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Prisoner Support :: Dan Amos has moved prisons

Prisoner Support | 07.04.2009 21:54 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | South Coast

Daniel Amos' prison address has changed, please spread the word.

Dan has been moved to a category C prison (which is less secure and nicer than his previous prison, HMP Winchester).

His new address is:

Daniel Amos (VN7818)
HMP Guys Marsh

Unfortunately it is no longer possible for Dan to be sent books, dvds or cds from Amazon, HMV or any other websites.

However you can send letters, cards, stamps and other stationary. As well as postal orders and cheques so he can buy his own items from the Argos catalogue and the M&M clothing website, as he is allowed to wear his own clothes but has to buy everything brand new.

Cheques and postal orders can be sent to the prison adddress above and made out to "HM Prison Service" with Dan's name and prison number on the back.

Thank you for all your continuing support. Please spread Dan's new address as much as you can as the VPSG no longer have a prisoner list, so it is currently only changed on his support myspace page.

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07.04.2009 23:12

Is it support when it affect your progression through the prison system? Supporters need to know that your letters hinder progress through the prison system for animal rights activist. Do you think the likes of Don Curry will get out on parole after 6 years? Your letters will keep him in for 20 years!!


you wanker..

08.04.2009 00:15

yeah, whatever you wanker... as if you would know..



08.04.2009 08:17

ANY prisoner who wishes to can be removed from prisoner lists at any time or not be on them in the first place. Those who wish to recieve messages of support and solidarity are those on the various lists. It should go without saying that letters to prisoners should not endanger either sender or reciever by the content as all are read by prison officers.

Lynn Sawyer

first comment is total bullshit

10.04.2009 09:48

The first comment (saying letters make life worse for prisoners and reduces their chances of early parole) is complete bullshit, probably posted by a state agent or other pro-animal abuse scumbag.

Writing letters to prisoners is very important as it lets them know how much solidarity their is for them and that they are not forgotten. Obviously all letters can be read by the prison system, so use your common sense when deciding what to write.



12.04.2009 17:15

As a convicted IPP prisoner you would stay in prison until you convince the board you are no longer a threat to the public so tell me how you expect to convince the parole board you are safe to be release if you converse with other activists?

IPP prisoners stay in prison years past their tariff, haven't you read the news reports? Curry will serve at least 15 years.
