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Neoliberal capitalist globalization=economic Anglo white supremacy

No Corps | 01.05.2009 15:28 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | World

Neoliberal capitalist globalization has been nothing more than the Anglo-Saxon U.S./U.K. telling the rest of the world: "Our way or the highway because our Anglo way superior to all others".


Now, with a glance back in time(Y2K) for a little analysis of what the Anglo world has been forcibly imposing(not that German capitalism is/was any real improvement-ALL capitalism is white-supremacist greed), it is to demonstrate HOW Anglo neoliberalism has been imposed globally(if they were this hard on the Germans-imagine what "Third World" nations have been subjected to) :

Neoliberal "hard" capitalism throws down the gauntlet to German capitalism: Conform or else...

Now for an update on the current "crisis" that neoliberal globalization had set us all up for(considering that capitalism ALWAYS HAS BEEN an eternal crisis for the vast majority of us):

What kind of crisis?(Anglo, of course!)

No Corps
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Those evil "Anglo-Saxons"

01.05.2009 21:44

Yes of course it is all the fault of those evil, white, blue-eyed people.

Viva comrade Mugabe, long live Kim Jong Il etc.

Radio Pyongyang


01.05.2009 22:46

I'd always thought some of us Scots, as well as French, Belgian, Spanish and Dutch colonisers, even a few Irish and Welsh people on the make, as well as other Europeans and collaborators, had quite a hand in imposing capitalist imperial exploitation on the world. But apparently, it was all down to the Anglo-Saxons, so let's just point the finger at them, shall we?

Please don't use "Anglo" or "Anglo-Saxon" as a lazily inclusive term for white European people, or white people of European origin. It's like calling all African people "Zulus".

Actually, I don't think white people or people of European origin have a monopoly on capitalist bastardry, just the historic power and opportunity. Certainly, that's been used for racist as well as economic ends but the relationship between the two is more complex than suggested here. Racism and war serve exploitation and theft (whatever the pretexts) rather than the other way round. There may be examples where that arguably wasn't true in earlier pre-capitalist times, but not since the beginning of capitalist imperialism.
