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Small World Cinema celebrates Zimbabwean Independence Day

Regis | 12.04.2009 10:23

It's Zimbabwean independence day on the Saturday 18th April, and this event will part of their activities to celebrate it.

Gather for bar from 7pm; presentation and film: Everyone's Child, from 7.30, followed by a discussion of the current situation in Zimbabwe.

Everyone welcome. Admission free.

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Small World : Wednesday 15th April

12.04.2009 11:32

Note that whilst their countries independence day is on Saturday 18th, the Zimbabwean community are arranging this film and food night at Sumac on _Wednesday_ April 15th.

'Everyone's Child' (a review): "yet another film of true Zimbabwean origins. It is a must-to-see film. If it was a book I would say it is a cant-put-it-down type. In that context it is a cant-wink-film as you watch it - come chill out with us and broaden your knowledge horizon even wider. It is informative, educative and entertaining at the same time. A great lesson to both young and old. Invite a friend or your teenager child and invest those 2 hours as memorable moments in your life."

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ammendment to details

17.04.2009 18:41

Zimbabwean independence day

ammendment to all the above ....

Saturdays event will be at the Hyson Green Youth Centre, Terrance Street NG7 6ER. [between ASDA and the Noel Street flats].

The date is 18 April 2009 from 2pm onwards .....
