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Swine Flu - Second wave to be much worse

KC | 06.05.2009 10:42 | World

Doctors are being warned to prepare for a second, "much worse" wave of swine flu hitting Britain in the autumn, the Health Secretary has disclosed.

Genetic Material of Virus From 1918 Flu Is Found
One part of the answer is that the Spanish flu virus passed from birds to pigs and then to humans, a mode of transmission that is thought to produce the most dangerous strains of influenza viruses.

1918 killer flu secrets revealed
"The virus caused three waves of disease. The second of these, between September and December 1918, resulting in the heaviest loss of life...Although most people who were infected with the virus recovered within a week following bed rest, some died within 24 hours of infection."

[Spanish] Flu victim exhumed after 85 years
Lethal secrets of 1918 flu virus
The preserved body of a flu victim buried in Arctic permafrost was exhumed, and they painstakingly extracted the genetic material needed to work out the structure of the H1N1 virus.

Then, in a maximum "biosafety" facility at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory they reconstructed a fully functioning virus, and infected macaque monkeys to see what would happen......

"This research provides an important piece in the puzzle of the 1918 virus, helping us to better understand influenza viruses and their potential to cause pandemics."

H1N1 Flu. A Tale of Evolution, Economics, Power Politics and International Law.



Hide the following 8 comments

Swine flu tzar

06.05.2009 11:44

Government names swine flu 'tsar'

I don't remember a Bird Flu Tzar in the UK


Smithfield and Weight Watchers

06.05.2009 11:50

The New York Times yesterday carried a business report on Smithfield, the intensive factory farm business responsible for this outbreak. It reports from Romania and Poland where is seems Smithfield have bought local politicians in order to misappropraite huge EU grants. Until Smithfields factory fams are closed down and banned from the EU then the governments are complicit. Simthfields shares have already fallen 17% so a product boycott could achieve what corrupt politicans are unable to. Weightwatchers use Smithfields diseased meat in their product range, and this should be highlighted to consumers.

- Homepage:

Not 'swine flu'........

06.05.2009 12:26's really HUMAN FLYING PIG FLU !


Its Snaflu s.n.a.f.u, we need demos& leafletting at local factory pig farms

06.05.2009 13:29

Ive got some pig masks, I got 3 for a pair on ebay £5 on ebay. If I can do it I Will inform local radios & hopefully get some footage,photos for imc article. There will definetely be a display in nottingham on this.
Meanwhile back at WHO chief& home economics Doctor "I eat chicken 2nite"Chan isnt minding the millions who could die,we can rest assured she is protecting the pork scratching market& drug patents for Roche-rumsfeld

Green syndicalist

Donald Rumsfeld's Swine Flu Vaccine "Tamiflu" Could Paralyze or Kill You, While

06.05.2009 15:18

Swine Flue Advertising by Drug Companies and Goverments exposed: Swine Flu virus is a tool for boosting profits of Drug Companies. Swine flue exists only on TV news hysteria. Normal Flue Virus kills thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands people every year. When the vaccine is released the profits will be Sky High.

non believer

Leave it out

06.05.2009 19:20

Leave the scaremongering to the mainstream media. we are no more going to be struck down with rampant swine flu than we did bird flu.
Lets all rush to the doctors to get a jab and make some unscrupulous drug company loads of dosh. For fucks sake see it for what it is.
More bollocks to keep us a useless bunch of jibbering wrecks.


Listen to this

06.05.2009 21:35

The Swine Flu Epidemic in Mexico and the Resort to Military Rule

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone
Taking Aim


Maya and Ralph

07.05.2009 12:01

"Well, Maya, what is instructive about this is that Mexicos Agriculture Dept. has declared that it's inspectors have found no sign of swine flu in pigs around any of the of the features of swine flu is that the pigs are sick, the pigs are carriers."

Maya and Ralph are wrong on so many counts in the opening 5 minutes that I had to skip through the rest of the hour. For a start, a human has infected a pig. Secondly, there is only one farm suspected, the Smithfield one. So Ralph and Maya extrapolate this is some sort of population control, because the Mexican Dept of Agriculture found no sick pigs on the farm. I can think of a much more likely explanation for that, since it's in the interest of both the farm and the Dept of Agriculture not to find any sick pigs and since we know Smithfield operate by buying local and national politicians. We also know all of their pigs are effectively dying from their conditions and are only kept alive to slaughter by massive amounts of drugs. The farm has a million pigs - how many do you think were tested when the Mexicans weren't even testing humans? How many could be disposed of at short notice without being noticed?
To display such unquestioning trust in the ethicacy of the Dept of Agriculture and the Smithfield corporation and then build on that false trust to imply a deliberate bio-campaign is frankly illogical. So with respect to Maya and Ralph, their body of work and their political opinions, they are starting out from a wrong hypothesis and simply distract from the genuine problem.

Before anyone listens to that MP3 they should read this article:

Did this virus come from pigs, or not?

Ultimately, yes. As New Scientist pointed out last, H1N1 clearly belongs to a class of viruses called "triple reassortants", which have circulated widely as the predominant flu viruses in North American pigs since 1998.
