Remedy for hearing voices
Eleanor White | 02.04.2009 20:54 | Bio-technology | Health
A countermeasure for electronic voice to skull
transmissions may also help those who hear
voices from NATURAL causes
transmissions may also help those who hear
voices from NATURAL causes
There is a countermeasure being used by people
who hear "voices" they presume to be artificial in
origin, conversationally called "voice to skull
harassment." These people report relief as a result
of using this idea.
The idea is to play, either through a speaker or by
way of a portable MP3 player using headphones, a
"jumble" of audio tracks from radios playing
different talk-oriented stations. This has allowed
people with heavy voice to skull experiences to
break their attention free from the content of the
voices, and allows them a rest from forced
attention 24/7.
This countermeasure *downloadable* from this link:
I'd like to suggest that this countermeasure might
well provide at least some welcome relief for
psychiatric patients troubled by "voices" of
NATURAL illness origin as well.
Eleanor White (retired engineer)
Ontario, Canada
who hear "voices" they presume to be artificial in
origin, conversationally called "voice to skull
harassment." These people report relief as a result
of using this idea.
The idea is to play, either through a speaker or by
way of a portable MP3 player using headphones, a
"jumble" of audio tracks from radios playing
different talk-oriented stations. This has allowed
people with heavy voice to skull experiences to
break their attention free from the content of the
voices, and allows them a rest from forced
attention 24/7.
This countermeasure *downloadable* from this link:

I'd like to suggest that this countermeasure might
well provide at least some welcome relief for
psychiatric patients troubled by "voices" of
NATURAL illness origin as well.
Eleanor White (retired engineer)
Ontario, Canada
Eleanor White
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