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Fash scum bleating about a beating...

Rudeboy | 31.03.2009 18:58

Boo Hoo Hoo.

... This was posted on a fascist forum on Sunday the 29th March...

"Last night outside Welling Station in Kent, two German comrades were attacked by up to 15 Antifa Class "Warriors". The two Germans were on their way to a Blood & Honour gig. One received a broken nose & was kept in Hospital all night."

More like members of the public took offence to boneheads goose stepping through their town.



Hide the following 19 comments

kettle pot black

31.03.2009 19:14

more like you bad as each other. sweep away the fash and antifash and we'd all live in a better place



31.03.2009 20:15

yeah, whatever you wanker


Good work!

31.03.2009 20:17

Good to see Blood&Honour meat heads being shown they aren't welcome!

As for the psuedo-liberal, fence sitter above, we know your a fash apologist, please disguise your political tendencies in better camoflage.



31.03.2009 20:22

"more like you bad as each other. sweep away the fash and antifash and we'd all live in a better place"

You really are a vile piece of scum aren't you? People defend their communities against neo-nazis, and you reckon they're as bad as the fascists swaggering down their pavements. It's because of cowardly idiots like you the Millions went to the Nazi gas-chambers.


anyone know where the fascist gig was held?

31.03.2009 21:26

This isn't far from me - does anyone know where the Blood & Honour gig was being held?

I know Welling used to be where the BNP HQ was but it's a lot more multicultural these days. There are a few people from the leaked BNP list in the area, and occasionally some scumbag puts up a few Nazi stickers (soon taken down), but apart from that they seem to keep a very low profile.

I've seen one or two dodgy looking boneheads at punk gigs in the area but that's only my suspicions, they certainly aren't overt about it.


Good work.

31.03.2009 22:09

Keep speaking to them in the only language they understand. Admittedly they're so stupid that only repeated beatings will work so it might take a while...

Concerned of Halton Moor

Name of pub...

31.03.2009 22:25

The Duchess Of Edinburgh
Address: 172 Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, Kent, DA16 3DX


N. I'll always be with you R.G.

31.03.2009 22:58

You all write like a bunch of thickos



31.03.2009 23:00

Nice one

Lets all laugh at the Nutzis

Duchess of Edinburgh pub

31.03.2009 23:19

The Duchess of Edinburgh is the pub that is right near where the BNP headquarters used to be in the 90s.

Funnily enough I went to see old punk band 999 play here a few months back and I did suspect a few closet fascists were lurking amongst the aging punks and casuals who were there, since the music was quite working class street punk influenced. The bands playing definitely weren't right-wing though, and I don't think fascists would have been made very welcome if they did make themselves known, there were quite a few anti-fascists there.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open for any future events there.


They wanted it they got it and now complain????

31.03.2009 23:47

Perhaps if fascist thugs refrained from violently antisocial behaviour they would not end up in hospital. The whole idea of Blood and Honour is to promote violence. That is simple, clear and frequently stated. So these fascists really do want to sort out what they want - and stop complaining when they get it. Promoting violence and then getting beaten up is sort of inevitable.

passing shopper

I bet this does not get posted, you red's hate free speech !!!!!

01.04.2009 00:33

Wow, 15 against 2 hey.
You antifa mugs really are big and hard, thats why it took 15 of you to bash up 2 WN's. What's even funnier is you think it's a victory worth bragging about, you really are chuffed with that totally humilliating result.
If the day ever comes (and it wont) when it takes 15 WN's to bash up 2 antifa tosser's ill renounce my Natioalism, grow some scummy dreadlocks, stop washing, quit my job and claim benefit and join the muggy Labour funded UAF. (Unite Against Freedom)
Im going to piss my self with laughter now every time i think of 15 antifa mug's bigging them selfs up because they manged to bash 2 WN's, probably from behind as well ill bet.



01.04.2009 09:47

omg. LMAO makes a v good point. Don't you get it people.Were making fools out of ourselves while he's lol-ing away. WTF??!

That's Fascists for you.



01.04.2009 11:46

How would you sweep away the fascists and the anti-fascists?

To the knob head moaning about being out numbered, time to hang up your jack boots?



01.04.2009 16:52

I'd just kick them out of the country. Void their passports.
Its just a hangup from evolution based on inter-tribal rivalry. Football factories, mods/rockers, fascs/antifa - all the same bs. All minority groups that act as honey-traps for people who have an inherent need for a them/us rivalry and violence in their lives. Always justified through some convoluted form of tribal protectionism to bypass what the wider society tells them is acceptable. Basically all singing from the same party songsheet just with different words.


Early morning raids and detention centres.

01.04.2009 17:08

So the state violence necessary for the removal of people without a passport is ok?


Says 14 comments

01.04.2009 18:03

But only 7 showing?



01.04.2009 19:14

Sounds like a little Nazi bird has been singing...............



01.04.2009 20:54

> So the state violence necessary for the removal of people without a passport is ok?
depends, if it is necessary and if it is what the democratic majority of people want or if we move from a democratic system to some other form of society
