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2500 Tamils gather in Parliament square for rally

reposter | 20.04.2009 11:20 | SOCPA | Repression | Social Struggles | Terror War



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Jam Cams

20.04.2009 13:33

I see as per usual when there is a protest that the BBC have taken the Jam Cam off air.

click the following link for the Whitehall/Parliament Square camera.

nice to see the BBC aiding the openness of our beloved country "this camera is in use keeping london moving."

HMP Britain 2009. one big open prison.

police state

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Proscribed terrorist organisation

20.04.2009 16:12

indymedia once again allowing posts in support of terrorist organisations to be posted.


Can't wait for the FBI to snatch your servers again.

Your server is about to be siezed again!

Jam Cam

20.04.2009 18:15

Jam cam now showing a huge jam of protesters, there looks to be thousands and thousands there. Anyone in London should get down there and show their solidarity.


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