Collective and Individual Trauma after g20 shock
empowered | 10.04.2009 11:11 | G20 London Summit | Health | Repression | Social Struggles
I wanted to share some resources to help heal after the police brutality on the streets and at the convergence centres. Also a call to those who were there (or have had negative feelings if your were not there but stuff came up) to take good care of each other, ask for help and someone to listen.
The shock tactics of the police (the states army) had a reason, to oppress us from taking action and protesting for social change.
"Shock wears off, it is by definition a temporary state and the best way to stay oriented, to resist shock is to know what is happening to you and why"
Naomi Klein The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
Activist Trauma Support
with and in love, rage and solidarity.
"Shock wears off, it is by definition a temporary state and the best way to stay oriented, to resist shock is to know what is happening to you and why"
Naomi Klein The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

Activist Trauma Support

with and in love, rage and solidarity.