Statewatch obtain Dept. for transport project delivery risk report
Ivan Agenda | 11.05.2009 14:03 | World
A speadsheet obtained from Statewatch shows the connection between the DFT and the police in relation to the monitoring of protest groups.
Alongside Item 1 it says: "Strength of opposition to expansion at Heathrow leads to direct action before and around time of Ministerial considerations thereby delaying final policy decisions." The measures in place to "manage" this "risk" are: "1. Comms directorate to continually monitor protest groups and brief staff/police accordingly. 2. Monitoring forward programme to anticipate likely flare points" The document rates the "inherent risk" as medium or high.
Ivan Agenda
Link to it
12.05.2009 12:19
I attached this in the original article but it didn't show - so apologies and here is the link
Ivan Agenda