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G20 police brutality photo and appeal for more witnesses and footage

Anon | 13.04.2009 16:08 | G20 London Summit

Witness statement and photos of attack by police on woman. Anyone else who saw this please add to comments. Anyone who has footage or stills please also add them as comments.

Office steps forward and takes out telescopic baton
Office steps forward and takes out telescopic baton

Officer starts beating woman
Officer starts beating woman

Officer finishes beating woman and takes step back with baton extended
Officer finishes beating woman and takes step back with baton extended

Officer takes another step back baton still in hand
Officer takes another step back baton still in hand

During the afternoon of the 2nd April 2009 on Threadnedle Street near the Bank of England I witnesed the police officer in the photos on this page attack a woman with his telescopic baton. The attack was startling because it was apparently unprovoked. It was also surprising because the police officer concerned is a very large man of perhaps 15 stone, while the woman was very small, perhaps 5’3” tall. He stepped forwards from a police line and beat the woman hard using both forehand and backhand strokes. I estimate that he hit her between 3 and 5 times. As can be seen in the photographs the officer did not have his number visible. The woman appeared very brave and did not openly show pain.

I would ask anyone else who filmed (still or video footage), or who saw the incident to contribute to this page. It would be good if comments could be as rational and concise as possible. I you leave a comment or photos please check this posting for a while as it could form the basis of a complain to the IPCC.

Any one from other media who wishes to pick up on this please leave your contact details and name of publication or company as a comment and I will get back to you.




13.04.2009 16:20

I have a video from thursday with this guy hitting the woman..

starts about 3mins 10.



Display the following 97 comments

  1. Shit shit nasty muthafucker — Ratamahatta
  2. Cop Fascists — Local Boy
  3. Back hand — no uk stasi
  4. FIT officers in photos — v
  5. No Suprise — ACAB
  6. The Cop thug — a
  7. Disgusting... — World Patriot
  8. Is it me? — Shactivist
  9. Guilt — Coward
  10. Identifying officers — Fitwatch
  11. I don't think he's a rat — veg@n
  12. he number used to be — a
  13. Surely this is assault. — Naive Commenter
  14. The Shoulder Numbers — A Photographer
  15. The law is very clear on lapel badge numbers — brummie
  16. Never join the police force in any form... — Loppy
  17. Disgusting — 666
  18. LX365 - Ian Skivens - MET? — watchingthem
  19. another assault at approx 3m20s? — ms medusa
  20. Paul Lewis Guardian — Paul Lewis
  21. agreeing with ACAB — Rhia
  22. possibly know his police number — stopped and searched
  23. Modern Day Policing to Protesting kettling and getting punched for the troubles — loppy
  24. anarchy is not politics , it's just a good idea — A>C>A>B
  25. Based on Skivens picture earlier, not Skivens — Not ACAB
  26. identity of FIT in photos — fitwatcher
  27. The Historical Roots of Kettling — Julian Cope
  28. what we see — Justice
  29. Thugs in uniform — one
  30. Seen him before — Donald
  31. Can you get in touch please? — Rich Peppiatt
  32. his number — abracadabra
  33. Contact National Press — tom
  34. Hayden Smith NATIONAL NEWS PRESS AGENCY — Hayden Smith
  35. Positive Identification - AB42 — Fitwatch
  36. One rule for us and a different rule for them — Just a Thought
  37. Sally Mitchenall - Times Online — Sally Mitchenall
  38. On which press to contact - Paul Lewis — Bill Stickers
  39. The other police officers should have arrested him. — freedom
  40. Daily Star — One Noddy Holder
  41. Police probe ordered - BBC News! — re-post sorry
  42. Caroline — Caroline Gammell
  43. Clarification — Mike Steven
  44. Clearly GBH with intent....this officer needs arresting! — G.
  45. Story info for all the press people — Informer
  46. Guardian link to indymedia — its a secret
  47. Before the Mainstream Media get it all wrong read this Background Brief. — John Bloggs
  48. Provocation — Billy No Balls
  49. Re: Clarification - no this was on the 2nd — ACAB
  50. shoulder numbers and warrant cards — ACAB
  51. Positive Step — Citizen Smith
  52. The BBC reporter is provoking me with his deeply rubbish news report. — Still not saying
  53. His number is- — nina c
  54. Footage — Tristan
  55. re footage — nina c
  56. Mainstream Media ... Still not all that Friendly — Grinsted, East
  57. Daily Star — Donnacha DeLong
  58. Another complaint made — BBC are not very bright
  59. Office suspended — Tristan
  60. Re: Provocation — Bandit
  61. Media do your research — Anon
  62. Media in a difficult situation — ribrob
  63. Time To Complain To The BBC — Sick Of It All Now
  64. Photos of AB42 — Fitwatch
  65. Re. that BBC interview. Why is it always the most 'good-looking' journos — re-poster
  66. Radio 4 — nina c
  67. Ab42 — Anon
  68. the police earn — no respect
  69. Threatened with arrest for taking pictures of police — Photographer
  70. @ "Photographer" — Marc Vallée
  71. BBC complaints — Bourdin
  72. @Bourdin — Flood
  73. BBC Complaint — Sick Of It All Now
  74. Question about generality of police violence — ribrob
  75. Which TSG unit? — melnik0v
  76. Full video — Bourdin
  77. TSG violent cop - 2/4/09 — Louise
  78. More footage of April 2nd — Bourdin
  79. 5TSG — Bourdin
  80. TSG — TSG
  81. Please contact — Sean O'Neill
  82. According to the Times the victim has employed Max Clifford to deal with press — Name concealed
  83. Then again 'The Times' might just be making it up of course. — Name concealed
  84. Contact me — Shannon Hawthorne
  85. Identity of the officer .. — Anon
  86. G20 Victim Sell herself to Max Clifford for £50000 — G20 Victim Sell herself to Max Clifford for £50000
  87. Re: Identity of the officer .. — Bourdin
  88. More viloence for our friendly journalists. — Bourdin
  89. I have some unreleased footage of me swearing at the police. — Met Lotto - it could be you
  90. Police suggest Tomlinson was drunk and uncooperative. — Police lies
  91. Drunk an uncooperative — Bourdin
  92. According to the Guardian Nicola Fisher has sold her story to the Daily Express! — Daily Express... 'ooooh, it's a good paper'
  93. Murder! — Bourdin
  94. Distorted View — anon2
  95. AB42 in the Daily Mail — rogerh
  96. Weird — Bourdin
  97. Yorkshire Post: 'If anyone ever deserved a good slap, this woman..did' — Anon