Oxfordshire Fossil Foolishness
Ann Archy | 01.04.2009 17:15 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Oxford
In the early hours of april first, a group of local activists hung banners on bridges over the A34 between Oxford and Didcot, including slogans "Caution: Climate Change Ahead", "Give Way to Wind" and "Fossil Fool: 3rd exit" with a picture of Didcot Power Station.
This was part of national events to mark april first as fossil fools day, highlighting the foolishness of pursuing coal, oil or gas fired power. In light of approaching climate change, and with recent lunges in the carbon economy, it is essential that alternatives - local, small scale wind, solar and hydro options are pursued. In particular, with Didcot (run by fossil f***ing idiots, RWE NPower) due for de-commissioning in a few years, it is time to pursue those options locally. one of the activist said "We want not only Didcot, but also the government and the G20 to see the folly of their actions in pursuing unsustainable technology. We have an opportunity to prusue safe, cheap alternatives and ensure a cleaner future. The wise choice would be to grasp this opportunity".
Ok, I appreciate a banner hang is not the biggest action in the world. But it was the first for some in what was a very small group..... the feeling was that if we were going to risk arrest, we wanted to do so with a BIGGER action next time.... And with a name like "Oxfordshire Fossil Foolishness" (OFF!), the banner opportunities are endless! watch this space......
Ok, I appreciate a banner hang is not the biggest action in the world. But it was the first for some in what was a very small group..... the feeling was that if we were going to risk arrest, we wanted to do so with a BIGGER action next time.... And with a name like "Oxfordshire Fossil Foolishness" (OFF!), the banner opportunities are endless! watch this space......
Ann Archy