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G20 Banner drop in Kingsway

Camper | 03.04.2009 14:22 | G20 London Summit | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Social Struggles

Nature doesn't do bailouts banner dropped at 8.30 am on 1 April

Photos of banner.



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Adding this to the Art Not Oil 2009 gallery

03.04.2009 14:51

Lovely stuff! I'm adding this to the ANO 2009 gallery, which I hope is OK? Please send over any credits for banner and/or photo, and please do the same for any other banners, placards & artful delights you may have access to.


Noisy Joe.

Noisy Joe
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Thanks Joe

03.04.2009 19:48

Thanks for putting on ANO - I'll do it myself next time. No credit required. See you on the streets!
