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Dealing with police horses

Barry | 06.05.2009 10:23

There has been some criticism of people throwing things at police horses on the recent Smash Edo-ITT demo in Brighton. There is an alternative.

A tried and tested technique for halting a stampede of police horses is to cover the line of advancing horses from either side with a long visible rope held at horse shoulder height. This is likely to unseat the mounted polices as the horses are brought to a halt.

It was apparently very popular in the late middle ages!



Display the following 46 comments

  1. And again... — Anarcho
  2. or — you could try
  3. Protecting animals is not nonsense! — Gemma
  4. oh please — Buck rodgers
  5. @Gemma — anonymous
  6. a sensible solution? — (A) Sab x
  7. On the day it was mindless attacks not self-defence — ((A))
  8. @ ((A)) — anonymous
  9. Horses — mayflower
  10. ... — Ms Anne Thropy
  11. I have to agree with mayflower... — ((A))
  12. @mayflower — anonymous
  13. @ Ms Anne Thropy — ((A))
  14. the two issues — anon
  15. "Real militants"? — Anarcho
  16. @ Anarcho — ((A))
  17. @ anon — ((A))
  18. small devices that made loud noises — Danny
  19. ((A)) — Ratamahatta
  20. militant block — Ratamahatta
  21. Dodgy — Nyqvist
  22. Boring. — Likpo
  23. more tactics — lkdfl;ksfkjlvfl
  24. HC Class Struggle Anarchist — Ratamahatta
  25. Where are the admins? — not indymedia
  26. anyone for a horse burger? — Horse burger
  27. 100 dead in afghanistan — Cheese Burger
  28. @ Cheese Burger — ((A))
  29. Troll alert - again — Black Beauty
  30. clarification — @ntispeciesist
  31. @ Horse Burger — not a friend of yours by a long way!
  32. @Nyqvist — Danny
  33. Loud and Quiet for Dummies — Nyqvist
  34. Give a man to fish, he trolls for a day — Danny
  35. Would people attack human shields if the police used them? — animalista
  36. Troll? — Nyqvist
  37. @Nwhatever — Danny
  38. It has been done — Stroppyoldgit
  39. this topic explains a lot about the uk anarchist movement — Anarcho-Communist
  40. nowt to lose but our chains — here here
  41. @StroppyOldGit — Danny
  42. reply to Anarcho-Communist — animalista
  43. Most activists care about seals? — me
  44. what do i mean by 'humanism'... — Anarcho-Communist
  45. a reply to the above — total liberationist
  46. me again — anti-fascist