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Calls needed to oppose BNP invitation

Lancaster Unity | 12.05.2009 07:46 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

Keep the BNP out

BNP parish council candidate invited to speak at resident's association meeting in Morecambe

We have been informed that the Poulton Resident's Association has invited BNP candidate Ms Vicky (Julie) Blain to a hustings for Poulton Ward Parish Council candidates at the Poulton Children's Centre, Clark Street, Morecambe. Obviously, this cannot be allowed to happen, so we're asking you to phone the centre and register a strong but polite protest at the fact that they are allowing the BNP on to the premises to spread its racist poison.

The meeting is planned for Monday May 18th at 7pm and if necessary, we shall be calling upon local anti-fascists to demonstrate that evening.

Local anti-fascists have always responded strongly and immediately to even a hint of the BNP popping its ugly head up, to the extent that rather than have a stall in the town centre, the BNP now chooses instead to park its Lie Lorry up in a back street somewhere or to race around the one-way system before scuttling for cover. They know they're not welcome here and we need that message to get across clearly and repeatedly every time they appear.

You can call Poulton Children's Centre on 01524 833644

Lancaster Unity
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12.05.2009 15:48

We can now confirm that the meeting has been cancelled. Thank you to everyone who called. :-)

"Yet another nail in the coffin of democracy !"
Do fuck off.

Lancaster Unity
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12.05.2009 08:31

The phone number seems to be permanently engaged (good) but I'll keep trying.


Meeting Cancelled!

12.05.2009 12:25

Just called and the lady said that as a result of several complaints the meeting has been canceled.

Good News



12.05.2009 13:38

The meeting has been cancelled ?

Yet another nail in the coffin of democracy !


@ Dom

12.05.2009 15:37

You can always find out where some 'left wing' group are organising meetings and phone up to complain..... after all it is your democratic right.



Pete and Dom

12.05.2009 17:51

Try researching the link between BNP meetings and racially motivated violence. The figures are there which show the darker side of this supposed 'party.' Its incredible that the people are being criticised for protesting against a blatantly totalitarian party. I still can't get my head around that paradox: the established rules of mainstream democracy and free speech used to defend a party that wants to completely destroy it?

The BNP continue to manipulate vulnerable and often uneducated people many of whom have already been conditioned by the right wing tabloid press. As disillusion in politicians turns to anger and search for change, I don't believe it will be the left that these people will turn. If the BNP get a foothold in this country then we really will be fucked.

Western democracy might be fascistic in its own way but there are certain undeniable freedoms which we must protect at all costs whilst fighting for real change. Its ridiculous that this slick, mainstream facade the BNP have created is washing with people.

There may be more dangerous groups in mainstream politics but we cannot possibly allow any totalitarian group to put themselves forth as the only alternative.

Its not even necessarily the canceling of the meeting I support but the fact that enough people felt compelled to call and show their concern. I would object to any group based on a racist, totalitarian philosophy, left or right wing.

If you believed in any possible concept of democracy - even the corrupt western one - why would you argue for the BNP cause?


Hey John

13.05.2009 21:18

My comment has been deleted. Maybe some anti-fascists have decided you shouldn't be allowed to read it.

You know how authoritarian and censorious they can be towards everyone else - all for our own good of course!
