Newsom for a Nuclear California
Ann Garrison | 06.05.2009 07:19 | Analysis
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom both support big corporate renewable energy projects, mega solar, wind, wave, and even hydroelectric, along with every other sort of big corporate power,but,renewables just aren't enough for really big guys, like Schwarzenegger and Newsom. To be a really big guy, or a really big nation, and an international power, you've gotta have nuclear power. And nuclear weapons, the invention that gave rise to nuclear power, and nuclear power politics.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom both know it, and support it.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom both know it, and support it.
The slogan of Gavin Newsom's campaign to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger is "Newsom for a Better California." "Newsom for a Nuclear California" is a cross post from Full text at .
Ann Garrison