BNP's Lie Lorry comes to Lancaster (but not for long)
Lancaster Unity | 04.04.2009 00:18 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool
A van towing a large mobile advertising hoarding promoting the BNP was spotted in Lancaster today (Friday 3rd April). It drove around the one-way system several times with loudspeakers blaring out its racist messages, and also parked for a while in Dalton Square. BNP footsoldiers were spotted handing out leaflets promoting their campaign for the forthcoming Euro-Elections that will be held this June.
This BNP incursion encountered spontaneous opposition from Lancaster people, who don't want these fascists whipping up racist and xenophobic hatred. Local people are proud of our diverse and tolerant city. Within an hour of the BNP's appearance, locals using text messages were assembling a crowd of devoted anti-fascists in Dalton Square. However, the BNP fascists had fled before this crowd could mount an organised protest! So instead, the local anti-fascists busied themselves by handing out hundreds of leaflets exposing and opposing the BNP to local shoppers.
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This BNP incursion encountered spontaneous opposition from Lancaster people, who don't want these fascists whipping up racist and xenophobic hatred. Local people are proud of our diverse and tolerant city. Within an hour of the BNP's appearance, locals using text messages were assembling a crowd of devoted anti-fascists in Dalton Square. However, the BNP fascists had fled before this crowd could mount an organised protest! So instead, the local anti-fascists busied themselves by handing out hundreds of leaflets exposing and opposing the BNP to local shoppers.
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Lancaster Unity
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thought police
04.04.2009 00:52
I had the same issue when i went to vote last time. Loads of labour supporters outside the polling office telling me that i'd better vote for labour nudge-nudge. Like something out of zimbabwe.
What do you do about these kinds of intimidation?
Bloody hell
04.04.2009 03:27
Anyway, where's the intimidation? A number of people respond by making their opposing views known and by counter-leafleting. Is that intimidation or is that a little too much like democracy in action?
Bloody BNP-apologists.
follow up
04.04.2009 09:48
The thing is you that like all polititicans, you are treating people (or "local shoppers") like they are stupid cattle. By being there and shouting out your own messages, you are hoping to change the way people think. "These people are stupid - they might vote for BNP. Lets get out there and ensure they don't by ramming our own messages down their throats by rote because we can't trust them to make up their own minds - so we must make it up for them."
Sorry, its not just you lot. I just hate the whole political harrasement we have to endure. Constantly being treated like a sheep when i'm perfectly capable of making up my own mind - like everyone else is. Then when i complain about it, i get told to keep my mouth shut.
Remember what happened to Sarah Palin? The best thing possible was to let her speak, because everytime she opened her mouth she made an idiot of herself. By the end, her own party was actually the ones who were preventing her from talking.
By stopping the BNP from making idiots of themselves, you are effectively saying that you fear what they have to say, and you believe people will listen to them. If you really believe the BNP is a pile of crock, then let them speak as much as possible. People dig their own holes.
People can make up their own minds without your censoring.
04.04.2009 10:20
You make the mistake of thinking that Fascists are all stupid, sure whilst some of them have certainly proved that to the amusement of us, I have seen equal idiocy on the left. The point I am making is being far left or far right or anywhere in between is no way to asess intelligence, the two are not linked. So therefore the message from anti-fascists is not "the BNP is a pile of crock" but that fascism is a dangerous ideology that must be opposed.
The reason why anti-fascist oppose fascism in the way they do, is because history has taught a valuable lesson: When left unopposed, fascism flourishes.
This n That
when people are lied to or vv bitter, fascism flourishes
04.04.2009 13:24
Green Syndicalist
04.04.2009 14:30
We don't need authoritarian, busybody, intimidatory thugs deciding who we can listen to and who we can't. These self-appointed 'anti-fascist' guardians of the people are themselves fascists with their anti-liberal behaviour. They think that they know best for everyone and should therefore be allowed to decide who gets to address the dimwitted, impressionable populace and who doesn't. What a nasty, sinister elitist attitude. Freedom of speech is not on their vile agenda.
@ Pete
04.04.2009 16:43
read history
04.04.2009 16:45
Sorry Morris, but to paraphrase your argument, -‘the best thing possible is to let the BNP speak, because every time they open there mouths they make idiots of themselves.’ Is simply wishful thinking, because this argument has been heard lots and lots of time in the past and even has a name- APPEASEMENT.
At the time of Hitler coming to power in Germany, lots of liberals and some on the Left thought that the Nazis were so mad, that within months the party would fall from power. 18 months later most of the leaders of the Left were dead or imprisoned. Across Europe (and across the world)in the 1930s the Fascists’ message did NOT make them look like 'IDIOTS' but quite the opposite, they seemed to provide an answer to the right wing and establishment of how to deal with the Left and workers anger at the depression. After all, apart from Russia, Germany had had the best originated Left in Europe for decades, the Nazis managed to completely smash it in very short period of time.
When the British Union of Fascist started to grow in mid 30s, sections of the British establishment started to support them. Anti fascist groups campaigned against the causes of the depression but also attacked the BUF physically. After 1936, The BUF declined and the 'non-fascist' wing of the British establishment came to fore in ruling class thinking.
A similar story was played out in France, but after Hitler invaded in 1940, they establishment set up they own fascist regime up based in Vichy.
In Spain the people fought back and could have won (no space here to go into the civil war) and it took the Fascists 3 long years to win power.
In the 1970s in the UK, again sections of the ruling class started to flurt with the National Front. Anti Fascist again fought and won.
The Fascists grow in economic crisis, in 1928 general election the Nazis only got 2.6 pervert, 5 years later and after the Wall Street Crash, they came to power. We need to be on our guard and readily to fight the Fascists but also fight against the causes of Fascism.
04.04.2009 18:34
I'd completely disagree on your definition of appeasement. Appeasement is more about agreeing to a compromise to avoid conflict. Obviosuly this is term that dates back to pre world-war-2, but nowadays it is more often twisted as a form of political justification for an armed response. (eg. we must not appease north korea's missile program -- would indicate an argument towards a heavy handed response)
To let the bnp just make fools of themselves is not avoiding a conflict or a compromise. It is deliberate and tactful reasoning much in the same way that it was a good idea to let Sarah Palin make a fool of herself in the TV interviews. No compromise is being made.
Secondly, i'd also disagree with your comparing the BNP to nazis. Hitlers ideology can be best understood through Mein Kampf which i see little in the BNP. I'd also separate the BNP fascism from the German 'nazism', which was built on the principal that the state was a means for aryan race to realize its true destiny. The BNP fascism would probably be more akin to italian fascism where the state is all thats matters
anyway - just my views. i may be wrong. I'm not really an expert on the BNP ideology.
But i don't see them with any power rather as a useful yardstick to be able to draw current right-wing opinions from.
The BNP are not a problem
04.04.2009 22:34
Either way, there is no reason for self-appointed guardians of the public like these sad 'anti-fascists' to intervene, unless of course they are afraid that the populace needs protecting from it's own incorrect desire to vote BNP. If these people are allowed to control what political messages we are allowed to hear we might as well just let them vote on our behalf at elections. As many 'anti-fascists' seem to have some admiration for the sick, murderous, evil creeds of left-wing authoritarianism perhaps they do think that the current system would be better replaced by one where we all vote for one party of which they approve, just like they do in China, Cuba and throughout the defunct Soviet empire.
The BNP have a platform
05.04.2009 20:34
The BNP are not told these things by trade unionists (whom they hate) or by ethnic minorities (whom they despise) but by ordinary passing shoppers. Shoppers who are horrified when they hear the vile poison of violent criminally convicted racist thugs.
When the BNP appear so do ordinary people. They tell them, in no uncertain terms to go away. To take their vile fear of real life away and hide.
Nick Griffins Accountant
Free speech
06.04.2009 09:26
And we certainly don't need arrogant, anti-democratic 'anti-fascists' policing our streets claiming to protect everyone else from political mesages they consider inappropriate.
By their actions these 'anti-fascists' betray a deep contempt for the people at large. They don't trust the public not to vote BNP if they hear what it has to say, and therefore choose to stop the BNP putting its message across. I suppose these 'anti-fascists' would prefer a one party state where everyone has to vote for the correct party - that's what happens in vile places like China and Cuba so these 'anti-fascists' should clear off there instead of interfering with free speech in the UK.
06.04.2009 13:06
07.04.2009 10:07
I'm not a member of any political party. I don't need 'anti-fascists' to protect me from the BNP's opinions. These 'anti-fascists' only want us to hear opinions of which they approve - they are authoritarian censors who think they know better than everyone else and have some kind of duty to protect the gullible from views they can't handle or understand properly. What a sinister, illiberal group of inadequates they are!
Nutter on the loose
15.04.2009 05:52
23.04.2009 23:12
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