel's parliament if they have
any contact with

nd threatened the expulsion of Palestinian citizens of Israel.
For more information on Lieberman:

bash the fash