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Deliberate Sabotaging & disruption of AR campaigns by a "Dawn Gallagher"

anonymous concerned | 07.05.2009 01:36 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

Someone called Dawn Gallagher has been deliberately sabotaging and disrupting campaigns via networking sites etc and spreading unfounded rumours about campaigns and campaigners. We have no idea if this is a real name but this person is doing it a lot. Explain yourself Dawn. Are you an infiltrator? A snitch?
What on earth is your game? Animals die because of people like you.

Please be aware of what this woman [whoever she is] is doing. Animals DIE because of bad and nasty people like this. She is possibly from the animal testing industry as she is constantly disrupting camapign networking site pages etc...writing abusive comments, misleading staements etc.

"Dawn Gallgher" whoever you actually are...your card has been marked.

anonymous concerned


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07.05.2009 10:16

This is baselss biullshit. Idiots like you will help the animal rights movement more if you leave it.



07.05.2009 10:46

Mandy Ford.... You have outdone yourself BIGTIME this time!

What you have written is DEFORMATION, if anyone is letting down the animals it is YOU! You are truly mad, perhaps that is why you are known as MAD MANDY!

Why don't you say what you've said here to Dawn's face? What you are is a coward & a huge gossip & you make me sick!!!

Ban Mandy!