joins International Communist Current
intcom | 01.04.2009 10:41 | Other Press
Today, as the international bourgeoisie comes together at the G20 conference, we can inform our readers with happiness of a great coming together of the international proletariat, because as a result of deep discussions held with patience over the past two years the libcom group have been integrated into the International Communist Current and formed the online editorial section of the ICC internationally.
Thus is no longer the publication brought out by a small number of militants in one country but is the publication of an organization centralized on the international level. Our organization is now one organization united on the world level around our programatic principles, our platform, it is a world organization and with this mode of centralization it differs from international roof-like foundations in which different national organizations aren't even properly aware of one another.
The decision of militants who formed to join the ICC is not an isolated incident on the international level. It was thus that our last international congress, for the first time in a quarter century, was able to welcome the delegations of different groups that stood clearly on internationalist class positions (OPOP from Brazil, the SPA from Korea, EKS from Turkey, and the Internasyonalismo group from the Philippines OPOP: Oposição Operária (Workers' Opposition); SPA: Socialist Political Alliance; EKS: Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol (Internationalist Communist Left); Internasyonalismo (Internationalism). , although the latter was unable to be present physically). Contacts and discussions have continued since with other groups and elements from other parts of the world, especially in Latin America where we have been able to hold public meetings in Peru, Ecuador, and Santo Domingo See on our web site "Internationalist debate in the Dominican Republic", "Reunión Pública de la CCI en Perú: Hacia la construcción de un medio de debate y clarificación" and "Reunion pública de la CCI en Ecuador: un momento del debate internacionalista". . With the same perspective, the militants of the group called Internasyonalismo in the Philippines have, like EKS who joined the ICC from Turkey, and ourselves, patiently been through a process of indepth discussions and have became a part of the ICC, forming the section of our organization to help centralise communications and media in this very important area, the World Wide Web.
As readers will be aware, since our founding in 2005 and the organised intervention of ICC militants in our forums to push the idea of internationalism, we have come to their position on a number of key issues, such as national liberation and the trade unions. These were further crystallised by union-led pay disputes of 2007-8, and recent events in Israel and Palestine. We believed that there was still a difference of opinion on the theory of decadence, but following months of talks, clarification, and internal discussion we have realised that we hold a position compatible with the ICC platform, as discussed previously on our forums see . Over the next few months will be integrating with the content from, and moving to a new home at We hope to minimise any disruption to our users. At our next congress we are also due to discuss and decide upon a new editorial policy. This will be vital to improve the utility of our site to the proletarian milieu, and address the problems of parasitism which have plagued us since our foundation. This will mean a significant improvement in editorial quality and centralising of content and a selection process implemented for the registered user base to ensure that all are within the proletarian camp.
The establishment of an improved centralised ICC online section, as well as new sections in the Philippines and Turkey is a clear indication of the resurgence of class struggle around the world and the increasing numbers of new elements searching for real revolutionary alternative against the decadent and dying capitalism.
This is only the beginning. editorial section, ICC
reposted from
The decision of militants who formed to join the ICC is not an isolated incident on the international level. It was thus that our last international congress, for the first time in a quarter century, was able to welcome the delegations of different groups that stood clearly on internationalist class positions (OPOP from Brazil, the SPA from Korea, EKS from Turkey, and the Internasyonalismo group from the Philippines OPOP: Oposição Operária (Workers' Opposition); SPA: Socialist Political Alliance; EKS: Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol (Internationalist Communist Left); Internasyonalismo (Internationalism). , although the latter was unable to be present physically). Contacts and discussions have continued since with other groups and elements from other parts of the world, especially in Latin America where we have been able to hold public meetings in Peru, Ecuador, and Santo Domingo See on our web site "Internationalist debate in the Dominican Republic", "Reunión Pública de la CCI en Perú: Hacia la construcción de un medio de debate y clarificación" and "Reunion pública de la CCI en Ecuador: un momento del debate internacionalista". . With the same perspective, the militants of the group called Internasyonalismo in the Philippines have, like EKS who joined the ICC from Turkey, and ourselves, patiently been through a process of indepth discussions and have became a part of the ICC, forming the section of our organization to help centralise communications and media in this very important area, the World Wide Web.
As readers will be aware, since our founding in 2005 and the organised intervention of ICC militants in our forums to push the idea of internationalism, we have come to their position on a number of key issues, such as national liberation and the trade unions. These were further crystallised by union-led pay disputes of 2007-8, and recent events in Israel and Palestine. We believed that there was still a difference of opinion on the theory of decadence, but following months of talks, clarification, and internal discussion we have realised that we hold a position compatible with the ICC platform, as discussed previously on our forums see

The establishment of an improved centralised ICC online section, as well as new sections in the Philippines and Turkey is a clear indication of the resurgence of class struggle around the world and the increasing numbers of new elements searching for real revolutionary alternative against the decadent and dying capitalism.
This is only the beginning. editorial section, ICC
reposted from

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