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G20 Victim Sell herself to Max Clifford for £50000

Loppy | 16.04.2009 16:26 | G20 London Summit

Nicola Fisher sells herself to the media thanks to the direct help given by us and Indymedia...

Sell Out...
Sell Out...

What a disgraces, defeating the whole point of the demo only to flounder at the first hurdle called Max Clifford.

If there anyone here should be making money here is Ian Tomlinson Family for the "private prosecution" that will enviably will happen. If she does "cash in" she should certainly give 100% to the decease family.

I really angry that information given freely via indymedia is being use to benefit her bank account.. Utter disgrace.

Stories such as "I'm Traumatise" will will be certainly throw out of court and the IPCC will look like a laughing stock in consideration of what going on in more serious courts case coming. This is most unhelpful and selfish.

Please tell me this is not happening...



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Maybe she's a stooge.

16.04.2009 16:43

An agent provocateur? Who is she? What is known about her? What is her history?

George Smiley

At least the video got publicity

16.04.2009 16:45

Ok, I am NOT seeking to defend her profiting from this. I assume from her presence at the demo she has some morals and will give the ill-gotten money to someone in need. I really hope that.

But I'm glad she went to Max Clifford. I heard a Sky anchor criticise why she went to the media and not the IPCC, but clearly the only way to bring about change is to bring the brutality to the attention on the media. I think we owe the fact that kettling is now under review to the publicity that came of this video. I think the good this might bring (ignoring my skepticism for a minute) eclipses the bad of her profitting from the video. After all, its only money, and if there's one the thing the G20 protest taught me its that there's more to life than that.


Wait before judging

16.04.2009 17:20

My initial thoughts of this were of outrage, but then I thought she is unlikely to get any other kind of justice. And who are the Sun to criticise? They pay out to people for their stories on a daily basis yet don't like it when an "anticapitalist" does it. I see no hypocrisy here, a capitalist is someone who owns the means of production; and opportunism (whether political or financial) is something we all partake in. Let's hope she spends it on some worthwhile activist cause.


Oh come on.

16.04.2009 17:22

Fact one, this story is not worth £5k let alone £50k. Fact two, If you hear the name Max Clifford: its a lie.

Its just an example of how opportunists work. Max Clifford exploits cancer. He makes money from death. He's an insect.

Max Clifford = Distraction.

Glass houses

16.04.2009 17:23

Before attacking somebody you don't know, perhaps assume the best from them instead of the worst. For all you know she already plans to give the money to the work of the climate camp legal team or similar worthy cause working on this mater.

don't jump to hasty conclusions


16.04.2009 17:52

As has been said, first wait to see what she does with the wedge before judging her for inappropriate opportunism. If it helps to get the story out about police brutality, then I don't care if she makes money out of it.

seani fool

what a load of b*****ks i know nicky

16.04.2009 18:26

ive known nicky for 3 years and she's a quite lass who used to volunteer and help me with animal care ..she had 12 press wazerks outside her flat and was petrfied and had to go into hiding then someone in her family started to blab so she went to look for help ...max clifford being a name she ended up with him...she's not getting 50 grand and i'd of thought people like us would know better that to believe wats in the paper.... she went to a demo first time in years and got attacked by a snodger across the face then tw***ed across the legs for asking why? my gawd the movent needs to stick together not slagging each other off

le gob

le gob

Well said Le Gob

16.04.2009 18:46

Idiots jumping to conclusions it seems ought to check their own sub-conscious. Just remember when you point the finger you have three pointing back at yourselves. Stop being gossiping media junkies.


Good on her!

16.04.2009 18:59

The poor girl got a bashing from the filth. Why not make a few quid from it from the press? I would.


Good for her!

16.04.2009 19:33

I notice that some of the papers slagging her off for dealing with Clifford are the same ones that posted messages on Indymedia, asking her to talk to them a few days ago. Hypocrisy much?

Cops got paid for G20 violence, newspapers made money printing nonsense about us, why shouldn't Nicky from the animal shelter get a little too?

Having said that, if you're reading this Nicky: Get a rucksack to carry your stuff around in, the pink boutique carrier is a little ostentation given the circumstances!


Jocasta Woolfolk


16.04.2009 19:36

The Law obviously are not going to protect anyone who does not agree with the present junta in Downing Street, a PR is going to protect their "investment"

Capilalism is a politacal system. Getting some money from someone is an evil necessity of being alive. Those of you who have their concious ravaged by this evil money I am quite willing to relive you of the stress. Post a nessage to me and I'll send my bank details.

It has taken at least a decade for "kettling" to get into the mass media, anything to keep it there: Good.

The TSG is still not getting the love and attention it desrves from the mass media, PR firms can maybe help in this. The TSG is nothing more than the SPG with different letters; how long before the axes and chains come out again? The TSG should never have been formed, never mind dis-banded.

mail e-mail:
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Well done to max clifford for pay, do some here want us all to live on peanuts??

16.04.2009 20:05

hope she gives some to others who deserve it too

Green Syndicalist


16.04.2009 21:16

"If you hear the name Max Clifford: its a lie.

Its just an example of how opportunists work. Max Clifford exploits cancer. He makes money from death. He's an insect."

Hear hear. I'm not a violent person by any means but I believe that Max Clifford should be painfully put to death at the very earliest opportunity. An evil, evil man.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Yet another example of how shit indymedia is

16.04.2009 21:55

Bitching and slagging people off. You got to wonder why anyone bothers to read this shit, it's worse than the mainstream.



17.04.2009 01:02

It ain't that hard to resist temptation...

Not long ago I had the Mail waving £2500 cash in a brown envelope through my letterbox for a story on 'our cause' and the Times and others offering money as well as the other broadsheets and tabloids (who actually share the same journos to write the same story in different language for the different papers) hanging around for three days not offering us cash but wanting to cover us and harrassing us in and out of our home...

Yeah, what happened to the lady in question was not good and I saw it over the road with my own two eyes while kettled in the middle of the square but fkn Max Clifford.... Pfffff.... She's just opened herself up to flak from the same people that print his shite seven days a week anyway, not just the activist crowd...Think of the legitimacy that her publicising through such shit terms gives her ot the movement... Yeah, take some money from compensation but selling your minor 'brutality' (standard police behaviour) story to MC or the Tabs is bullshit...

People like that sensationalise and take away from what the real subject is when there are issues running much deeper than a damned media battle between 'right' and 'wrong', 'good' and bad'...

Mr, Hmmmmmm...

Honestly; Max Clifford is not an insect

17.04.2009 02:46

He doesn't have wings for a start!!

Let's keep to reality shall we?

Biologically; he is human.


And the main point is...

17.04.2009 07:47

Make a few bucks selling story to the press VS making a complaint to the MET / IPCC and / or trying to sue the police over a protracted period probably taking YEARS and in the end getting sod all...

In fact you can do all three! Yipee!

But often a solicitor will tell you you don't stand a chance of being able to sue the police - or that it's not worth it because all you might get would be a few hundred quid.

Another relevant point is that the press will use all the free content they can - send us your pictures (for free!!) then we don't have to pay freelance photographers - easy.

Post your videos on youtube, then we can feature the content without paying you for your video - great!! And we can select the portion of the video we want to show - bugger context - this new web stuff is great isn't it!

While the words 'max clifford' may be a bit untasteful, a few grand (perhaps) for pics and stories the press were going to print anyway is hardly a sell out. Get some perspective.

The only inportant thing about all this media interest in policing post G20 is, as a few other commenters have said, that it should be stressed that it is a systemic thing, and not just a few isolated examples of one or two cops being overly violent. At least the Guardian features the police attack on the Climate Camp in their youtube video clip compilation:

So the police now have their 'g20 youtube investigation team', brace yourselves for the future announcement that they are now investigating x incidents of disturbing police misconduct from viewing all youtube clips, but that they are now also seeking to identify x people who were shown perpetrating offences in the clips.

This girl does not deserve criticism, she did not post the pictures or footage of what happened to her and did not seek the publicity, but then she has had to deal with the publicity fall out following publication on Indymedia and then the mainstream.

The press have often picked up leads from Indymedia, some good, some bad, some downright soundbite misleading, others like the witness statements and video published on Indymedia London on Friday 3rd about the events surrounding the police attending the scene of the collapse of Ian Tomlinson have been instumental in getting to the truth behind events.

I think you will find if you want to look for sell outs and the like, people posting unedited video onto youtube and other websites are a real risk to the safety of others. That's not to say filming and publishing is a problem, just that publication is now so easy and mobile video cameras so ubiquitous that the art of selection seems to have quite a way to go before it catches up.

Anyway, debate is good, mud slinging is a diversion.


This is rubbish that should be left with the Sun...

17.04.2009 14:09

This 'story' is stupid. Please remove it Indy.



17.04.2009 15:09

"If you hear the name Max Clifford: its a lie."

so, um, who is max clifford then? and why is he despised?

seani fool

Japanese Battlefield technique

17.04.2009 18:34

From the pictures in todays newspaper, it is apparent that both the thug allegedly assaulting this woman and the other allegedly murdering Mr Tomlinson, use the same technique to assault their victims. It is a martial arts battlefield technique aimed at debilitating or killing. It is not crow control at all.

The blow was aimed at the legs for pressure points on the thighs or at the back of the knees. The blow, aimed downwards, uses a technique that requires practice to do correctly. Once done correctly, the technique leaves the victim with bruising and nerve damage. A quick shove would leave the victim on the floor dazed and confused. The simple fact is this was not an accidental injury but a practiced and targeted blow that can only be intended to inflict very serious and debilitating injury.

This suggests these thugs premeditated their assaults by conspiring with other like minded individuals and that they practiced their violent techniques. They sought "a victim on the day". This disturbing kind of conspiracy becomes even more outrageous when combined with kettling thus allowing thugs to be directed to victims by co-conspirators. The dual offender technique allows one thug to indicate the victim without overt violence thus directing the second thug to subsequently assault the victim. It is an opportunistic crime that relies on the kettling of people into a small space in order to prevent effective observation of the crime taking place.

The insistence of not segregating these thugs from peaceful and naive protestors ensures that thugs can select victims in order to draw people into a series of escalations resulting, almost inevitably, in serious injury and death. Which begs the question of why the police stood by and allowed these assaults to take place? Are they derelict in their duties or simply perverting the course of justice?

Enzo Hattori

Good for her!

17.04.2009 19:49

So what if she makes 50 thousand or a 100 thousand? If the tabloid press are prepared to pay for it then good for her. She was the one who got smacked in the head and hit on the legs.
And I am no fan of Max Clifford but to be honest it was good that he was contacted because very few publicists are as successful as Max Clifford. He has the contacts in media and a pretty good idea how much can be made from aparticular story.
I agree some of the stuff Max Clifford has been involved in is not good and sometimes representing not so nice characters but he gets result for his customer.
The tabloid media are now mentioning that she was a drug addict, so fucking what? WHat is the fucking relevance to this stpry of police brutality? Was she she high on drugs and did she attack the police officer? NO So typical tabloid cockroaches trying to write crap about the person whether it is true or not or whether it is relevant or not!

John Smith

le gob give us the full story for free then?

18.04.2009 02:11

le gob, give us the full story for free then since you know her so that I don't have to go an buy the newspaper... I sure you won't mind in doing that... then maybe I change my mind about this as an opinion poll it stands 44% against and 56% for her actions. So I am not alone in this, I cannot see any justification in selling out when so many given information free to the media.

I think indymedia to their full credit have been very brave to allow this post to stand whilst so many wanted to gag or delete or ostracism a different point of view on this. Surely you can see that, give us the full story or has Max gagged her from doing so?


Fair play to you, girl

19.04.2009 01:02

I've witnessed police violence to people who I love, and been lifted for speaking out against it (funny how one day you're a sergeant dragging a woman across the road by her hair, then you rise through the ranks to be deputy chief constable admin. - but that's by the by because people didn't carry camera phones, or cameras to go up the pub in them days).

I, and the person I witnessed being so abused, have also been at the receiving end of the whiney 'holier-than-thou' attitude of 'the right-on crew' (or whatever incarnation moralising anarcho-politicoes assumed a few years ago). The stuff about 'well, I hope she hands it over to Ian Tomlinson's family' is just so much moralising shit. To paraphrase Guy Debord - 'we are all living in contradiction', that is, we're living in the shit of compromise and resignation. Certain poseurs might like to dress up their activism, their 'political crime' - peace-nikkery, animal lib, climate, etc. - as a cut above the 'social crime' of shoplifting, or even taking Max Clifford's shilling - but it's difficult to live according to the perfect standards of said social puritans (who are either hypocrites or have a nice trust fund tucked away), so I'm not begrudging Nicola Fisher getting a few bob for her trouble, whatever reservations I do have about it in the 'broader scheme of things'.

In the shit anyway


20.04.2009 13:37

If you've never dealt with the press yourself then you probably don't fully understand what led her to employ an agent aka sell out. This womans granny and neighbours will have had grown men jump out of bushes photographing them. If the 'journalists' aren't getting the story you want, or suspect you are talking to another paper, they will soon start just shouting abuse in the hope you will react. And mixed in with that other folk will suddenly be soft-soaping you.

Until Indymedia and such groups get a defence team in place for accidental activists like this woman, then she is entitled to defend herself by any means she is desperarate enough to grasp for.
