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Meeting with MEP candidates on trade and developing countries

Mary Steiner | 26.04.2009 21:35

Making EU trade policy work for the world's poor.

Saturday 16th May, 2pm - 4pm, at Life at the Centre, 22 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 3DA

WDM is holding a public hustings with candidate MEPs to talk about EU trade policy and developing countries.

In the run up to the EU elections MEPs and candidate MEPS will talk about their parties' policies on trade with developing countries.

Tom Davies from the World Development Movement (WDM) will explain why the EU's current trade policies will make poor people poorer, and what the EU should be doing to make trade serve people rather than corporations.

Bill Newton Dunn MEP (Lib Dem), Sue Mallender (Green candidate), Roy Kennedy (Labour candidate) and Derek Clark (UKIP candidate) will talk all be there.

This is a Trade Justice Movement campaign

Mary Steiner
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