Ever heard of guerrilla advertising! About the Mayday Flash mob plan!
Pissed off anarchist. | 01.05.2009 08:47
Hey have you people never heard of guerrilla advertising! The Mayday flash mob idea was an idea to maximise the numbers at the London Mayday event at Bank tube! We need to show the cops that we have not been scared off and to get people down to Bank in even greater numbers!
We need to say to the cops and the authorities "Your oppression will only increase our resistance!" The Mayday Flash mob post was just a ruse to get as many people as possible down to Bank this Friday. It was posted by "anarchists".
We need massive numbers if we are to avoid intimidation by the tooled up police who want to smash our movement. And we need to get big numbers at this and future anti-capitalist events by any means possible. Also we need to get as many people involved in these events as possible and stop being elitist.
We need massive numbers if we are to avoid intimidation by the tooled up police who want to smash our movement. And we need to get big numbers at this and future anti-capitalist events by any means possible. Also we need to get as many people involved in these events as possible and stop being elitist.
Pissed off anarchist.
Hide the following 10 comments
some publicity is bad publicity
01.05.2009 09:38
As sponsored by t-mobile
01.05.2009 10:04
Sam Taylor, Head of Advertising
Bad publicity is better than no publicity!
01.05.2009 10:05
Unlike in the run up to the April 1st G20 action in the City the press have been totally silent about this event. If the press wont tell everyone about this event then we will have to tell people ourselves.
Whats more we need to get more ordinary people to come along to these events instead of the usual hardcore anarchists, middle class lefties and students who seem to make up 99 per cent of every demonstration in the capital.
Disillusioned anarchist
To the extras at the T-Mobile film shoot
01.05.2009 10:11
Sam Taylor, Head of Advertsing, T-Mobile
Sleeping with the fishes
01.05.2009 10:32
For those old enough to remember saatchi & saatchi were thatcher's favourite ad men. Todays event will be part of a new t-mobile advertising campaign.
Space hijackers being out-witted and co-opted by a slicker media operation. Gullible just isn't the word.
See you all on tv.
Lysa Hardy. Head of bRand Communications
Not convinced.
01.05.2009 10:36
Unlike in the run up to the April 1st G20 action in the City the press have been totally silent about this event. If the press wont tell everyone about this event then we will have to tell people ourselves.
Whats more we need to get more ordinary people to come along to these events instead of the usual hardcore anarchists, middle class lefties and students who seem to make up 99 per cent of every demonstration in the capital."
So how does posting on Indymedia (where there is already a page for it
Or, are you trying to make it easier to take the piss out of SH by pretending they're a bunch of t-mobile loving corporate wankers?
James Brown
More TV cameras the better, the Met will now have to behave!
01.05.2009 10:44
Fantastic then more cameras than ever will be able to catch the police in the act if they decide to assualt anyone at this event like they did at the G20 demo on April 1st! This will turn the tables on the FIT teams too!
Met police you can't get away with beating protesters any more!
Why would T-mobile sponser an anti-capitalist event?
01.05.2009 11:10
It seems the middle class counter-revolutionaries within the anti-capitalist movement want numbers at this event kept small so as not to rock the boat to much! These middle class part time hobby activists would shit themselves if a real anti-capitalist revolution took place in Britain!
To Pissed off teenage angst "anarchist" (original poster and commenter)
01.05.2009 11:32
You're perfectly welcome to set up and use your own tactics - diversity and all that - but can you do the Space Hijackers and everyone who might be interested in coming today a favour?
Please don't try to manipulate the media until you know what you're talking about. I'm not trying to be rude or elitist. You're obviously new to PsyOps, so might I suggest you take a backseat, see how the game is played, and then see if you can contribute something original, provocative, and worthwhile? I've no doubt that you can, but it looks like you need some pointers ;-)
Because by posting this silly Flashmob thingy up you've done nothing but damage to whatever cause we can agree to be working towards.
What would be really grand would be if if you can come up to some Space Hijackers this afternoon and introduce yourself. Your ideals are good - getting ordinary people involved, etc.
But your method needs a lot of work =)
Come along and say hello, and let's talk about some REALLY useful techniques that HELP a cause rather than hinder it!
To anarchist.
01.05.2009 19:56
Join Friends and be Filmed – Anarchists come prepared.
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