Solidarity and rage from Berlin
berlin burning | 09.04.2009 16:21
On Wednesday night after the news broke that a man had died in London at the hands of the police, a bank in Friedrichshain, Berlin was smashed up and several luxury cars were burnt.
berlin burning
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Berlin more angry than London!! Where's the anger here?
09.04.2009 16:46
However, the police killed this guy because they were running around thugs and lashing out at everyone. It could have been anyone that died. Anyone hit in the head from a baton could have died. In the circumstances it was Ian Tomlinson on his way home from work but it could have been anyone's father or anyone's son. It could have even been you!! That's the simply reality of the violence the police imposed on a political protest.
There is talk of a demo on Saturday but so far the feeling around different scenes seems so muted. Where is the anger at this murder. Where is the anger against all the police murders over the last 30 years or so! Do you not feel angry and sad and want to go back to the streets and say NO, say FUCK OFF to the police!
If people can't see that we have to take back the streets to make a stand against this continuous assault on anyone who dares to dissent then it's even more of a subdued country than it seems. That's pretty depressing.
Thanks to folks in Berlin who at least feel it and resist!!
09.04.2009 17:06
Thanks you berlin
09.04.2009 19:10
its difficult because we are isolated. we can only combat this and show resistance if we get further involved in forming our political groups - either thru affinity or organising.
It is not easy and it is easy to get frustrated but unless we develop clear anarchist structures, which attract militants we will always be alienated individuals watching these events play out in front of our screens.
Solidarity & Anarchy
there have been hundreds of animal rights attacks on banks like RBS
10.04.2009 10:33
have a look on
2000 + deaths and counting
10.04.2009 15:17
a young musician executed by cops. Nobody even noticed except his friends. A man with a table leg inb broad daylight. Countless beaten to death by cops over the years. Remember the Lib Dem joint smoker Paddick- 3 in 4 months under his command of Brixton. The list goes on.
We dont hit back.
Check out United Friends and Families.
This is not bad apples. It;'s a terrorist force battering down resistance.
Just ask the pulverised fluffies at Climate Camp Fishergate
Ben Travers