Criticizing Israel is Anti-Semitism (by Latuff)
Latuff | 24.04.2009 02:11 | University Occupations for Gaza | Anti-racism | Palestine | Terror War | World
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against US backed IsraHell's state terror.
High resolution version for printing purposes here:
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The way you do sure is!
24.04.2009 16:09
You really do think that they're the worst people in the world, don't you? And you really don't think there's anything racist about singling Israel out like this, do you?
er... no, i don't think so!
24.04.2009 18:42
24.04.2009 19:20
not operator
Actually he's Not A Racist Actually.
24.04.2009 19:57
And just like believing that the Holocaust is a Jewish conspiracy, being obsessed with going on about how evil Israel is all the time is another great sign of Not Being A Racist. Latuff, you are so Not A Racist and it's great to see you post your fab cartoons on this platform for Not A Racists. Hurray!
smooth operator
25.04.2009 06:29
How do you work that out?
Latuff spent time in Gaza over a decade ago, and having seen the conditions that Palestinians were living under (which of course are far worse now) committed himself to using his art in support of the Palestinians.
61 years of killings, detention without trial, torture, checkpoints, siege and landtheft - all of them ongoing to this day - all of them allowed to carry on by the bastions of freedom and democracy that are our states - and you - who no doubt spends most of your time trawling internet forums in support of aforesaid ongoing genocide - think that he should focus somewhere else. (he does other cartoons as well - what do you do besides supporting racist genocide by crying racism?)
As long as hasbarah warriors like yourself exist, there will be people who express their outrage at the persecution of Palestinians.
It is time for the genocide to stop. The blood of 400 Gazan children is on the hands of the hasbarah warriors - and thats just the latest addition in a long line of massacres perpertrated by zionism - to the outrage of many people who are Jewish and many who are not.
Now - which other state behaves like Israel with the unqualified support of the US and UK?
You forgot to mention it in your posts.....
No Justice No Peace
25.04.2009 11:15
FYI, I'm only Jewish in the sense that we are all Jews when holocaust denial and fascism become socially acceptable, because anyone else could be next on the block. Even you, if you fall foul of the Fundies and their cultural imperialism. Ooops - now that you would call racist, wouldn't you?
You fool. Can't you see the worlds a lot more complicated than the John Wayne movie in your head makes it out to be? BTW, I like the way Indymedia has censored the other comment agreeing with me. Thank Pete you're not in power is all I can say, things might be bad now but the likes of you would only make it far, far worse.
- - -
25.04.2009 18:21
Yup - and they closed down the refugee camps, and let everyone return to the land that they'd been living on for generations, right? They closed down the prisons and stopped the torture, correct? They treated Palestinians inside '48 Israel as equals, no doubt?
"and what the hootin' hell is a hasbarah warrior?"
It's someone like you.
The giveaway was when you start suggesting that Israel was unfairly singled out - and by the way - you seem to have avoided this in your response:
[Now - which other state behaves like Israel with the unqualified support of the US and UK?]
You'd need to answer that to prove that Israel was indeed being singled out unfairly. If you think about it, I'm suggesting the complete opposite - that the problem is that Israel is singled out by the US and UK states as being allowed to carry out its murderous (you did watch telly over Christmas I hope) policies without any kind of comeback.
"Oh, I see, a crude racist straw man, as if anyone who criticises the great Latuff and his unqualified support of holocaust deniers and warmongers like Achmedinejad is an evil j0000000000 - right?"
The racist strawman is yours...... you don't have to be Jewish to be a zionist. You're the one suggesting that the two are intercheangeable. Many Jewish people are as strongly opposed to Israeli genocide as Latuff. The claims you make about Latuff are not accurate - but they do highlight your way of thinking (exactly the same as every other Hasbara warrior) nicely.
"FYI, I'm only Jewish in the sense that we are all Jews when holocaust denial and fascism become socially acceptable, because anyone else could be next on the block."
I believe the suggestion in Latuff's entry was that Israel is a nation of Holocaust deniers. And you'll recall that the new Israeli Foreign Affairs minister and Deputy PM is a fully paid up card carrying fascist.
So when you say:
"Can't you see the worlds a lot more complicated than the John Wayne movie in your head makes it out to be?"
I suggest that it is you that sees it in purely simplistic terms.
Its about the Palestinians - they're the real victims here.
But you will never understand that till its too late.
No Justice No Peace
25.04.2009 20:50
As for where else is as eeeevil as the eeevil j000000z, tbh you must be more full of hatred than I thought - a quick glance at the internet any day can show you governments that are far worse than Israel and parts of the world which are treated much worse than Gaza / Palestine. Sub-Saharan Africa comes to mind, milions have died there over the last 10-15 years to satisfy the Wests greed for consumer goods. China does all kinds of bad things in Tibet, and Sri Lanka does bad things to them Tamils that you read about. Then there's Russia which has levelled Chechnya, and of course our own little war on terror, which you'd think was a minor conflict on the fringes to see you lot spout off.
(Just listen to yourselves some day; you'd think that Iraq was a minor skirmish compared to the all-out apocalypse which is PALESTINE!!1)
But then, you say, "all those peopel don't count because they don't have the OMG SUPPORT OF US AND BRITTAIN!!1!1 belm!" (apart from the ones which are the US and Britian obviously). To which I say - who cares? The fact remains that you're perfectly willing to ignore millions of casualties in Africa so you can spent more time having a go at Israel. That smacks of racism to me; it seems like you lot believe that a black man's life is not worth as much as a Palestinian's.
So what's it like being a racist?
racist strawmen
25.04.2009 21:41
Am I?
I'm saying that you have provided evidence to back this up:
"unqualified support of holocaust deniers and warmongers like Achmedinejad"
Yet another of your strawmen ......... the point of the Holocaust cortoon competition was to draw attention to the hypocrisy of the Mohammed cartoons which so many in the West thought were fine - that doesn't translate into unqualified support of something that wasn't even reflected in Latuff's entry.
"But then, you say, "all those peopel don't count because they don't have the OMG SUPPORT OF US AND BRITTAIN!!1!1 belm!" (apart from the ones which are the US and Britian obviously). To which I say - who cares?"
I don't recall saying that at all. Are you sure that isn't another strawman. Of course they count and at no stage did I say that Israel was the only issue - but it is the only repulsive regime that receives unconditional support - and it is quite correct that such unconditional support should be challenged - primarily because of the suffering that is caused to the Palestinians, but also because it makes a complete farce of the pretence that the US/UK give a shit about human rights.
Still, you think its all about 'j000000z' - because its you that keeps referring to them, without so far acknowledging that many people who happen to be Jewish have as much hatred of and anger towards Israel as Latuff does. Perhaps you think of them as 'self-haters'? Thats where they fit into the racist paradigm your mind has been set in.
Anyway - your mind is made up and it isn't going to change. So is mine. And from where I'm sitting zionism is a racist ideology that is fast losing all credibility - the sooner the better.
No Justice No Peace
26.04.2009 13:33
And you support Achmedinejad, and Latuff taking Achmedinejads money, when you know damn well the guy is a David Irving -like holocast denier?
wasting time with more strawmen
27.04.2009 07:39
I never started the competition. But I do understand why it was started - in reaction to western hypocrisy about whether or not it is okay to deliberately offend groups. I don't see anything funny in genocidal behaviour - but then I'm not the one thats arguing that 61 years of racist oppression of an indigenous peoples isn't important - and that making a stand against it is racist,
"And you support Achmedinejad, and Latuff taking Achmedinejads money, when you know damn well the guy is a David Irving -like holocast denier?"
Well, while I can understand how a racist like you thinks all Iranians are Ahmadinejad but he wasn't the person who sponsored the competition or paid the money .
So thats another of your racist strawmen. I'm done with this exchange
No Justice No Peace
My main concern right now is that indymedia is becoming a hangout for these guys
27.04.2009 15:45
And your link also says:
'On February 14, 2006, the editor in chief of Hamshahri commented in Persian that "the purpose of establishing such a competition is not to offend or ridicule anyone, but to do a discussion about the realities of the Holocaust."'
A discussion about the realities of the Holocaust. How very... weaselly.
You do know that you've got at least two holocaust deniers on this site, don't you? Are you one of them?
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