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Mobile pics of London Bridge, G20 Meltdown March

imc_london_mobile | 01.04.2009 11:25 | Climate Chaos | Workers' Movements

Mobile pics from March, 1st April

More pics to follow



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01.04.2009 11:53

Why on earth did you bother putting this photo up? Are you trying to say that no-one turned up?


footage of police seperating march

01.04.2009 11:55

BBC news footage:
police are shown pushing protesters, one cop looks quite violent with his pushes



01.04.2009 11:55

Just got back from outside the Bank of England and now watching the events on TV. The police are still holding their lines but a few protestors are getting worked up. One has just lashed out at the police with what looks like a pole.

GI Joe