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Not Confident - a Petition

Marc Bosewell | 24.04.2009 18:44

Using one of the means of orthodox communication, the Petition, I have started a petition that pushes for a vote of no confidence in the current administration, an emergency declaration of alternative propositions and the institution of proportional representation so that we can start getting the next stage of this post-capitalist boom on the road to sustainability.

The elites suggest we use democratic processes to advance progress, change and "the betterment for all". So I did. If you agree, then please sign the following petition:

If you disagree, then please shape your own and post it. Why not use all available means of communication. There are many in the mainstream who monitor these things to get a juicy tidbit for a story.

The text of the petition reads:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to allow an immediate vote of no confidence in the UK government

Submitted by Marc Bosewell – Deadline to sign up by: 24 April 2010

Category: Government, politics and public administration

More details:

A vote needs to be held in which the electorate are asked to vote for the abolishment of the present administration under emergency provisions. The situation is sufficiently dire to terminate the current administration and to demand a clear set of principles and actions from all those who declare themselves as alternatives. These options need to be based on proportional representation not first past the post. It is time UK democracy grew up.

Please vote to push it through.

Marc Bosewell


Display the following 4 comments

  1. can you clarify — Vince of Cable Street
  2. Sounds like a great idea — anon
  3. and... — whatever
  4. A petition — Stroppyoldgit