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New publication - the Independent Labour Party 1924 presidential address

Mayday | 07.05.2009 09:07 | Analysis | History | Workers' Movements | Sheffield

This is a classic of working class movement history, talking about the political balance of forces and the diverse working class movement - even within the Labour party at the time.

The 1924 Presidential address to the Independent Labour Party conference has been republished to make it easily available again. This event, still in living memory just, is interesting for a number of reasons; the freshness of the growth within working class politics, the political decision making and assesment, the independence of thought which the movement had and so on.

Printed and published by Mayday Politics and books. Tel – 07931301901. 18 Walker Drive, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham, DL14 6QW.

Cl@ss War Classix is a new initiative to reproduce seminal publications of the class war. Enjoy. Contact Cl@ss War Classix class.war.classix at to order or to suggest publications to reproduce.

The first in the series was the Introduction to the 1970s political group “Big Flame”, published in autumn 2008. Cl@ss War Classix can usually be found at events promoted on this website;

Also, they are available from here;

And here, the Mayday politics Amazon storefront;
