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Video of Police assault on Ian Tomlinson

Me | 07.04.2009 17:13 | G20 London Summit

Footage shows Ian Tomlinson attacked from behind by baton-wielding police

Footage shows Ian Tomlinson attacked from behind by baton-wielding police



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Those evil bastards

07.04.2009 18:26

I expect they will get away with murder. Again.


open season!

07.04.2009 19:53

I think the police should be praised for their restraint, as the video only shows a few kidney punches and perhaps a traumatic shove and smack with a truncheon.

He did after all have his back turned and his hands were in his pockets in an aggressive gesture towards the heavily tooled up protectors of the queen’s peace.

It’s not like he was electrocuted or was shot in the head at close range or any thing…

As we all know that there were gangs of “internationally violent extremists” on the loose that day and he had the temerity to follow advice and dress down, he even looked like a protester gov!

I look forward to discovering all the smears and slurs on Ian Tomlinson’s character appearing in the news over the next few days. Perhaps he once got a parking ticket….

Anyway, I thought the police were allowed to murder innocent members of the commuting public its ‘natural causes’ isn’t it?

i expect
"An inquiry on the circumstances of the death has already begun and, if the policemen are found to have been derelict in their duty, the punishment will be exemplary."

Mainstream Apologist
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