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Camden Veggie Bar Inspiral Lounge Hit By The Dance Police

The Stalker Of Halton Moor | 08.05.2009 17:04 | Animal Liberation | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

Inspiral Lounge in Camden, the best and most well know vegge cafe in Camden, has been hit by The Dance Police. The venue is allowed to have DJ but people are not allowed to dance say newspapers and the venues owner / manager. People have said the police make regular vists to monitor toe tapping, dancing, dancing, swaying or otherwise moving in adance like way to the music. Bah Poo we say!

In crime ravaged Camden where drug dealers rule the streets, people are mugged and otherwise criminally attacked the Dance Police from the Met - Camden Cops make regualr vists, with clipboards to the venue to make sure people keep still.

The staff at the venue are worried that customers who move about too much could fall foul of the police.Those who tap their toes, sway, nod their heads or make other dance like moves could be arrested and that the venue could close altogether if people are caught doing thse things.

Camden council have refused to give the venue a dance license so the police, including Camden's very Top Brass turn up. satnd at the grass drink counter and make sure that peole behave.

Call us paranoid but is this yet another attack on the veggie / AR / hippy community?

All over Camden people are geting up to no good and the police are making this a priority!

If you think this is carzy you can call the Dance Police at

Camden Police

Special Dance Police hotline : 02072091254 [to be used if you see anyone dancing and wish to report them]. can just find the ginger copper responsible, give him apice of your mind...or even dance at him if you dare!

Be warned...he does not like this...he has stopped other people from dancing in the street and took a sound system away during a street party in Camden....maybe there were some veggies at this party? Maybe he just can't dance, hates people that dance?

Inspiral Lounge is close to Camden Lock, serves great veggie food, has DJs [no dancing sorry...], flower remedies, books, flyers for lots of causes and events, great music nights [as long as you KEEP STILL!] and canal trips from the venue and a canal side bar.

The manger has said "How do you define dancing? What if one of our customes is moving in a way that can be construed by the police as "dancing" to our music?

Concerned of Halton Moor

The Stalker Of Halton Moor