Climate Raids - Police Wrongly Break Into School and Seize Learning Equipment
imc | 14.04.2009 15:14 | Climate Chaos | Education | Repression
When the police raided a community centre in Sneinton, Nottingham yesterday morning to bust an alleged 'climate activists plot', they entered buildings which are part of a bigger complex. The ones they forced entry into are mainly empty with a few local business's renting space in them. It is reported that this is were the 114 arrests were made.
Next door to these buildings, at the bottom of the hill on street level, is where the Iona School is based. The Iona school is an independent school which exists through fund raising and is a registered charity. When the police raided the other buildings, the registered key holder for the school actually turned up to let the police in, but was then told NO, 'sorry we don't need you' and turned away. The police THEN smashed there way in through a number of the doors to the school. Once inside they then also smashed open lockers and cupboards and took away essential equipment from the school and made (according to locals) 'a right mess'.
Indymedia user Sneintonite commented: " I live in Sneinton, am a community activist and know a bit about what happened. Now the point I'd like to make is that one anything taken away by the police was not connected to the action planned and that two the school may have to close down because of this damage caused by the police. The school cannot afford to repair and replace the damage done and as many of you know, it will take months for the police to shell out for the damage and return the evidence and weapons. (I mean school equipment!) The people behind this planned action should be asking themselves how the police knew all about it (114 people in a direct action is a hard number of people to keep a secret!), but maybe they should also be asking themselves why choose a school in the middle of a residential area to meet up at. "
Maybe the 114 people are willing to come down and help the school survive this crisis, because it is a fair bet the police won't be helping out!
More information about the school:
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14.04.2009 15:41
Anyone who upsets the status quo is going to have their property smashed up and their liberty taken from them. The same applies to anyone, knowingly or unknowingly, asscociated with them. No exceptions or excuses.
The best way to deal with terrorists is to either lock them up, smash their property, or kill them.
This is a private school!
14.04.2009 16:26
fuck the private sector
Re: fuck the private sector
14.04.2009 16:48
If you want to comment, then at least comment on things you know. I appreciate your trot views on smash the classes, but this is a tiny school in a shit building with limited resources. Not some place with polo ponies outside!
The school follows steiner principles, don't know much about it myself, but maybe better to teach things to kids outside of the government controlled eduction system that you would prefer. Look up Steiner and see what it's about.
My original post was trying to keep people informed about the situation at the school. A school that has been smashed up because the police don't give a shit. This is not a place to start discussing the in's and out's of our education system.
As I mentioned if anyone wants to help out in Nottingham with repairs or help then please contact the school. It is a valuable part of the Sneinton community and would show the press that we ain't all bad. If you want to sit on your arse moaning about everything, but doing nothing then just shut up. You make no difference to the world we live in!
Thanks Sneintonite
14.04.2009 17:40
state the obvious
State the obvious
14.04.2009 18:42
My comments at the bottom of my article basically agrees with what you are saying? Lazy bastards who don't do anything!
Maybe my dig at the actual activists was a bit close to the bone, I applaud the activists actions mate! Well done to em, they are all heroes in my eyes. I was just thinking that as activists then maybe they would be willing to repair the damage done by the police, the reason the school was raided because it happened to be in a location that the activists chose as a location for a meet. The mainstream media are trying to pin the blame for their actions on the activists, turning up to help the school can only be an good thing. At the minute residents in Sneinton are blaming the activists for it all. I know and you know that is bullshit, but the general public gets there info from the mainstream press.
If your comments about doing stuff and the importance of action on the climate are aimed at me then just know that I work for a local climate change charity as a community activist actively working with communities to reduce carbon (so know a little bit about climate change!!) and in my spare time am involved in local Sneinton transition movement and am also just helping the school apply for a wind turbine on the land at the back (in my spare time).
I have also been in touch with the school to offer to help with repairs, what you offering other than criticism?
Insurance pay out
14.04.2009 18:59
stuck up north
14.04.2009 19:51
New Labour Nazis
14.04.2009 20:37
Although you wouldn't know it from visiting Indymedia UK, Blair has announced National Service for all young people to coincide with the raising of the school-leaving age to 18. Idiots that think National Service will be avoided by a Conservative victory before 2011 will find the same proposals promised in the forthcoming Conservative manifesto. There is a two fold significance to these coming changes.
Firstly- the right to educate at home is to be abolished. The reason is that since young people can not claim benefit before 18, Blair has no financial leverage over them. The extension of the current school leaving age to 18 could currently be fulfilled by the young person educating themselves at home, with the excellent assistance of the Internet. Today, this would be completely legal. Do you think Blair is raising the school leaving age, only to have thousands of young people say "F**k you Blair".
Home-schooling is illegal in Germany, so the state has exclusive rights of indoctrination. Blair will use this model as an excuse to end home-schooling in Britain. Private schools will still be allowed, of course, since they are still under effective government control.
Secondly- National Service requires access to the young people, something that cannot happen if they are at home educating themselves (which is completely legal today for 17 and 18-year olds). Once the principle of National Service passes into British law, the duration and nature of the service can be varied without further votes in the Houses of Parliament. Blair's puppet (remember, Blair will be permanent president of the EU by then), be they Conservative or New Labour Nazi, will have absolute power to create an enforced Blair-youth military program.
The National Service program was created by a 'NGO' headed by Blunkett, and was floated as a Common Purpose document a few months back. It became official New Labour Nazi policy in that tiny period of time, giving you a clear insight into the operation and purpose of Common Purpose.
The real war is always a war for the minds of the young. When Blair's uniformed thugs smashed up this school, and mass arrested people associated with it, they were sending a clear message- dissent, and Blair will silence you, in that good old Hitler, Stalin, Mao fashion.
Tomorrow will be worse than today
this info really needs to go mainstream
15.04.2009 00:01
School was "innocent bystander" in this
15.04.2009 09:01
Help wanted ?
15.04.2009 10:13
I loathe Steiner schools ( and the fee is £3,800 ) but I know this isn't the time or place for bitching. I think Sneintonite is quite right to ask for protestors here to help repair the school, you should always take full responsibilty for clearing up any camp. It'd also be perfect publicity to repair what the police break. Not all the protestors will be social anthropologists and marine biologists, at least a few will be, or be friends with, a joiner who can fix the doorframes. Some will be teachers who could help out with lesson plans. Everyone could collect some kids books and crafts and send them to the school.
Sneintonite, if the school do want protestors to help then ask them for a list of the damage and of the confiscated equipment and posts it here, preferably with a few photos so the work can be estimated.
"we will fix it, we will stitch it, we will make it new, new, new"
Should offer to help people
15.04.2009 11:29
fixing the damage isn't accepting responsibilty for it though. That should be made clear.
why the 114 have to do it?
15.04.2009 14:04
however, i can't help but wonder why y'all are saying "the activists" should repair the school, by which i am presuming you mean the 114 arrestees.
i totally agree that it would be right and proper (and good PR) for folks from the wider activist community in nottingham and their friends to offer help to the school.
it just seems like the actual arrestees surely have enough to deal with this week?
how about those in nottingham who have been posting about this go do it themselves? tell the school you are part of the same community as those arrested, do it on their behalf, but do it yourselves.
consider it arrestee support and solidarity.
just wondering
Think before you type
15.04.2009 20:23
Also, can I suggest that people think about the comments and reports they put up in relation to the alleged incident. People have been arrested under conspiracy and don't need people who don't know what they are talking about putting up ill thought out comments.
why are indymedia comments so shit
15.04.2009 20:57
The steiner school was not used by the 114 people arrested, they were using a different part of the complex,
The police either didn't have enough intelligence to raid the correct part of the building (which sadly seems unlikely), or they just enjoy smashing stuff up for the sake of it.
The special needs school was also smashed up by the cops, leaving glass all over the carpet and forcing the school to cancel the day nursery and loss around £500 in revenue.
The school was offered help fixing the damage and cleaning up but they did not want the help. The insurance company has looked at the damage and agreed to pay.
Now perhaps people could stop talking shit.
15.04.2009 22:48
Would that some of the various posters above demonstrate such qualities. Would that all schools demonstrate such qualities.
While there is justifiable reason to be angry at much, if not most, of what Government and Corporate activity results in, that anger has to be harnessed and then focussed to be an effective driver of change. Abusive commentary negates such a drive.
One of the FACTS about State Complusion Schooling is that the processes children are subjected to will give rise to anger, an anger that many may find hard to manage, mostly because it was their own parents who, in good faith, sent them to state schools (and who what child wishes to direct anger at their parents) and because the design of state compulsion schooling SYSTEMS per se tends towards exterting adverse control over pupils lives in ways which the pupil is disempowered - and within that there is a huge conspiracy of silence with regard to this FACT. Teachers and Administrators refuse to blow the whistle to protect their income and careers. "It's more than my jobs worth..."
That leaves many young people very, very angry yet without a place to direct that anger at.
That is intentional, for some uses of that unfocussed anger serve the state system : military, police, prison systems et al are obvious beneficiaries of this. Those police who as we have seen 'attack' peaceful people have serious anger management problems which their superiors capitalise upon.
Those who 'drop out' or are 'disruptive' serve as a warning to others to toe the line.
Others are driven to 'succeed' by that same anger. Those who are from poorer areas suffer most from this. They are not always to blame, the system sets this up for it's own purposes - to divide communities. To enroll that anger and direct it at those to be demonised. Currently it is Islamic people. It was the Irish when I first came to England.
The state is not the only entity to direct that unconscious anger.
That undirected anger can be observed on many high streets on the weekends when many drunken folk, of all ages, pour out their venom on each other. That also keeps A&E wards quite busy.
All of which serves to support the States contention that we need police, prisons etc etc to keep all these 'types' in line, so to speak. when in fact the Police protect the state, and the prison system merely professionalises criminality.
To those who post such angry sloganeering on such asite as Indymedia, whose purpose is to report what is occurring at the grass roots, fromthe grass roots perspective, an absolutley neccessary activity in these times, I say this - learn to manage your anger, find the place where it ought best be utilised for effective change, if you really want to help.
Those who are provocative can become provocateurs, and can be 'managed' by skilled operatives without realising it. Of course there are professional paid provocateurs as well. They will be more easily rooted out if those who are simply angry can manage their anger as a tool of effective change, because such effective change precludes actions such as smashing windows for the worlds press (thus undermining the intent and message of ture dissent).
As in the Ian Tomlinson case, the movement cannot co-opt events for it's own purpuses without entering into areas of activity that they claim to wish to change.
Ian Tomlinson was no protestor, his tragic death was a combination of factors. He is not to be used as apolitical football. The movement can address policing as well as retaining the message - this has been lost in all the reportage on the London G20 events. Not one piece of media has been focussed on WHY the climate campers were there and what their valid arguments are.
And that is because some people seem to be either unable or unwilling (it is a good adrenalin rush, after all!) to FOCUS their anger, and thei minds and bring bot to bear on the issues we and our children will face in the future, short-term and long-term.
core luminous
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