Visteon Occupation Ends, Struggle Continues
Peter Marshall | 10.04.2009 09:11 | Globalisation | Workers' Movements
Supporters arrive to show solidarity with the occupiers demanding 'Ford Terms'
One of various unions banners in support
Fraternal embraces as the occupiers emerge
Each of the workers was greeted by convenor Kevin Nolan
The occupiers thanked the many students, trade unionists and others who had supported them throughout, and announced their plans to keep up the fight by continuous picketing of the two factory gates in an attempt to prevent administrators KPMG from removing machinery. They are expected to gut the factory and sell its high-tech equipment at cut price to China.
Unite continues to give full support to the Visteon workers, and joint general secretary Derek Simpson flew to America with Nolan and others for meetings with Visteon senior management earlier in the week. Further meetings with Visteon are expected next week in an undisclosed location, and there are hopes of some progress.
More pictures on My London Diary shortly:

Peter Marshall