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Shell to Sea campaigner released after 28 days in jail

harry | 09.04.2009 15:41

After 28 days in jail Maura Harrington is welcomed home to Erris

At around 10.30pm on tuesday night, Maura Harington was met by dozens of supporters in her local town, Ballina, as she returned to Erris after 28 days in prison. Over 60 cars then drove in convoy, bringing Maura home. The continuing strength of the local campaign was clearly demonstrated as the cavalcade drove through local towns. The rally ended at Glengad, at the site where Shell built their compound last year when they failed to carry out pipe laying work. Before people dispersed, Maura spoke to the crowd of people, "Glengad belongs to us....It is all of us here together who will hold this, and hold it for as long as it takes. We've held it for 10 years. They did their damnedest last year, they will do their damnedest again this year. We held them last year; we have to hold them this year.... This is worth fighting for. This is worth doing anything it takes." YOUTUBE video to follow
