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Stop Deportation Benefit and Info Night - 25th April

Stop Deportation | 22.04.2009 10:09 | Migration

The Stop Deportation Network are having a benefit and info night on Saturday, 25th April. Proceeds will go to funding campaigning and direct action against deportations and charter flights.

@ 100 Flowers Social Centre, 2a Belgrade Rd, N16, London. From 7pm.
£5/3 suggested donation.

Films will include shorts of the Tinsley blockade and other actions and interviews with Iraqi deportees conducted in Iraqi Kurdistan after they were deported. Speakers will include Dashti Jamal of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees.

Don't miss it!

Stop Deportation
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We support everybody threatened with deportation

22.04.2009 14:13

Just to make it clear: we support asylum seekers and other migrants of all nationalities, we just happen to have a particularly good relationship with the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, but if Congolese, Afghani, Tamils, Ethiopians, Somali, Ugandans, Pakistani you name it want to come to this evening - and more generally join our network - they are very welcome. Entry is free for those who are not allowed to work due to immigration restrictions.

one of them