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Iraqi Resistance Sniper

Jenny | 17.04.2009 14:26 | Analysis | Iraq | Terror War

This is about the Iraqi Resistance against US Imperialism and Occupation.

Iraqi Resistance Sniper

“The Iraqi Resistance has taught the world of oppressed nations and societies that a self sufficient resistance movement in our modern times is possible (…)”
1920 Revolution Brigades, Iraq

When a small and poor country becomes occupied by an arrogant, imperialist Superpower, the people have the choice between becoming their slaves and selling out their rights or to fight.
“We do not believe that the clash of civilizations is necessary, and we are not interested in bloodshed, but this war has been forced on us and we have no choice but to defend out faith, our country, and our future - even if the fighting lasts for many generations…”
Islamic Resistance Movement Iraq (Hamas of Iraq)

The Iraqi people waged a guerrilla war (Jihad) against the most powerful army in the world. They used improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against their Vehicles, fired Mortars and Rockets on their Bases and attacked the Soldiers with Sniper rifles, those soldiers who crossed the ocean to invade their country and then tortured innocent people in prisons like Abu Ghraib, raped little girls like they have done in Mahmudiyah, bombarded cities with white phosphorus like Fallujah.
This exclusive Documentary doesn’t include new Videos. Rather, it combines nine powerful Sniper Compilations from Iraqi Resistance Organizations, not to forget all the Clips from the other Factions.

IF YOU know the suffering of Iraq,
or if you know the history of western colonialism, or if you know the many Crimes carried out by U.S. Imperialism, then you will be happy to see this US Army attacked and defeated by simple people who decided not to become a silent slave of a foreign and unjust power.

IF YOU are related to the US Army,
you will see what your criminal government don’t want you and your comrades to see – they simply don’t care about your lifes, they lied on you and they will never visit your funeral. They hide such videos from their TV stations, they cover the true numbers of fallen soldiers and contractors, and they even cover the true cost of this war.
We ask you to listen carefully to the four included English Messages from important Iraqi Resistance Factions – they aren’t terrorists, they don’t invade America and use Napalm bombs against Los Angeles and New York! But they tell you the “Hidden Facts”: They will help you to get out of Iraq, if you are there, and they ask you to do everything to help them to get the troops out of Iraq so they don’t have to die while the suffering of the Iraqis would come to an end.

Victory to the Iraqi Resistance!
Down with bloodthirsty US Imperialism!
All foreign troops out of Iraq!
Boycott corporate propaganda Media!
Antiimperialist Media
April 2009

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Long live to the antifascist antiislam movement

17.04.2009 19:38

I salute all the iraqi resistance fighters defending themselves against foreign talibans invading the country.


Being defeated

17.04.2009 21:59

The Iraqi insurgency/resistance is in pretty rapid decline. However one measures its intensity, whether it is by the number of Coalition casualties, by the number of Iraqi government casualties, by the number of bombings and attacks, 2009 has seen less insurgent activity than 2008 while 2008 saw less than 2007.

I don't think it will be so long before it is sent the way of the once fearsome Chechen jihad and becomes no more than a few small scale isolated attacks.

For this we should be glad. However much we dislike our governments and however wrong it was to invade Iraq, if these insurgents ever took power in Iraq they would surely set up an exceptionally brutal regime to match the worst of Saddam Hussein, Stalin's USSR or Taleban Afghanistan.


Support Iraqi Resistance

18.04.2009 00:12

It's very wrong to say that the Iraqi Resistance - which is declining in US Propaganda dreams only - would set up a taleban/Stalin Style regime. Its very sad that most people dont know this resistance movement very well, however, this is what they want in their own words:

“We are a faction of the resistance, which is working to liberate Iraq, preserve its unity, and to destroy the American project with all its products, and the establishment of a justice state which does not exceed the human rights.”
“We believe that the expulsion of the occupation will provide a suitable ground for the Iraqis, and Iraqis experienced and learned important harsh lessons about the forms of ethnic and sectarian parties who came with the occupation, it can be beneficial to the Iraqis to choose the form of the State, which serve their religion and their country and the future generations, the Iraqis are capable to make the right choice.”

Also interesting:


Ignorant People

18.04.2009 22:11

The Arab christians have lived peacefully with the Muslims for centuries when they had an Islamic state.
When the muslims took back Jerusalem from the fundamentalist European christian crusaders they allowed the non muslims to live in Jerusalem and practice their own religion.
Despite the bloody massacres of muslims by the fundo Christian crusaders!
Iraq at the moment has a puppet government. The US and UK stole millions of barrels of oil which was not even metered or billed.
Was Iraq better under Saddam? Absolutely without a doubt. Those who did not wish to challenge the dictator at least could live in security with out fear of US missiles or blackfalg operations by the "Brave British" lads. Remember the two caught in Basra with car bombs dressed as Mehdi army! MILLION PLUS DEAD IRAQIS due to US and UK>
Did I support Saddam? No I hated his guts after he went to war against Iran at the request of his then American paymasters! Although Saddam gained some respect when he stayed in Iraq and chose to fight the occupying forces and not run to Sudan or Saudi. Even his criminal sons who were vicious when Saddam was in power but they fought the Americunts till the last breath including Saddams 14 year old grandson.
Remember the extremists reaction from the Arab and Muslim world is due to decades of occupation, colonisation, oppression! Every action will have a reaction! And 9/11, 3/11 and 7/7 was a reaction, no matter how vicious or deadly those acts were. It does not change!
Go Iraqi resistance and rid your country of Occupying forces, spies and traitors!
The Iraqis are more than capable of establishing their own democracy and if the middle eastern countries wish to merge into one country before the French and British strategically carved it up and appointed puppet kings then that is a matter for the Arabs not US Europeans!

Educate Yourself