BBC1 ITN Channel 4 Channel 5 - Quarantine Fears Camden London Labs
Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Testing Lab - Mandy Ford | 06.05.2009 06:21 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | South Coast | World
As parts of the world, including London, are being placed under quarantine there are further fears over the proposed Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Testing Lab. There are plans to build the lab alongside St Pancras International, behind the British Library in Kings Cross. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors and residents.
We are urging Camden Council and Gordon Brown to LISTEN to MI5 and MI6 regarding this lab!
The lab is likely to be a level 3 facility which means that it could contain deadly pathogens such as anthrax and bird flu.
The security services have criticised this lab with good reason. Foot and mouth disease was leaked into the water supply from similar govt facility Pirbright in wasn't the only thing that was released into the drains....according to a book "50 Ways To F**K The Planet" written in 2008, [thanks J!], the other pathogens that were leaked into the water supply as result of poorly maintained drains and watery land were...yes, you've guessed it SWINE FEVER and blue tongue disease amongst other things.
Such a virus leak in central London would be catastrophic. This must be opposed and if we cannot get the "powers that be" to oppose the lab...we have to stop them.
As I have said...MI5 know what they are doing even if Gordon Brown does not.
The River Fleet [I am told] runs beneath the propsed lab site which makes it all the more innapropriate as a site.
Please sign the online govt petition against the lab and write to Camden council to oppose planning permission :
Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
Our FB pages have been shut down a couple of times by the "powers that be" and one has now been taken over by ahijacker...who FB have no intention of getting rid of despite closing our pages [and other successful AR / vegan / anti-viv / anti arms trade etc pages...] so we think it is time to get out of cyberworld with this campaign and get it out on to the streets to get our message out there!
If you can paint and have a spray can, tin of gloss, anything at all....get painting on walls, derelict buildings, wherever you live.
Stop the Camden Danger Lab! Stop the Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Testing Lab / Camden Against the Danger Lab ...etc whatever you want ot put.
Get speaking to people about it.
Get petitions into shops in your local area. Write to your local newspaper and MP, councillors etc.
Get onto your local radio...anything at all.
Or..see "28 Days Later" happen for real, if it isn't here already, although nowhere near as funny obviously.
In spite of what some of the [real disruptive elements] have to say about me... I DO care about this lab and have gone to a lot of effort, using my own money and much of my time, to get the message out to people about this lab.
I have submitted a petition to the govt, re opened FB / myspace pages each and every time they are shut down etc...yet because of a few highly suspect "articles" by someone using my name on Indymedia [which literally anyone can do] and the involvement of people from a nearby drug re hab center who have campaigned against the closure of the center to make way for the lab whcih caused a few hiccups, I have been accused of "disrupting the campaign"...well to be honest I'm not listening to these morons any more. I have spent many hours of my time and money getting the message out to people about this lab...the lab plans are far too dangerous and this campaign far too important to waste any more time on those people who have done nothing to help but seem intent on throwing abuse at me and in my opinion probably work for the industry itself [Big Pharma] and who have donated NOTHING and haven't helped to stop the lab at all.
Some people are helping to stop the lab and have contributed. Thank you to those people, you know who you are.
The lab, if built, is a disaster waiting to happen which could see London wiped out. It must be stopped.
I think it is time that people started attacking THIS instead of me don't you think?
Many thanks to J for not listening to these idiots and giving some much needed help and support.
Yes S you are right we need to get off of the computers and out onto the streets with the people.
If you live in Camden get in touch with your councillors and oppose this deadly, downright dangerous and stupid lab idea.
If you want to come and speak to us we are usually found at
c/o 102 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1 during the week, office hours.
We are now, more than ever in dire need of donations. We need money, paper, pens, stuff for banners, placards, posters, paint etc etc. If you want to come on board then come along and say Hello.
We also need a replacement working computer / printer / scanner etc, urgently.
Mandy Ford and J.
c/o 102 Caledonian Road Kings Cross N1
I will quote Daniel Obechike who said upon hearing about it: "Crikey, it seems like they might want to depopulate London at some juncture!". Exactly.
This lab MUST be stopped.
Yes, I'm writing this for the good of my health...and yours!
The lab is likely to be a level 3 facility which means that it could contain deadly pathogens such as anthrax and bird flu.
The security services have criticised this lab with good reason. Foot and mouth disease was leaked into the water supply from similar govt facility Pirbright in wasn't the only thing that was released into the drains....according to a book "50 Ways To F**K The Planet" written in 2008, [thanks J!], the other pathogens that were leaked into the water supply as result of poorly maintained drains and watery land were...yes, you've guessed it SWINE FEVER and blue tongue disease amongst other things.
Such a virus leak in central London would be catastrophic. This must be opposed and if we cannot get the "powers that be" to oppose the lab...we have to stop them.
As I have said...MI5 know what they are doing even if Gordon Brown does not.
The River Fleet [I am told] runs beneath the propsed lab site which makes it all the more innapropriate as a site.
Please sign the online govt petition against the lab and write to Camden council to oppose planning permission :
Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
Our FB pages have been shut down a couple of times by the "powers that be" and one has now been taken over by ahijacker...who FB have no intention of getting rid of despite closing our pages [and other successful AR / vegan / anti-viv / anti arms trade etc pages...] so we think it is time to get out of cyberworld with this campaign and get it out on to the streets to get our message out there!
If you can paint and have a spray can, tin of gloss, anything at all....get painting on walls, derelict buildings, wherever you live.
Stop the Camden Danger Lab! Stop the Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Testing Lab / Camden Against the Danger Lab ...etc whatever you want ot put.
Get speaking to people about it.
Get petitions into shops in your local area. Write to your local newspaper and MP, councillors etc.
Get onto your local radio...anything at all.
Or..see "28 Days Later" happen for real, if it isn't here already, although nowhere near as funny obviously.
In spite of what some of the [real disruptive elements] have to say about me... I DO care about this lab and have gone to a lot of effort, using my own money and much of my time, to get the message out to people about this lab.
I have submitted a petition to the govt, re opened FB / myspace pages each and every time they are shut down etc...yet because of a few highly suspect "articles" by someone using my name on Indymedia [which literally anyone can do] and the involvement of people from a nearby drug re hab center who have campaigned against the closure of the center to make way for the lab whcih caused a few hiccups, I have been accused of "disrupting the campaign"...well to be honest I'm not listening to these morons any more. I have spent many hours of my time and money getting the message out to people about this lab...the lab plans are far too dangerous and this campaign far too important to waste any more time on those people who have done nothing to help but seem intent on throwing abuse at me and in my opinion probably work for the industry itself [Big Pharma] and who have donated NOTHING and haven't helped to stop the lab at all.
Some people are helping to stop the lab and have contributed. Thank you to those people, you know who you are.
The lab, if built, is a disaster waiting to happen which could see London wiped out. It must be stopped.
I think it is time that people started attacking THIS instead of me don't you think?
Many thanks to J for not listening to these idiots and giving some much needed help and support.
Yes S you are right we need to get off of the computers and out onto the streets with the people.
If you live in Camden get in touch with your councillors and oppose this deadly, downright dangerous and stupid lab idea.
If you want to come and speak to us we are usually found at
c/o 102 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1 during the week, office hours.
We are now, more than ever in dire need of donations. We need money, paper, pens, stuff for banners, placards, posters, paint etc etc. If you want to come on board then come along and say Hello.
We also need a replacement working computer / printer / scanner etc, urgently.
Mandy Ford and J.
c/o 102 Caledonian Road Kings Cross N1
I will quote Daniel Obechike who said upon hearing about it: "Crikey, it seems like they might want to depopulate London at some juncture!". Exactly.
This lab MUST be stopped.
Yes, I'm writing this for the good of my health...and yours!
Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Testing Lab - Mandy Ford
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Swine fever
06.05.2009 09:35
You do not appear to have noticed that Swine fever is an entirely different illness to Swine flu. It's endemic in a number of countries and only affects pigs. (Look it up - most reports on it, explain, clearly, that it's "not to be confused with swine flu").
This is typical of the campaign's scare-mongering.
And again, you're citing the MI5 line from an old Evening Standard article (where did MI6 come from??) The MI5 sources told the Evening Standard they didn't want a level 4 facility. And, as they demanded, it's not going to be one - it's going to be a level 3 facility, which is significantly different. So you can't keep citing that.
06.05.2009 11:49
>> Or..see "28 Days Later" happen for real, if it isn't here already, although nowhere near as funny obviously.
True, but you got to remember: it was the Activists who broke in and let the monkies out causing the outbreak.
They're already in London
06.05.2009 12:11
It's naive to suggest there aren't level 3 facilities in central London already, given that there are several hundred of the things in the UK, many linked to major universities. It's the older, level 4 ones I'd be worried about, frankly.
When would such a laboratory full of disease experts come in handy for London? Well... maybe in a week like this one when dozens of Londoners have swine flu and several schools have shut because of it.
Councillors for Camden / FOI papers / ANY lab is dangerous!
07.05.2009 00:17
2) Whether or not it was Swine Fever or Swine Flu that was leaked into the water should never have happened. It will not matter whether the new lab is "state of the art"...when Pirbright was built it too was at the time of building. No matter how state of the art or "secure" afaclity there is always the chance of human error, mistaeks or even deliberate sabotage or terrorism.
Foot and Mouth disease was leaked into the water supply, Asian Flu was leaked, remember Chernobyl? Seen the film Silkwood? It happens all too often.
Kings Cross has already seen the 7/7 and 21/7 attacks...and whoever you think "did it" this is a poorly thought out location for such a lab.
3) The govt / lab consortium have not yet in fact decided whether the lab will be alevel 3 or 4 facility...Parliamentary papers reveal that the govt /consortium "have no clear vision" about the lab.
4) I will cite all of this as often as is necessary.
M Ford
Stop Camden Animal Lab
Could you please try and explain how this is ocean defence?
07.05.2009 06:10
You're best off ticking terror war/health when ticking topics. The ocean defence topic is for defending the oceans; not anything related to H20 or sea-based creatures. It's not a marine topic, or a water topic, or even an ocean topic; its an ocean defence topic.
I probably shouldn't get so wound up by this. It's just going to (and has already started) diluting valuable information/news about ocean defence; for the benefit of your campaign.
imc volunteer
Points 1 - 4
07.05.2009 09:27
Yes - The Evening Standard obtained the letter from MI5 to ministers. In 2006. And they warned about the dangers of shifting a level 4 facility. You keep saying this is going to be a level 3. There are more than 800 level 3 facilities in the UK, several within central London.
"Where id get MI6 from? The security services work together on National and International security. The lab will be built alongside St Pancras International train station / Eurostar."
Oh right. Readers who read your exhortation "listen to Mi6" would have assumed that MI6 had warned about the lab. Only you don't know. So you've just made that up.
"2) Whether or not it was Swine Fever or Swine Flu that was leaked into the water supply..."
Actually the difference between the two does matter. One is potentially fatal to humans and is causing a world-wide scare right now. The other is common in several countries and only affects pigs.
"3) The govt / lab consortium have not yet in fact decided whether the lab will be alevel 3 or 4 facility"
Okaaaay. So why do you keep saying "it could be a level 3 facility" then? Surely it's bigger deal if it's going to be "level 4" - then some of your "supervirus" stuff might be true...
Ocean Defence
07.05.2009 14:33
I know I'm an embarrassment....
07.05.2009 16:40
reply to mandy
07.05.2009 20:50
imc volunteer
Along with Lynn Sawyer I am called a "loony" - that's OK.
08.05.2009 19:23
oops I lost it again......
22.07.2009 22:15
Mandy Ford is at it again....... Multiple personalities...
Mandy Ford
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