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Indymedia censorship of RATB event

Manchester RATB | 04.05.2009 22:09 | Analysis | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Liverpool

The supposed 'independent' Indymedia has censored the news post of an event in celebration of the Cuban Revolution. This censorship undermines freedom of speech which the IMC claim to uphold. As made clear several times RATB is not a political party and should be allowed to post news about its events like all other groups without censorship.

Rock Around the Blockade (RATB) Manchester presents a DAYSCHOOL and celebration of 50 years of REVOLUTION in CUBA; Saturday 9 May 2009
1pm - 5pm Percival Suite, Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street, Manchester

Rock around the Blockade invites you to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. We will discuss five decades of socialist development in Cuba and what it means for building socialism and a working class movement in Britain.

Confirmed speakers:

Three RATB Brigadistas returned fresh from Brigade to Cuba
Helen Yaffe: author of 'Che Guevara: Economics of Revolution'
Diana Raby, author of 'Democracy and Revolution in Latin America'
Robert Clough, Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG)

ALL WELCOME - donations on the door.
Doors open 12pm

Manchester RATB
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- Homepage:


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Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism

05.05.2009 00:22

Your organisation has a power structure, writers, academics, intellectuals, leaders, so called IQ is the ruling order of the day, you're chasing a fantasy, you're a brand, you hide behind the name of your paper and sub groups just like every hierarchical organisation, business you care to mention. You can't make people see the truth, our problems constantly reappear under different names, guises because our psychology collectively remains primative but we can continue to evolve our consciousness and you are right to expose every detail of the horrors of imperialism but without argument you then make the assumption that to replace this power is the only solution and you go about it in the most rational way but we can not evolve as a race when one of us is ruled by another, we can't free our selves by having our turn at being dictators, proletariat or otherwise. Power of this kind can be destroyed but to wield it can only destroy ourselves.

Revolutionary Communist Group RCG