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G20 report from veganarchists

Veganarchists for Total Abolition | 03.04.2009 23:21 | G20 London Summit | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Social Struggles

Communiqué from some veganarchists on the G20 riots and resistance:

As veganarchists, we show solidarity with fellow anarchists (green, red, purple, pink or otherwise), and all the radicals and militants who shunned pacifism for a productive day of direct action against the G20 in London.

The day of mass actions began with mass kettles. For the marches opposing climate chaos, borders and the economy; activists were beaten if attempting to leave and told of no reason for being held. These are standard police state tactics, using violence to protect corporate assets, whilst attempting to contain those expressing desire to revolt.

It could well of ended as it started; the people’s anger pacified and made ineffective against the human, white, male supremacists. You know, those bastard elites who rule our planet and oppress the population that inhabit it. Fortunately, this was not to be. The animal instinct known as self-defense was applied allowing for social war in London to become yet again recognized as an ongoing battle against the state and its capital. Thank fuck we didn’t take their shit any longer.

RBS was the first bank to fall into the hands of angry anarchists on the green march. Windows were smashed, walls were painted “class war”, “thieves”, “burn a banker”, “@”, amongst many other slogans. Furniture, computers, phones and other equipment were trashed and used as ammunition, smashing more windows, as cops plotted not knowing what to do. They must of thought we were joking when we said ‘Storm the Banks’ – as others climbed in painting walls and burning blinds. A petrol bomb was finally thrown in, but unfortunately failed to ignite.

Cops are common scum who live by authority, on the contrary we act independently as covert cells. This is why we will always win in these situations, and they will always loose.

Blocs continued to push, dismantle and dismember police pens, as we refused to act like domesticated creatures that become slaves to their masters. Many times cops were surrounded and paid the price for the violence they initiated. Injuries were sustained on both sides as we eventually got to the core of the city. It was then attacked by the masses.

Down at the exchange, HSBC was smashed and slogans were painted all around the area as we began to take back the streets. For hours the police lines were penetrated, breaking out to further areas of the city, as an anarchist flag waved high from a flagpole.

What went wrong then? We didn’t all continue to resist. As the evening approached, agitation, fear and anxiety became the illness that infected many of our number. Some dispersed as others continued to resist.

As many pens closed in despair settled on the streets. Countless white, middle class pacifists and their supporters released frustration and energy to the ground in front of the fascist police, creating a brief and temporary standoff. This was clearly regretted by many, as police batons continued to wave against protesters in other corners of the pen who refused to submit to violence.

So we continued to riot against the police, with another wave of dissent. Barriers were dismantled and thrown at cops, injuring some more fascist scum, with surges against the lines creating small gaps. A banker effigy was then burned from a traffic light, using a leg to set a cop on fire (apologies for no picture). As we nearly got out after increasing the offensive, the police did the same, which was taken by many by surprise. ‘Flighting’ became the norm as fighting disappeared from the fear and panic in the air, at the same time police eventually began releasing people one by one.

Unlike our fellow comrades kettled at the Bank of England, the majority of our number were merely ‘spot checked’ through a FIT parade as we were released back onto the streets, instead of stop, searched and harassed for our personal details by the Forward Intelligence Team.

This is an example of why we resist – because we are not just a number. We may not of entirely ‘broken the spell’ like in Seattle, but we got very close. If it weren’t for our mistakes - backing down - that bleak time when we failed to make plans, we would of taken back part of the city for much longer. In time, we will destroy every aspect of this brutal civilisation.

Despite what our oppressors spew out through the media, the majority of arrests were made on the 2nd, not the 1st, which took place at the G20 Convergence Center and RampArt. More activists would have found themselves in cages that night if it weren’t for the continued resistance when kettled under pressure from thugs with battons.

In memory of Ian Tomlinson who had a heart attack and died because police initially refused to help and release him from a kettle.

Full solidarity with all those arrested!
We are the fury that will continue this social war!

Veganarchists for Total Abolition



Hide the following 9 comments


04.04.2009 08:53

I appreciate people have to go through an adolescent anarchist phase, but this rant takes the biscuit.

How can you claim to be an anarchist while trying to CONSCRIPT people into a street battle that they don't agree with, weren't dressed for and were doomed to lose outnumbered and outgunned. At least the Weathermen Maoists had the ethics to call and promote a days of rage riot in Chicago without the use of conscription. The Blank Panthers denounced them as "Custeristique"....get the dvd, it's a good one.

Let's face it folks were led and invited by the cops into the rbs window the police purposely left undefended, unboarded up to provide the tabloid shots to justify the cop expenditure and the erosion of civil liberties. You played your part in that...face up to it and face up to the solidarity work you now owe the people you incited and have now been busted.

I spoke to a few blac blokkers during the day. The only ones I saw were very young and had the physiques of a vegan diet. There seem little blac bloc experience on offer and I'm not sure people had done their homework. People were sentenced to a year for affray for May Day 2000 and 01, one guy got 6 years after being on the run for years and picked up in aother Euro country. I saw little solidarity work done around these cases at the time. Hopefully that's changed.

So spare us the self righteous rant
working class pacifist who has done jail for smashing up military equipment

working class pacifist who has done jail for smashhing up military equipment

some thoughts

04.04.2009 09:55

> Let's face it folks were led and invited by the cops into the rbs window the
> police purposely left undefended, unboarded up to provide the tabloid shots to justify the cop expenditure
> and the erosion of civil liberties.

Not so sure about that. I've heard the RBS was originally on the outside of the kettle before people pushed the police lines back. There's too much of a tendency to assume omnipotency on the part of the state by assuming any property damage to have been 'allowed' by them.

Having said all that, there is an argument to be had about whether it played into their hands with regards to justifying their expenses, alienating the public etc.

But what is the alternative? To remain as 'well-behaved' as possible in the hope that the 'public' are persuaded to join our protests by our sheer 'moral superiority'? In the hope that the govt will say to the police "we're cutting your budget because there was no property damage"? Some hope. The police would simply claim that it was their over-policing that /forced/ us to be well-behaved, thus justifying their expenses anyway. And the media would still find some tiny incident to focus on in order to portray us as thugs.

In the current social context there is a sense in which property damage can sometimes be counter-productive. But the answer is not to refrain from property damage. The answer is to outreach to 'ordinary' people, leafletting, street stalls etc to explain why property damage is done. To demystify it. To bypass the mainstream media. But also to start a dialogue of solidarity and engage more in the everyday struggles.

BTW I agree that the original article above is over-dramatic and over-optimistic. To over-estimate our effectiveness does no one any favours, because it prevents us from learning the necessary lessons and becoming smarter in our strategy. Same goes for Climate Camp's declaration of 'victory' after they were violently evicted from the space overnight. Neither event was a complete failure, but they weren't amazing victories either. We need to be honest with ourselves if we are to be able to reflect properly and improve our tactics.


saves time

04.04.2009 09:57

"In memory of Ian Tomlinson who had a heart attack and died because police initially refused to help and release him from a kettle"

thank god we dont have to wait for the corroners inquest when we have the spoilt middle class.


Response to response

04.04.2009 14:32

'I spoke to a few blac blokkers during the day. The only ones I saw were very young and had the physiques of a vegan diet.'

Only a complete twat would make the above connection 'physiques of a vegan diet'. Obviously you have a few issues apart from non pacifism dickhead.

Working Class Non-Pacifist who has done time for something he didn't do.


Up the creek

04.04.2009 16:16

worth 1,000 words?
worth 1,000 words?

The tried and tested ways of expressing dissent don't work (if they ever did). The capitalist system has shown that it doesn't work, despite all of the promises of trickle down economics and the like, the majority are getting worse off while the minority are getting fatter and richer. The latest "solution" is to use more public money to pay people who are already fabulously wealthy to carry on with business-as-usual (literally). These are precious funds diverted from needed social programs.
The industrial system is also showing that it doesn't work: anthropogenic global warming/ climate change is destroying the habitability of the planet. The industrial system also depletes future resources and contaminates the soil, water, air and trophic networks. Yet the governments will not endorse a change in the industrial system.
The political system is not working: international law is a joke, the so-called "good guys" have been shown to have transgressed international law by invading a sovereign nation, disposing of the leader they originally installed and supported. We export "democracy" although even locally it is a broken, hollow shell of ritualised ceremonies without substance or public representation.
The rule of law is also broken: police are political thugs paid to maintain the status quo, like attack dogs, without any accountability, and go out of their way repeatedly to incite and provoke reactions so they can justify their over-bearing aggression and over-zealousness.

In light of all of this, a few broken windows in some bank are minor issues, but are swooped down upon for media-fuelled attention to make a big fuss over. The banks should have been burnt down, the cops should've been beaten up, the state should've been dismantled and the industries stopped. But none of this happened, out of restraint, only out of restraint. The time will come when such restraint no longer applies because we are each gradually becoming enemies of the state, regardless of how we may have initially started out along this road of dissent.

The state reserves its sole right to use violence, but then they call it enforcing law and order, or engaging in warfare for just causes or other such nonsense. When the public refuse to support that idea that the state reserves the right to use violence as its sole mandate and takes back their power to use violence as one tactic of many, the state had better watch out. We have pretty much run out of our options, no thanks to the police and the politicos. Perhaps it is to violence that the system will listen, in which case the time for the state to listen is almost upon them.

Without a paddle

"the physiques of a vegan diet"

04.04.2009 18:30

WTF does that mean? That they were fit and healthy without the bloated ill look of a meat head?

And how can someone claim to be a pacifist if they are complicit in the murder of animals?

Nice report, BTW.


To clarify,

04.04.2009 18:34

RBS *was* originally behind police lines, but the police were not "pushed back", they fell back of their own accord. While one cordon held the kettle in, they established another kettle further behind that line, with bystanders caught between the two, watching the first kettle. These people were then told to get the hell out of the way quickly or be caught in the kettle, so most did so. Then they expanded the forward into the space they had cleared. That's how people reached RBS - the police brought them there.



04.04.2009 19:44

ok ok already i retract the flippant comment about relationship between vegan diet and preferable physique for fighting and violence......the point is violence is always going to be there strong suit not ours. If you're serious about taking that route abandoning the element of surprise is not a great start and you've always got to be prepared to escalate.....and you've got to look after your casualties. How much proactive practical solidarity is happening around the 122 busted?

working class pacifist

working class pacifist

04.04.2009 20:20

"How can you claim to be an anarchist while trying to CONSCRIPT people into a street battle that they don't agree with, weren't dressed for and were doomed to lose outnumbered and outgunned."

At first I thought you were right - that were being encouraging everyone into a street battle, even if they don't agree with it. Then I realised this was bullshit.

Throughout the entire text I don't see any reference to calling others into battling with police, only criticising those who were dampening the spirit by submitting to them.

I don't even think they claimed to of done everything (which is a usual in communiques), but this could also imply they were involved in a different way - for example purely defending themselves with barriers (taking cover) instead of throwing them at police, or taking direct action against RBS/HSBC's windows and walls instead of setting fire to police.

The former examples are clearly self-defence and a good sense of non-violent direct action. The latter are admittedly tactics more described as "moral offensives", but throughout they aren't claimed or advocated, merely promoted.

My point is when people say to 'shun pacificism', it doesn't mean to shun non-violent direct action (NVDA), it means to shun the NVDA doctrine that is pacificism. It means to accept self-defence as morally acceptable (for example, as a womans right NOT to be raped), and to see it applied in a political light alongside NVDA (for example when thugs are beating you).

To whoever thought it was over-dramatic and over-optimistic, I completely disagree. The first half was filled with inspiration, followed by a criticism of the day in the second. Tasty.
