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Eat The Rich: | 27.04.2009 16:15 | Sheffield

Fuck the rich! The annual ‘Rich List’ could come in handy though - if it came with a free M40 snipers rifle and 1000 rounds of ammunition!

Yesterday The Independent reported that more than £150 billion has been wiped off the fortunes of the UK’s richest people. They went on to site some of the ‘victims’ of the credit crunch…

The biggest single loser is London-based steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal who has seen his personal fortune drop by almost £17 billion to £10.8 billion.

Despite that, he retains his place as the country’s richest man for the fifth year running.

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich keeps his position at second on the list despite his fortune falling to £7 billion from £11.7 billion.

The richest British-born billionaire is the Duke of Westminster. His fortune, mainly based on property, has shrunk to £6.5 billion from £7 billion.

Collectively, the 1,000 multi-millionaires in the list are worth £258 billion, down from last year’s record total of £413 billion.

The recession has also bitten into the fortune of Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson who has lost £1.5 billion and is now worth £1.2 billion.

Formula 1 tycoon Bernie Ecclestone suffered too - he lost £934 million this year, leaving him with £1.46 billion, the list reported.

Oh, how our hearts fucking bleed!

Compare the previous quotes with these from a report in the National Geographic…

Food prices around the world have spiked because of higher oil prices, needed for fertilizer, irrigation, and transportation. [sic] With food prices rising, Haiti’s poorest can’t afford even a daily plate of rice, and some must take desperate measures to fill their bellies.

[A] traditional Haitian remedy for hunger pangs: cookies made of dried yellow dirt from the country’s central plateau. [The] cookies [are] made of dirt, salt, and vegetable shortening have become a regular meal.

“When my mother does not cook anything, I have to eat them three times a day,” Charlene said. Her baby, named Woodson, lay still across her lap, looking even thinner than the slim 6 pounds, 3 ounces (2.7 kilograms, 85 grams) he weighed at birth.

Though she likes their buttery, salty taste, Charlene said the cookies also give her stomach pains. “When I nurse, the baby sometimes seems colicky too,” she said.


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In the best of wealth

27.04.2009 16:51

Boy! This is shitting sickening. Hordes of global folk starving, yet we have UK billionaires rich enough to eat the best food off solid gold plates if they so wished.

And who makes them rich, well, most of Joe Public, of course, even almost certainly all who read this posting, eh? Well, make them de-rich! Simples! Just don't keep patronising their wares/services. One thing is sure, they'll never become poor, albeit if their wealth is decreasing, eh? Mind you, folks, their decreasing wealth problem will be sickening them. Real sad, that! Not to worry, eh? Because, simply put, nothing much changes, the groaning and moaning still rampaging on.

Francis H. Giles
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27.04.2009 19:18

"The recession has also bitten into the fortune of Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson who has lost £1.5 billion and is now worth £1.2 billion."

Ah, bless. I'll have to stop downloading music so I can throw some money into his empty pockets.

Of course, all this bollocks about the poor old rich losing a bob or two here and there won't stop the government tearing the financial arse out of anyone stupid/immoral/subversive/lazy enough to become unemployed and have to claim benefits.

The day I'll start worrying about the rich is the day they have to consider seriously whether to put the heating on or buy some food. Until then, they can fuck off and (hopefully) die.

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the news is to sell stories to earn people a living

28.04.2009 00:15

I really don't get your point.

Its just news.

A bit of light-hearted factual information to coincide with the rich list. All what its meant to be is something of interest to people whilst sat on the train etc. It doesn't have any purpose. Its just there to read if you want, otherwise don't.

I just don't get why you are trying to strum up some kind of "they want us to feel sorry for them, but look at the starving babies". You'll just trying to make something out of nothing.


ed: I don't think underclassrising is complaining about the news item

28.04.2009 21:17

reply to ed: >

I don't think that is the point that underclassrising is making.

They are just saying fuck the rich, we should be targeting these scum relentlessly. And I, for one, agree with them.
