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Police billboard subvertised

Happy Snapper | 04.04.2009 18:28 | Terror War

You've probably seen one of these disgusting fear mongering billboards - they're all over Nottingham at the moment, encouraging us to be suspicious of our neighbours. Someone obviously couldn't put up with the bullshit any longer.

State sponsored fear
State sponsored fear

The British Transport Police and ACPO sponsored billboard shows an open wheelie bin with some chemical containers sticking out of it. It reads:

"These chemicals won't be used in a bomb because a neighbour reported the dumped containers.

Don't rely on others. If you suspect it, report it."

It then gives the number of an anti-terrorist hotline.

Someone has pasted the phrase "State sponsored fear" underneath.

This billboard is on the junction of Gregory Boulevard and Birkin Avenue in Hyson Green but there are others all over the city. Let's hit them too.

Happy Snapper


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Nice work that guerilla subvertiser

04.04.2009 18:48

Nice job to whoever did it.

The other two that are in high profile of late are the "Policing Pledge" and the Army recruitment poster campaigns. Still thinking of something pithy to add to these short of just ripping these obnoxious propaganda pieces down.

Creative and inventive suggestions for subvertising these two campaigns, anyone?

Subvertiser's block

Cross out number next time

04.04.2009 23:47

Next time maybe cross out the phone number as well?

Then put it in the local free ads newspaper as the number for someone offering free puppies or a cheap second-hand Wii for sale.

fuck pigs fuck pigfuckerrs

Thermite has been found repeatedly in samples from 911 apparently,

05.04.2009 08:22

this is conclusive evidence the government conspiracy is rubbish & demands the need for a proper enquiry if true. Anyone heard different??I will try to check out, though if anyone knows that'd safe us all time,otherwise yes I will check it out.

"The younger generation hey, they got it easy, what do they do,timewasters etc??,not"

Green Syndicalist& Universal Democrat


05.04.2009 09:19

you do know that thermite is commonly used in construction for welding large sections don't you?
walk down any railway and you'll find discarded red brick like objects.


Hanging on the telephone.

06.04.2009 09:56

They are asking for information on terrorists, so they need the number of the Police station, any one of them in the UK.

Mal Feasance


06.04.2009 12:23

Wow! A couple of words been put up on a billboard. Anarchy is alive and well. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Dicky Doolitle the Anarchists Friend

@ Dicky

06.04.2009 12:48

I applaud this. Not everything has to be huge statements. Sometimes subtle works just as well.

I applaud this activist.


I like this kind of thing

06.04.2009 15:39

If millions of people subtervised millions of ads in thses kinds of subtle ways, the system would have to enclose all adverts behind guard-rails.... and millions of people could have a right laugh every day as they come across different humour based solutions to subtervise commercial propaganda....

The facts aremain that the process of 'adertising' has less to do with products than to do with conditioning people through what is called 'aspirational' messaging to accept a narccisstic fear as the basis for consumption. And success!

That alone mandates anyone whose mind is liberated to deliver a response.

The idea of millions and millions of people laughing at the state, and the corporations openly, on a daily basis, as a form of mass giggle-torture is one I like....


Nice Work

06.04.2009 20:19

Nice work on the poster

About the stuff found in the WTC dust....
Its nano-thermite a high tech high explosive possibly a "sol-gel" work is continuing.

Boycott Oil
