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Man Dies, Police Eat Donuts

rogue | 02.04.2009 14:17 | G20 London Summit | Repression

Literally, the title says it all.

Having a chat while coercively detaining peaceful protestors.
Having a chat while coercively detaining peaceful protestors.

Kr*spy Kr*m*, from the looks of the box they came out of.
Kr*spy Kr*m*, from the looks of the box they came out of.

After the death of one protestor in contested circumstances (i.e. the police claim it was 'natural causes', the protestors think the police had a hand in it - see other articles for more), the police continued their heavy-handed policing, taking a break only to engage in the oldest of authoritarian rituals - the donut feast. A box was passed along the front line of riot police, from left to right, each entitled to their selection of one sugary delight. If their blase attitude to their own heave-handedness and brutality doesn't outrage you, I don't know what will.

This comes just a few months after Alexandros Grigoropoulos was shot dead by police in Greece.
¡Ya Basta!
Enough is enough.



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Organic lentil & bean stew

02.04.2009 14:55

Ahhhh donuts!

It makes a refreshing change I suppose from continually reading about organic lentil and bean stew on these pages.



02.04.2009 16:37

What a stupid post.
People need to eat. I suppose its ok for protestors to eat, but the police can't?
Or do protestors abstain from eating? And while we'll at it, whats wrong with eating?
dumb dumb dumb. really dumb


Sure, the police can eat

02.04.2009 17:22

But their casual attitude to authoritarian and heavy-handed policing of protest which could be construed as a denial of basic human rights (eg. not allowing people access to their medication) is despicable. Having a chat and eating a donut when a man has died and other people are in danger of becoming seriously, ill, injured, or worse, due to the way you are handling the protest seems like basic inhumanity to me.



02.04.2009 18:48




02.04.2009 19:14

This is a worthless article, the photos are awful and you should be ashamed of yourself.



02.04.2009 20:39

ROGUE:- "Having a chat and eating a donut when a man has died and other people are in danger of becoming seriously, ill, injured, or worse, due to the way you are handling the protest seems like basic inhumanity to me."

That really a silly argument isn't it?

When was the photo of the policemen eating these evil donuts taken?
Did they know someone had died at the time they were eating evil donuts?
Where were eating their evil donuts in relation to where this person died?

In fact why I am I even talking to a muppet such as yourself?

Rogue, I bet you ate something today, didn't you? You gorged yourself on food today while millions across the globe died today.


Greek Kebabs

02.04.2009 20:41

"This comes just a few months after Alexandros Grigoropoulos was shot dead by police in Greece"

Were the Greek police eating donuts at the time also? I think we should be told! It really is important you know! No, in second thoughts it was probably a greek kebab.

Donut hole

correct responce to "stupid" and BA

02.04.2009 20:51

don't be silly. I don't talk to coppers



02.04.2009 21:10

everyone who thinks this is silly is a copper. we dont need to listen to you. You were eating donuts right over the body of a dieing man. its right there in the photos. anarchists don't need proof, even if it isn't true that doesn't mattter as we still stand in solidarity against this. the truth doesnt matter its the principal thats whats important. Solidarity!


The final straw

02.04.2009 21:26

"anarchists don't need proof, even if it isn't true that doesn't mattter as we still stand in solidarity against this. the truth doesnt matter its the principal thats whats important."

Errr.... says it all - lets all go home


Well, we can establish one thing from this thread

02.04.2009 23:50

Sarcasm has become so widespread on indymedia that it's impossible to tell what's ironic and what's serious.

For anyone who genuinely is interested, this krispy kreme run was done while they were kettling peaceful protesters, without access to external food, for hours on end.


Protestors eat chocolate brownies!

03.04.2009 11:12

The "eating donuts over the body" claim is the kind of incendiary claim that gains ground even when it's palpably untrue.

There's not time on the photos, but the low light in which they were taken, plus the fact you can clearly see that car lights and street lights are on in the background suggests they were taken late in the day. The photos of the person who died (who witnesses have said had no obvious external injuries) appear to be when there was daylight.

You might as well criticise the Climate campers for being caught with a big box of chocolate brownies (see the picture on this page):



03.04.2009 14:22

Anarchist:- "You were eating donuts right over the body of a dieing man. its right there in the photos. anarchists don't need proof"

Proof? So where's the dying man in the photos then Sid Vicious or would you prefer to be called Rambo? Your quote makes no sense at all. I supsect your still high on the fumes from the gas your snorting.


fuck the doughnut munching filth

03.04.2009 14:27

Cops are such complete scum, thanks for posting this and ignore the negative comments.

cop hater