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Stop Camden Animal Lab can offer sleeping spaces for WDAIL visitors

Stop Camden Animal Lab | 09.04.2009 16:35 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

As you all know we will all be marching on World Day for Animals In Laboratories. Some people are coming from overseas and from across the country for the march.
Mandy from Stop Camden Animal Lab [SHAC stall / SHAC demos / London Animal Rights / Stop Camden Animal Lab]. There will be people needing spaces to sleep. I can offer a single sleeping space and a space for a sharing couple. If necessary one / two more.

I can put another mattress onto the floor [!] if necessary. Please bear in mind that I will only give spaces to people that are either known to me already or that can be vouched for as known AR people [who I mostly know already].

You can email me on

For anyone who doesn't know about the Camden Animal Lab this is the perfect time and place to find out about it. There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International.
The consortium behind this are UKCMRI. They are backed by the MRC, UCL, CRUK and the Wellcome Trust who have put in £100 million.
The lab plans have been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors, residents, businesses, animal rights activists, pet owners and verbally by members of the British Transport Police.
The UKCMRI have yet to apply for planning permission. I have submitted an online petition to the government ...please sign this
We are smallish campaign [so far...] of mostly local people who are against the idea of a virus lab, who want council homes and community facilities and local AR activists. London Animal Rights will be running a campaign of their own which will focus entirely on the rights of the animals who will be put into the lab and experimented on.
We thoroughly support wdail and London Animal Rights who will be working with us against the lab. While we will be running seperate campaigns we are all on the same side and support each other on all of the issues.
We will distribute leaflets about the lab on the march.

For anyone needing a space to sleep email Mandy on

If there are few of you and you all want a bath then I would appreciate that people chip in for the hot water ; )

Mandy Ford

Stop Camden Animal Lab

Stop Camden Animal Lab
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10.04.2009 12:34

Do you have a washing machine that we could use after the event? Is it ok to charge mobiles, 2 way radios, cameras etc. beforehand?

We try to attend as many events as possible but have been told to cut down on expenditure.



Ha! Ha! Ha! Brilliant. .....but. ....

15.04.2009 21:46

Sorry no you can't!! Absolutly not, not unless I can get a lift there in your car, play with the sirens and the lights on the way there and get to use my megaphone out of the window, or do you have one of those in car ones like they do in America where I can shout at people on crossings etc to Geddoudda way! etc [that's Welsh].
Maybe if you do let me do that and put your uniforms on, on the way there [neighbours and so on] in the car.


So what community do you represent then

19.04.2010 12:48

Having read the various posts made over the past 2 years since this project was proposed I looked at the WDAIL website today and was horrified that the exact arguments that Mandy Ford keeps making were what appeared on that website meaning they had to come from her.

I can not believe that anyone who says she is representing the local community would invite activitists like these into our community in the way that she clearly does. It is only encouraging trouble, vanadlism, rubbish being dumped and our community being tarnished let alone what will happen to our property, cars, houses, open spaces from hundreds or thousands of people running all over the place. Lets not ignore the fact that animal rights activists have bombed and spray painted property, attempted to kill people and thrown shit around. Why would anyone want to invite those people into our homes. The fact that she is inviting them in to hers clearly shows that she is not interested in local residents but more extreme things.

I dont want this project but I certainly dont want this type of people in my street on a saturday with me barracaded inside my house to protect my home. Do not think that Mandy Ford represents the community - she does not. We dont need her claiming she talks for us, continually lies about what really is going on and tries to get support by panicking people. We are not that stupid. We dont need this sort of campaigning clearly her interests are not about the community. Leave the campaigning to the people that do care about the community and your animal rights campaigning out of our community.
