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Obama is just a talking Bush

tim de Change | 05.04.2009 12:00

The only difference is his slick walking and fast talking

A dead woman
A dead woman

a dead woman
a dead woman

Obama is just a talking Bush.

He may be good at talking and slick walking but he’s just another baby killer.

Bush, the clown, may be gone but his policies continue.

Aerial bombardment and slaughter of the women and children of Pakistan – same as Bush.

State secrets made out of rendition and torture papers so the courts can’t get them – same as Bush.

Prosecution of Tim DeChristopher in Utah for saving public land.

Support for far right fascists and baby killers in Israel – same as Bush.

Re-establishment of corrupt, out-dated and bankrupt economic system on the orders of his paymaster Bruce Hayman at Goldman Sachs – same as Bush.

Toleration of a shadow government – The Israeli lobby – who decide on all important administration appointments – same as Bush.

And more of the same till we fry the earth.

Yes we can change what?

tim de Change


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What we can do for (greater) change

05.04.2009 12:25

We can organize among the people of the United States to get them to WANT greater change.

That's the sh*tty side of democracy, that instead of gettign good, wise, just, peaceful, etc. etc. decisions you get, when democracy is working properly, the decisions that "the people" want. Be those good decisions or bad ones.

If you are under the impression that "Obama's policies are just like Bush's" then you have little grasp of the range of political opinion effective within America. He's not betraying the people who voted for him. Change yes, but change within what to you might seem narrow limits. He's not a socialist, but for good or ill the people here don't vote for socialists (there is ONE socialist in Congress). Back a hundred years or so ago the socialists could muster about 10% of the vote, never higher than that, and these days be lucky to get 2-3%.

I'll repeat, if you want something different, organize, convince people. Don't b*tch and moan.


Welcome ...

05.04.2009 13:20

... to the demented world of the Artist Formerly Known As Digery Cohen.

Digery Cohen Watch