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**Tamil Parliament Protest**

ttt | 20.04.2009 13:00

!!ongoing, support needed!!

Today, Parliament is finally sitting again after having been absent from Westminster for Easter holidays.

Tamils have stepped up their protests, as 10-15 000 protesters are currently blocking Parliament Square and Whitehall, while the riot police is blocking Westminster Bridge.

As a non-Tamil having been on the demos, I was shocked to see how little support there has been from non-Tamil individuals and communities. The Sri Lankan government has used collective punishment, chemical weapons, cluster bombs and bloody counterinsurgency tactics against the Tamil population in Sri Lanka, barring humanitarian and press access.

It's time to show solidarity!



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Support the protests/ numbers?

20.04.2009 14:24

Yes, we must go and show support, but there are only about 6.000 Tamils living in Britain so there can't be 15.000 of them in Westminster unless they came from all over Europe and from Australia too. If the corporate press say 2500 there may be more than that, and more still will be later when people finish working. Get down to parliament and join the protests!



20.04.2009 14:35

where do you get your figure for tamils in the uk??? obviously you did not see the demonstration a few days a go of over 100,000 tamils (stated by the pigs!!!: or do simple research on british demographics:


going well

20.04.2009 18:15

I have been down to the protest today to show my support.
They seem to have caught the Intelligence gathers from the met off guard this morning!
Good luck to them all!



20.04.2009 21:21

Reports on the BBC have just shown aeriel shots of civilians fleeing the conflict zone. Some fleeing report that the Tamil Tigers have been killing those caught escaping as they attempt to retain their human shields. The Tamil Tigers have been accused of human rights abuses, most notably forcibly conscripting children. The Tigers receive significant funds from overseas (particulalry the UK) so presumably many of those demonstrating in London are also implicated in human rights abuses.

Peter Piper


20.04.2009 22:35

"Reports on the BBC have just shown aeriel shots of civilians fleeing the conflict zone. Some fleeing report that the Tamil Tigers have been killing those caught escaping as they attempt to retain their human shields. The Tamil Tigers have been accused of human rights abuses, most notably forcibly conscripting children. The Tigers receive significant funds from overseas (particulalry the UK) so presumably many of those demonstrating in London are also implicated in human rights abuses."

The previous comment is typical of Sri Lankan misinformation. The Tamils have had to put up with this since the Sri Lankans started the operation. It amounts to this.

We are killing the Tamil people and its all their fault.

Circa Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza and now the Tamils. The operation to discredit the Tamils is all part of their eradication.


Srilankan Crisis!

21.04.2009 17:40

This is all I have to say to people of democratic nations of the world if freedom loving people of the democratic world choose to remain to silent over this genocide of Tamil speaking citizens of Sri Lanka they will never be excused and will have blood on their hand.

For those who believe in Karma and wise would know that everyone is responsible for their actions and will have to pay for their actions for all those people who value the life of another Human being and value Justice and Human rights then they should be asking themselves this question, If the Sri Lankan Gov in not committing Genocide of its Minority Tamil speaking people then why then the Sri Lankan government has been refusing to allow Independent monitors and journalist to the conflict zone which is the norm in any conflict! If they are trying to save the Tamil people from the Tamil tigers as they claim, Why then they have been refusing journalist visa to western journalist since last year including the time and Independent form the UK for example? Every time they claim they are trying to save the Tamil people form the LTTE Who’s ways and methods have not always been correct in their struggle to free Tamil the oppressing Sri Lankan state but this has been the case in many freedom struggle in history. So please ask yourself every time Sri Lanka tries justify its Action why is that its not allowing the rest of the world to see what its doing to its own people .What Sri Lanka has to HIDE from the REST OF the WORLD? Have we learned anything at all from the holocaust ? What have these people done to be treated this way? For those who choose to remain silent! You will never be excused !!! God Bless!!

Richard Jones
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