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Register for the Anarchist Movement Conference 2009

Anarchist Conference Movement | 19.04.2009 10:16 | Social Struggles

Anarchist Movement Conference 2009 will happen at Queen Mary & Westfield College on Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th, 2009. The space will include 20 rooms and a large hall as well as a creche for both days. It is a chance to put our ideas on the table and rebuild ourselves. The barriers that exist need to be broken down, the experiences and ideas of those involved in anarchist politics need to be shared, discussed, critiqued and debated. The task is urgent, practical and necessary - are we as a movement mature enough to face the challenge?

The conference is being organised by comrades who have been actively involved in anarchist politics in the UK for decades. The initial call out for the conference was supported by over 60 people from 15 anarchist groups, federations and collectives across the UK. Please visit the website for more information

For comrades from outside London, book your travel down to london and set aside that weekend.

June 6th & 7th will be a historical turning point for anarchist ideas and actions in the UK, take your place at the table and help make a movement!

Anarchist Conference Movement
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Hide the following 29 comments

not wanting to knock anyone but

19.04.2009 12:21

how can it be a requirement of an anarchist conference that registration forms are completed

in our daily lives we are subjected to form after form and each one forms part of the structures of governance and discipline- for more on this see the writings of Foucault

naturally i am sure that in this case the registration form exists to meet the information dependency of the venue regarding numbers etc

this doesn´t stop it from appearing a contradiction in terms


to hildy

19.04.2009 14:11

I know what you mean - and talk of 'Registration' does sound a bit heavy handed. However, I don't think it is a requirement that you preregister (i'm not involved in organising this by the way) and there is an explanation if you follow the link. I'd guess that if you turned up on the day and didn't want to give your name/contact details that would be fine.

The sort of things the registration form are after look pretty practical and useful. I can also see why the organisers want to get some money in beofre the event. I was involved in running Projectile and we had a similar pricing structure (without the Solidarity payment) - and a similar need to get cash in before hand.

Ok then, I think 'Please get in touch beforehand and buy your ticket' might have been better than 'Registration', but i can still see the need for this process.


I'm sure you won't get turned away if you don't register!

19.04.2009 14:25

I'm sure you won't get turned away if you don't register but turn up anyway!

It's usual that organisers want to estimate numbers so they know how much space to arrange and what level of catering etc. I'm sure they don't expect Social Security numbers and passport photos - just use a fake name if you want. FFS.


no brainer

19.04.2009 16:44

I'm sorry but it's a bit silly to think you can organise a conference without any administration. I don't see any contradiction between being an anarchist, and acceptance of minimal levels of administrati on to make something happen. I mean, if we take this argument to the logical end, you are saying that the act of writing as actually against anarchism. What about language? Should we stop communicating too because its oppressive?


The point of registration

19.04.2009 21:39

Hi all,

Thanks for the comments. The idea of registering before is for the following reasons:

1. So we can have enough money (£7,500) to pay for the venue
2. So we can plan the conference better by knowing who and how many are coming
3. So we can allocate people into groups, away from their organisations and out of their comfort zones

As has been stated on the website. The conference aims to be composed of 20 groups of 20 people , each with an equal number of people from anarchist groups from across the UK. Each of the 20 groups will discuss the same 4 key themes which are reflective of the aims of the conference (see the call on the website).

The Final Program (along with the 4 key themes) will be published in the next week. We hope that this is the start of something big but we need people to support it. Anarchists in the UK need to develop politically,we need more co-ordination but also a self-critical analysis of what has failed - and also what has worked. We hope this becomes a yearly fixture that can grow over the years as our movement will hopefully grow and become an active part in supporting struggles against capitalism and the state.

Anarchist Movement Conference 09
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20.04.2009 07:04

"how can it be a requirement of an anarchist conference that registration forms are completed

in our daily lives we are subjected to form after form and each one forms part of the structures of governance and discipline- for more on this see the writings of Foucault

naturally i am sure that in this case the registration form exists to meet the information dependency of the venue regarding numbers etc

this doesn´t stop it from appearing a contradiction in terms"

In what possible sense is this a contradiction in terms?

The government produces pamphlets from time to time, does that make anarchist pamphlets a contradiction in terms?

We don't need the state, but the idea we don't need organisation at all is ludicrous - and sometimes that organisation requires that, er, things be written down.

What's the issue?


@ Anarchist Conference organisers

20.04.2009 08:11

I've just read the call out but I couldn't find what are those 4 key themes the conference will be on.



20.04.2009 08:22


Why not liberate a space? Trying to compete wtih the climate camp bods / dissent for spending money?

still skint


20.04.2009 09:15

Hi again,

As I said in my last comment "The Final Program (along with the 4 key themes) will be published in the next week."

As you imagine it has been a hard slog to try and come up with a structure, format and content. We hope that what has been produced is reflective of the call. This is very much a conference for and by the anarchist movement. It is not the bookfair. There won't be workshops on specific issues.

People are encouraged to organise fringe events in the evening as there are atleast three social centres/spaces in whitechapel (Larc, Freedom, Ramparts). But we don't want any late events on Saturday night as the Sunday will be an important event and final plenary.

In Solidarity

Anarchist Movement Conference 09
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@skill skint

20.04.2009 09:25


The problem is looking at a building that has the space required (one large hall and 20 rooms) plus disabled access, space for creche, hot water, toilets. And having it confirmed 3 months in advanced.

If there were a social centre this big in London then I think it would have been better but there isn't and so we have to pay for such infrastructure.

As for the conference price. It is as cheap as £5 for two days if you are skint and a bargain £15 for people who work. Though we want people to contribute what they can afford and we are desperate of money. If you are in London there are already 2 gigs organised in May (see website)


Anarchist Movement Conference 09
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Well done!

28.04.2009 05:32

Alright there organisers of this event,

Well done, it sounds like it's gonna be good, and very timely too. Ignore the people carping on about money and registration, both are just non issues I think, and have been answered by posts above as to why they are needed.

Looking forward to it. Good effort!

Lev Cheryni

For Crying Out Anarchists!

28.04.2009 11:06

For crying out loud......Some comrades get there gear together to bring some like minded people in one place for a conference about anarchism and the way forward etc, etc, and all loads of people wanna do is talk about admin and security info and squats instead of hiring venues...It's pettiness. Can you see why those that rule the establishment have done so well out of us? Because we bicker, argue and nit-pick at the small things. My friend Smed (a veteran of the Convoys and Beanfield) says the right wing stick together when they have to, but the ultra left/anarchist blocs fall about with sectarianism and arguing which causes the right to succeed time after time . When i see my comrades arguing thus, i start to think my friend is right..............for crying out anarchists, lets just meet up and talk...................leds.


Time to organised in many fronts

04.05.2009 15:00

To find out why we are in a critical state.

Subscribe and open your eyes.


To be organised

solidarity ????

04.05.2009 18:45

anarchist ??? 7.500 pounds to pay the venue ...??? you must be crazy ...get all that money and give to a good cause ...fuking squat a place thousands of emptys places .....get real take from the rich give to the poor no fuking way you can call the venue an anarchist venue ...7.500pounds must be crazy the bus for evrybody to the next g8 thats anarchist movement a.c.a.b


Latest News (07/05/09)

07.05.2009 06:45

Anarchist Movement Conference 2009 in London, UK
June 6th/7th, Queen Mary University, London E1 4NS
web: // email:

In less than 5 weeks The Anarchist Movement Conference will begin. We need as
many people as possible to register for the event. The content and format of
the conference are now online at There is also the
details of the two gigs being organised to fundraise on May 9th and 16th.

As it is our first attempt at this we want to make it as much of a success as
possible by bringing as many anarchists from around the UK down to it. It will
be an excellent opportunity to discuss our ideas, where we are going wrong,
where we are going right and get some sense of ourselves as a relevant

To register for the conference please download the form at: and either send a cheque or if in
London hand it in at Freedom. We will also be having a registration stall at
both London benefits, so bring extra funds.

Ultimately the conference is what we make it, it can be a vital part to the
growth of our movement and hopefully become a yearly point of convergence for
all of us.

In Solidarity

Anarchist Movement Conference 09

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13.05.2009 00:21

Anarchy is NOT about squats, it is NOT about politics and it is NOT about ideology. (though all three feature in varying forms in anarchist lore.)

Anarchy is about trust.

Adults trusting children = education driven by childrens genuine needs and their innate intelligence.

Adults trusting each other = a willingess to communicate openly and transparently

Communities trusting each other = a means to echange goods and services for the good of all

Humanity trusting nature = Ecologically sustainable practices.

The organisers of any event need to know that their predictions as to the costs of that event will more or less be met. To not pay attention to that is irresponisble, and even then it can happen that costs are NOT met...

For example, the BIg Green Gathering had to shut down in 2008 because the costs imposed by policing conditions were too high. The organisers did as much as they could to raise the money needed. If every person attending had taken a tenner out of their pockets and given it to the BGG, the event would have retained it's independent grass roots base.

Unfortunately that did NOT happen and the grass roots movement failed to measure up to the task.

I use this as an example to show that the grass roots - YOU and I - are still far from ready for anarchy (self-responsibility) - we have a lot of personal work to do to get the transpersonal into shape if we are to honour the future generations of children to come.

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be really anarchic and write in the form upside down

14.05.2009 22:39

go on ; )


The Jesuit Conference 09?

15.05.2009 11:03

Getting a bunch of people who are already anarchists to sit in the rented rooms of a posh university for the weekend is simply an exercise in navel gazing.

It is tactically the last thing UK Anarchists need to do now.

Whitechapel has Freedom Bookshop, LARC & the Rampart Centre.

It also has a central Park space (Altab Ali) which could be used for open air PUBLIC meetings.

It also has a large number of pubs that could provide function room space for free.

It also has a number of empty buildings as well as dozens of squats.

If people are serious about building an anarchist movement people need to move away from the inward looking activist mindset, it is time to engage the public who have never been more distrustful of authority, capitalism or the political system per se.

The money to rent the building could be spent on a wide ranging propaganda campaign targeting the Bankers, The Police and The Politicians and the "conference" could be a weekend of events with a wide variety of speakers (like what we have at the bookfair) with an outward looking perspective that is speaking to society at large.

The trajectory of this conference is firmly placing anarchists as outside and separate from society, in short people who already have the answers, who have read the right books etc etc

This conference is not going to attract anyone new and nothing positive will come out of it.

Anarchists need to confront the state and society with radical ideas and actions now more than ever not throw money away organising exclusive events I mean King Leoplod the 2nd laid the foundation stone in main hall at Queen Marys FFS!!!

Yes the genocidal Belgian King hardly a lineage we should be following.

Malatesta would not be impressed!!

Nestor "badko"


15.05.2009 18:54

keyboard warrior alert! "I think you should do this" , "why aren't you doing that" blah blah.

Who cares what you think? Do you think Indymedia is a good forum for this discussion? Why don't you email the organiser ( with your suggestions? Why don't you come to the numerous meetings over the last 6 months.

It takes alot to get a conference like this organised and it works with people supporting the initiative. There is nothing "un-anarchist" about hiring a university building to discuss and meet other anarchists? Would you want us to generate our own electricity, run our own water, breathe anarchist air!!

And to make it clear to you. this is a conference BY and FOR anarchists to discuss improving our movement. Why have a public meeting Altab Ali park? To say what? That the police are bad? That the politicians are liars? Don't you fucking think people know that!!

We've been involved in anarchist politics for decades, been there, done that and bought the T-shirt. We need a serious movement talk so we can move forward with some sense of collectivity and sense of purpose not empty slogans.

See you at the Conference!!

An Anarchist of London

@ "Anarchist"

15.05.2009 18:56

Your confusing being a dickhead with being an anarchist, maybe stick with being a dickhead and we will stick with being anarchists. Agreed?

An Anarchist of London

@ Anarchist

16.05.2009 09:25

Bit harsh.


A evidence gathering

28.05.2009 17:29

exercise from the plod if you ask me.Register your details and hey presto! Never heard anything more silly in all my years in activisim.Hiring out universities when they`re getting occupied.Wake up,we`re all sleepwalking into an Orwellian nightmare.



29.05.2009 17:02

Queen Mary is hired out every year by anarchists for the London anarchist bookfair. Registration is for the purpose of splitting people up into group who are from the same town or group so as to make the meetings more dynamic and representative of the anarchist movement.

Tell me which universities are occupied? I can tell you, zero!


Last Day to register for Anarchist Movement Conference 2009 at half price rates‏

30.05.2009 09:22

A final reminder that the deadline for advance registrations to the Conference is tomorrow - Sunday 31 May.

You can register and make payment in the following ways:

1. By PayPal. Visit the link from the conference website to make online payment. Send us your registration details by mailing . The form is available from

2. In person at Freedom Books. Payment and completed registration forms can be handed in at the Bookshop, open on Saturdays between noon and 6pm and Sundays noon till 4pm. The bookshop is in Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX. The alley is next to the KFC near Aldgate East tube, Whitechapel Art Gallery

Registration on the first day of conference takes place between 9-10am only. Queues are likely to be long and rates will be more expensive - dont say you havent been warned!! ;-)

Reggy Stration
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£7500 and what is Anarchy/Anarchism

02.06.2009 12:34

£7500 to rent a venue for a anarchy conference is if you ask me, madness. you can rent rooms in hotels for less than that.

To find out what Anarchism really is read the following blog post:

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03.06.2009 07:06

First of all, its not an "anarchy conference" it is the anarchist movement conference.

The price for hire at the university if just one portion of the £7,500 costs. The rest is with publicity, admin and other expenses. Queen Mary University is cheap compared to most other places and anarchists have a good relation with them due to the fact that a very large and successful anarchist event, the London Anarchist Bookfair, happens their every year.

Anyway, if you don't agree with it - don't come! :-0)


"The" anarchist movement conference.Do organisers own anarchism?

07.06.2009 13:11

, & seems your trying to direct anarchism where it has been going maybe for over a hundred years rather than discuss where the movement can go successfully,?I hope not. Wish work, finances& allowed me to go too.
Well done for organising it though, hope it goes well anyway & that abit of £$ doesnt divide us again in future.
For 7,500 I know people who could have made v large portable luxury portable geodomes or polytunnels& could have done up a van to move them, oh well

Would you agree with Crasses song that went like this if I remember right, I know you want to include people from other class in a working class movement, but Marx a middle classer backed by corporate industrialist Engels himself & Bakunin abit of a aristocrat wording divides anarchism as a peoples movement
W/C,M/C its all of shit,
W/C,M/C its all of shit,
its all a load of shit

Anarcho democrat


07.06.2009 22:30

Just returned from the conference and want to say many thanks to all who put work into making it happen. It was just what was needed. And one of the things many agreed on is that we need to organise ourselves more - so please no nitpicking about stupid issues like registration forms. If you don't like how it was done, what's to stop you from organising a similar gig but to your ideas? (If it's possible without a firmed-up venue and ideas of who's coming beforehand). The organisation on this event was spot-on. I am proud to be part of a movement that could organise this.
