Don't Separate Ezatullah & Sifatutullah
John O | 27.04.2009 09:36 | Birmingham | World
Ezatullah Hotak a national of Afghanistan, is currently detained in Brook House and due to be forcibly removed to Afghanistan on Tuesday 28th April on the regular 'Ethnic Charter Flight' PVT008 (UKBA Operation Ravel) from Stanstead airport @ 19:30.
Ezatullah escaped the violence in Afghanistan three years ago and arrived in the UK speaking little English. His younger brother Sifatutullah arrived in the UK in 2008, and the two brothers were reunited before Sifatutullah was located to Liverpool by the Home Office.
Ezatullah's asylum claim was rejected, and he was detained for the possession of false documentation on 13/4/09. He has been given 15 days to adjust to this situation, before he is to be returned to Afghanistan on the 28th April 2008.
Ezatullah and Sifatutullah have no remaining family members in Afghanistan. Their parents were killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban. All they have now are each other.
Sifatutullah is vulnerable young man with a learning disability. He has been medically assessed as being around 16 years of age. He is unable to communicate with other Pashtun speakers as a result of his speech impediment. The only person who can understand Sifatutullah is his elder brother Ezatullah.
The contact that Ezatullah has with Sifatutulah is vital for securing Sifatutullahs well being. In addition to the obvious familial contact that Sifatutullah requires, Ezatullah is a valuable interpreter for Asylum Link Merseyside. Ezatullah needs to contact Sifautuullah on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day, to ascertain what Sifatutullah's needs are. Ezatullah is also able to inform Sifatutullah of his reporting obligations and important appointments. Ezatullah is a lifeline for his younger sibling. Sifatutullah may find it impossible to cope without him.
Contact between the brothers is essential for Sifatutullah. Ezatullah was formerly housed in the London area, and Sifatutullah is in Liverpool. Arrangements were in process bringing the brothers together in one town, but this was prevented by Ezatullah's arrest and subsequent detention. Whilst the brothers were awaiting for re-location, Asylum Link Merseyside were able to organise regular visits between the two brothers. This face-to-face contact was vital when Sifatullah was self-harming and was at risk of committing suicide.
Ezatullah's claim for asylum has been refused and all legal avenues exhausted, but no consideration by UKBA has been given to the effect this will have on Sifatutullah.
Ezatullah said "I do not know what I am going back to in Afghanistan. I have nothing left, no family. . . nothing. I am afraid."
Friends of the brother in Liverpool are campaigning to try and keep the brothers together in the UK
Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Ezatullah Hotak be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached "model letter" (EzatullahHotakJS.doc) which you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include his HO ref: H1167839).
Email addresses:
"CIT - Treat Official">
Fax Number: 020 8760 3132
Please send copies of campaign faxes and letters to:
Ezatullah & Sifatutullah Campaign
C/o Kathleen Fitzpatrick
St. Anne's Centre
7 Overbury Street
L7 3HJ
Phone: 077 9112 8955
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Ezatullah & Sifatutullah Campaign
Ezatullah's asylum claim was rejected, and he was detained for the possession of false documentation on 13/4/09. He has been given 15 days to adjust to this situation, before he is to be returned to Afghanistan on the 28th April 2008.
Ezatullah and Sifatutullah have no remaining family members in Afghanistan. Their parents were killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban. All they have now are each other.
Sifatutullah is vulnerable young man with a learning disability. He has been medically assessed as being around 16 years of age. He is unable to communicate with other Pashtun speakers as a result of his speech impediment. The only person who can understand Sifatutullah is his elder brother Ezatullah.
The contact that Ezatullah has with Sifatutulah is vital for securing Sifatutullahs well being. In addition to the obvious familial contact that Sifatutullah requires, Ezatullah is a valuable interpreter for Asylum Link Merseyside. Ezatullah needs to contact Sifautuullah on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day, to ascertain what Sifatutullah's needs are. Ezatullah is also able to inform Sifatutullah of his reporting obligations and important appointments. Ezatullah is a lifeline for his younger sibling. Sifatutullah may find it impossible to cope without him.
Contact between the brothers is essential for Sifatutullah. Ezatullah was formerly housed in the London area, and Sifatutullah is in Liverpool. Arrangements were in process bringing the brothers together in one town, but this was prevented by Ezatullah's arrest and subsequent detention. Whilst the brothers were awaiting for re-location, Asylum Link Merseyside were able to organise regular visits between the two brothers. This face-to-face contact was vital when Sifatullah was self-harming and was at risk of committing suicide.
Ezatullah's claim for asylum has been refused and all legal avenues exhausted, but no consideration by UKBA has been given to the effect this will have on Sifatutullah.
Ezatullah said "I do not know what I am going back to in Afghanistan. I have nothing left, no family. . . nothing. I am afraid."
Friends of the brother in Liverpool are campaigning to try and keep the brothers together in the UK
Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Ezatullah Hotak be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached "model letter" (EzatullahHotakJS.doc) which you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include his HO ref: H1167839).
Email addresses:

"CIT - Treat Official"

Fax Number: 020 8760 3132
Please send copies of campaign faxes and letters to:
Ezatullah & Sifatutullah Campaign
C/o Kathleen Fitzpatrick
St. Anne's Centre
7 Overbury Street
L7 3HJ

Phone: 077 9112 8955
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Ezatullah & Sifatutullah Campaign
John O