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G20 post mortem on Left Luggage

Left Luggage | 03.04.2009 11:49 | G20 London Summit | Analysis | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Socialist strategy site publishes reflections on this week's protests.

The smell of pepper spray still lingers and the chalked slogans have yet be removed, but Left Luggage - the socialist strategy site - is already on the case with this post mortem on the protests:

There'll be some more articles over the weekend so do keep cheecking the site.



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Underclassrising vs 2 posh fucks

03.04.2009 12:27

2 posh lads at a computer. Give me underclassrising any day.

Unaccounatbly anarchists involved in G20 are now down in enfield with the factory occupiers while
2 posh lads are at their computer loving the sound of their own discourse.

Baton damaged by love

Great comment

03.04.2009 17:21

Take away the swearing, the bitterness and the mangled grammar and what exactly is left of that comment, Mr baton?

You do realise that the term "underclass" was popularised by Charles Murray, the new right ideologue and borderline racist?

Do you have a constructive criticism to make of this article, coz it seems fairly sensible to me? Do you think perhaps that the destruction of RBS was a tactical masterstroke?

Perhaps I'll get an answer. But I anticipate some more swearing.

tennis elbow