Evening Standard spreads scare story lies about the G20 protests.
G20 protester | 31.03.2009 11:48
The Evening Standard has today come up with a fake story about hundreds of anarchist planning to storm banks in the City of London. See this.
They claim to have infiltrated meetings over the past few days at the Rampart in Whitechapel.
They claim to have infiltrated meetings over the past few days at the Rampart in Whitechapel.
The only plans for the G20 protests in the City of London are a mass climate camp and a mass street party. There are no plans at all for any storming of any buildings. That story by the Evening Standard is a complete lie.
Complaints should be made to the press complaints commission about this fabricated story.
Complaints should be made to the press complaints commission about this fabricated story.
G20 protester
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G20 scare stories
31.03.2009 12:23
Clockwork journalists
31.03.2009 12:26
However if the story is a malicious lie then why not wind them up? Plant a fake story of your own claiming that that newspaper is now to be the sole target of protests, they will run with it. Some of these journalists and editors are acting like kids at their first school disco who are terrified nobody will dance with them and yet still half expect an orgy.
Homepage: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaints/process.html
Complaints to the Evening Standard
31.03.2009 12:27
Hugh Dougherty, Evening Standard's news editor
Official complaints can be made to Hugh at
News Editor: Hugh Dougherty
: 020 7938 7553
: news@standard.co.uk
London Evening Standard
Northcliffe House
2 Derry St,
W8 5TT
Blac Bloc
Fancy that!
31.03.2009 12:50
Hippo Crate
31.03.2009 12:52
Oh right, so it's an evil lie by the press that any protestors want to Storm the Banks. A total fabrication. Part of the mainstream conspiracy, misrepresenting the plans of real protestors.
Indymedia has itself carried reports on the event titled... "Storm The Banks". Whoops.
Storm the Banks
06-03-2009 12:55
This story featured photos of people holding posters up saying "Storm the Banks" at G20.
Oh dear.
Norville B
The Evening Shambles
31.03.2009 12:54
dead tree
My GF not going on demo
31.03.2009 13:08
She knows most of the crap is made up nonsense, but she's afraid of getting beaten up by the police who will by overly hyped up.
Isn't this just stopping people excercising their political rights through spreading fear, erm like the definition of terrorism?
31.03.2009 13:35
How long have you suffered from memory loss?
31.03.2009 14:32
That makes your comments above total hypocrisy, and shame on the admin for hiding the response and leaving leaving this guy unchecked.
And why would anyone wish to post this info anonymously? Well could it be because anyone who has refused to believe your lies has been automatically put on your exponentially expanding shitlist and been smeared themselves.
Hippo Crate
Don't worry
31.03.2009 14:32
@ Pete
31.03.2009 15:05
[removed] claims to be linked to the SAS and MI5 - and Crass for some reason.
He has threatened my family directly and leaked actions to the police.
Both of these people admit to being police informers.
[removed] is the person who made me an activist by leaking information to the security services, and he is also the person responsible for legal action against [removed] victims.
So which cunt are you?
You used to be a parrot but you're not alright now
31.03.2009 15:21
I think perhaps you lost your job because it was obvious to everyone except you that you had become a deluded and violent drunk with exttreme paranoia. It's obvious to pretty much everyone else now.
So, Danny, no apologies for being a hypocrite on this thread, since you haven't denied threatening to sell lies about activists to the press?
Hippo Crate
31.03.2009 16:08
re - hidden conversation
31.03.2009 16:12
Those are persecutors rather than victims - but if Richard or Andy has other people in mind then either name them or at least make an identifying allegation.
I've got a bad word for everybody. I've got criticism of nearly every action. I did an act during a mass action that
>I think perhaps you lost your job because it was obvious to everyone except you that you had become a deluded and violent drunk with exttreme paranoia. It's obvious to pretty much everyone else now.
I'd need to check my CV but I think the last time I lost a job was during the last recession. I was regularly out of work then, but so was everybody and the longest I was on the dole was a few months once. Normally I'd get made redundant and then walk into a promotion with a better company on a far higher wage within a week. I've a wide and deep experience of blue chip tech companies. I was contracting when I was blacklisted, I was earning £28 the contract before I met you. I will always be a doley now because of you and I don't resent that. I resent the 50% tax I used to pay to fund idiots like you.
You want to share something honest about your career now?
>So, Danny, no apologies for being a hypocrite on this thread, since you haven't denied threatening to sell lies about activists to the press?
I fully deny ever offering anything to the press for money. I was once bought a guiness by an editor of a journal while talking to them about a conference I was proposing that they made happen. My real payback there is they have since offered to publish an article of mine about CACI. I was once offered a slap up lunch by the 2nd best employed journalist I know of working today, to talk about infiltration in the peace movement, but I couldn't stomach that.
31.03.2009 16:35
No one cares about having some public pissing contest with you, you have already shot yourself in the foot by your own big mouth. No one has to prove you are anything, you did that job yourself, on here, in e-mails, in conversation.
That you persist in your crazy lies here is proof of how sick in the head you are.
But if we were so crazy as to give you the benefit of the doubt for 1 second, you would have to ask why you have done absolutely nothing about these seemingly evil people... except come on here and publicly bitch about them. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that such evil deeds were going unchecked.
So not only are your words full of shit but your lack of action clearly shows you don't even believe your rubbish yourself.
Is your life so sad, vaccuous and full of futility all you can do to big yourself up is sit trolling on here all day slagging people off, telling lies and handing out crappy advice?
If that's all you are good for, please go latch onto the BNP or LFI or whatever.
Hippo Crate
The rest of your post is obviously just smear
31.03.2009 17:13
Initially I didn't feel it was my place to complain about [removed] behaviour. I falsely assumed it was just a cultural difference. I falsely assumed it was the mothers duty to report it. Britons look away while adults lick children
I did always assume [removed] was an agent because he used to post right wing things here as MI5 when I recruited him, but I always warned everyone he met he didn't check out.
[removed] leaked my first action and it cost both me and the movement. At the time I assumed that was just because he was a talkative drunk but recent events have changed my opinion.
Why don't you try answering just one of my questions for a change?
Since I am prepared to go to court why I have not been issued lawyers letters, why have only the victims been persued?
Why have my family been targetted by police raids when you know I normally live elsewhere? Why not go for me with your 'crimestoppers/intell' reports rather than my sick parents?
31.03.2009 18:12
You aren't prepared to report so-called serious crimes to the police let alone stand in any court. Why does anyone need to challenge you in court, since you quite obviously a sick man whose reputation now precedes him like a leper with a bell.
You are sad old drunk liar, too scared of facing up to your own mental problems, to sit in front of another human being and admit to needing help, instead you have just attacked everyone around you.
You put shit in you get shit out, as it says in Galatians 6-10
Hippo Crate
The source
31.03.2009 19:04
Before more accusations that the Evening Standard story is lies it might be worth reflecting on where they might have got the idea that some protestors would "storm the banks".
Is this suggestion the product of some sinister mainstream media conspiracy?
Er... no. It's because some protestors have been printing posters with "Storm the banks" on them in large red letters. "Ah - well that was just ironic", some might say. OK - so explain that to some of our European visitors who - like the guy quoted in the article - seem confused about whether they will actually be storming banks or not. (It might also be worth having a chat to some of the gullible visitors who didn't get that the Starbucks-Israel email was a joke too).
And before the Evening Standard, where would you have read about this? Oh yeah, Indymedia which ran a piece (featuring photos of the Storm the Banks posters).
This piece was titled... wait for it... "Storm the banks".
So I think you might look a bit of an idiot complaining to the PCC about this one.
Norville B
31.03.2009 23:24
How do you know there are no plans to storm buildings?
31.03.2009 23:26
How does the poster know this is a lie?
Is there some central committee that has to approve all actions beforehand?
For all we know plans may be underfoot to storm many buildings.
caught red handed
31.03.2009 23:45
Theres is no plans to "storm the banks" - its all lies, yet there is a guy holding up a poster saying "storm the banks"..... you must think people are stupid or you have a very short memory
Grown man, little girl
01.04.2009 02:30
Yes, [removed] did. They've recently admitted being police infomers here and blamed me, naturally. I have telephone records from [removed]phone to my parents making threatening phonecalls in the middle of the night, plus their testimony, plus emails from [removed] trying to justify it. It was part of a spate of abusive phonecalls that was pre-announced by mail by [removed].
[removed] smear campaign then moved on to three police raids on my parents for absurd allegations of terrorism, murder, rape etc. Now you are reduced to smearing me here.
>You aren't prepared to report so-called serious crimes to the police let alone stand in any court.
I have reported [removed] behaviour to the police, simply so the cops know exactly who is phoning them anonymously. I didn't give the cops the names of any of [removed] kiddydiddling victims because that isn't my decision to make, and the victims may suffer more from it. The last little girl he was after is a neighbour of [removed] though so maybe I should report that.
>Why does anyone need to challenge you in court, since you quite obviously a sick man whose reputation now precedes him like a leper with a bell.
Well, it would add credibility to your claims. [removed] issued lawyers letters to the victims so why not me? Is it because I am prepared to testify and can't be intimidated? Cos that is the only explanation I can imagine.
>You are sad old drunk liar, too scared of facing up to your own mental problems, to sit in front of another human being and admit to needing help, instead you have just attacked everyone around you.
You put shit in you get shit out, as it says in Galatians 6-10
Ha, mental advice from a bible basher. In the new testament when it says 'suffer the little children' it doesn't mean make them suffer, it means keep them from suffering. And that doesn't mean licking and pawing them. I don't know if there is a god, but there is love and there is vengence.
To stop you using the 'not prepared to report it to the police' crap again I'll head through to [removed] in the next day or two to report you to the MoD cops there. Simply to prevent you from luring primary school children into [removed] for hugs and kisses. I'll also go to the copshops in [removed]. On your advice.
More of the same
01.04.2009 09:42
But I get the impression you expected us all to cower in fear and comply with your sick manipulation.
You won't go to any cop shops, as you know have no real case (and that there is a very real case against you) and all you really want to do is sit on here and spout lies about everyone.
If you really beleived this crap you would have acted on it, instead all you have done is restricted your 'actions' to lurking on an anonymous site think that will offer you some kind of immunity.- immunity from reality perhaps.
No sane person would credibly assert that reporting child abuse is an invoilable prerogative of a parent. That is so absurd it is on a par with an infant's egocentricity. But that just shows how warped you are in not seeing how nutty your allegations plainly are- paedo rings, state-employed rapists, assassin students, MI5, drug dealing doctors, Libyan spies, infiltrators, conspiracy against you... Like some really bad Channel 5 series that sunk after season 1 bellyflopped.
Or perhaps you think we are all so stupid as to buy into such gibberish.
You won't go to the cops, as you are only interested in trying (pathetically) to damage people and organisations- ironically Indymedia included.
Another thing that has revealed you for being a (rather bad) liar and shitstirrer, is the fact that you have made such a public event out of all of this. People who are really concerned about getting bad people brought into line don't turn it into a fucking three ringed circus and crap all over subjudice.
Isn't the real problem here is that you are mentally ill and your resistence to that fact has painted you into a corner?
And once more for the road: no one gives a fuck if you go to the cops, because you are simply full of utterly incredible shit. They have seen evidence of your MO and know of your histroy anyway.
To save you time the MoD Police have no juristiction in such matters, it's the regional force that does.
Go on give us a laugh and get yourself rumbled as being a stalker wasting police time- this thread alone would be enough.
Better still demand your GP to refer you to a shrink before you hurt someone.
Otherwise look forward to a life of increading marhginalisation, bitterness and likely progression of your problems.
Hippo Crate
01.04.2009 16:32
Oh. The TV's now full of images showing someone storming a branch of RBS. So the Evening Standard was... er... right. That PCC complaint will go far, then.
Norville B
01.04.2009 18:50
If that is so why was the first allegation made to the police that I was about to burn down my local Labour party buildings from an Indymedia post if all these things had already happened?
>Presenting yourself for questioning in regards to public allegations of serious crimes is not being an "informer", it is called clearing your name.
Making anonymous allegations is not clearing your name - if you wanted to clear your name you would bring a court case where I could call witnesses and present evidence. I am sad we have to go to the police for that, I'd have accepted any honest, intelligent anarchist as a judge.
>But I get the impression you expected us all to cower in fear and comply with your sick manipulation.
My main aim is to stop the police raids on my parents. [removed] was aiming at getting primary school visits into the woods and stopping that is maybe my secondary reason.
>You won't go to any cop shops, as you know have no real case (and that there is a very real case against you) and all you really want to do is sit on here and spout lies about everyone.
Reread what I said, I have already been to the cops.
>If you really beleived this crap you would have acted on it, instead all you have done is restricted your 'actions' to lurking on an anonymous site think that will offer you some kind of immunity.- immunity from reality perhaps.
I did act on it but I was an anarchist so going to the cops wasn't something that came lightly.
>No sane person would credibly assert that reporting child abuse is an invoilable prerogative of a parent. That is so absurd it is on a par with an infant's egocentricity. But that just shows how warped you are in not seeing how nutty your allegations plainly are- paedo rings, state-employed rapists, assassin students, MI5, drug dealing doctors, Libyan spies, infiltrators, conspiracy against you... Like some really bad Channel 5 series that sunk after season 1 bellyflopped.
1 paedo, not a ring
1 guy who called himself MI5, claimed to have friends on the Libyan desk and part of an international brotherhood of SAS who admitted here attacking a young girl when mixing acid and anti-psychotics
1 Spanish activist who I got in serious trouble in Oaxaca but sharing her details with a dubious student.
>Or perhaps you think we are all so stupid as to buy into such gibberish.
I don't care what you think. For want of a better judge of my gibberish next stop is Coulport.
>You won't go to the cops, as you are only interested in trying (pathetically) to damage people and organisations- ironically Indymedia included.
Yeah, you're not too good at reading are you. I have been to the cops. The information I have given them about [removed] has been entered into the national crime database.
>Another thing that has revealed you for being a (rather bad) liar and shitstirrer, is the fact that you have made such a public event out of all of this. People who are really concerned about getting bad people brought into line don't turn it into a fucking three ringed circus and crap all over subjudice.
I am unused to going to the police. The only other time I did that was when a lover was sexually assualted. I had assumed someone from one of the respective groups would have been persuaded to take an interest.
>Isn't the real problem here is that you are mentally ill and your resistence to that fact has painted you into a corner?
>And once more for the road: no one gives a fuck if you go to the cops, because you are simply full of utterly incredible shit. They have seen evidence of your MO and know of your histroy anyway.
It is kind of you to say that, it relieves my conscience.
>To save you time the MoD Police have no juristiction in such matters, it's the regional force that does.
Yeah, well I'm aiming for a meeting with the military intelligence officers stationed there. They will probably have more resources to determine whether I'm deluded or dishonest, and they are better placd to keep an eye on the woods.
>Go on give us a laugh and get yourself rumbled as being a stalker wasting police time- this thread alone would be enough.
I haven't been further west than Glasgow since I took [removed] to hospital. I have done my best to avoid all of the idiots I know so I'm not sure who I am meant to be stalking.
>Better still demand your GP to refer you to a shrink before you hurt someone.
You mean before I retaliate?
>Otherwise look forward to a life of increading marhginalisation, bitterness and likely progression of your problems.
A life of 'increading marhginalisation' would certainly indicate I had a drink problem.
More lies
01.04.2009 20:57
Hey newsflash Braniac: since Bichard, if a gnat farts in Vietnam they have to enter into the national database. Doesn't mean to say that it counts for anything. Especially since, it will be neatly cross-referred back to your whiffy file and flagged up witha footnote 'lying bampot'.
No one threatened your parents, no one admitted to attacking girls on acid, there are no Libyan spies, no one was planning for primary school trips... all monsters from your Id, Morbius.
But there is an orgy of evidence of you threatening people's families, children, threatening people with murder, with violence, with rape... and it is CORROBORATED, unlike your fanciful pish.
You really are crackers if you think the MoD plod will give you the time of day. "Military Intelligence", you planning a beach assault or an airstrike???
But their first question is going to be the very same as mine: why has it taken you so long... now, I'll do you a little favour and coach you here: DON'T say, 'I was concerned about the victim' as firstly, you have already indirectly identified the "victim" and secondly, no one ever protected a child by letting abuser go free. So, you best just not repeat that lie, as it is obviosuly very weak.
Instead of acting in any way, you came on here indirectly identified people and started challenging people to slagging matches on daytime TV.
Now what else have you got to tell them??? Girl beaters on acid? You got the confession and the witnesses at the ready for them? Since, what you posted here previously amounted to someone stating they grabbed some twenty-something woman by the throat after she pushed them to the ground (pushing someone to the ground with enough force to split their scalp open is called at best 'common assault', as the MoD plod may need some help with offences outwith their jurisdiction).
Oh, but it does appear that you have a histroy of at least two assaults, no?
What else now? Oh, the student who you publicly accused of murdering Brad Will. You got all your evidence ready for the CPS and DPP? Thought not. A nice fat humble fucking apology would nice you soulless opportunistic maggot!
And I think as we get to the drug dealing doctors, the Libyan spies, and whatever other utter crud your cesspit of an imagination, we can safely not bother as you have already stepped beyond credibility.
I'll spare you even more excuses and petrol money: you can go report your so-called "crimes" at any police station in the British Isles.
Let's face it you are just a drunk, violent Walter Mitty, who is also very bad at their hobby of lying.
The only question that remains is HOW dangerous is your combination of disorders.
Right this shit has wasted enough my time, and Indymdeia resources. If you want a quiet life, stop getting pissed and threatening people, stop making shit up. Stop bringing it on yourself. It's that simple.
Find a new hobby as you are really bad at lying.
Hippo Crate
You won't put up, you won't shut up
02.04.2009 12:10
"I'm an honorary member of a brotherhood of ex-paras, ex-sas and ex-squaddies."
>No one threatened your parents,
[removed], is it true you phoned them in the middle of the night after you'd been asked repeatedly to stop calling? Y/N
>no one admitted to attacking girls on acid,
Well, you admitted it here, and you emailled me to excuse yourself because you were tripping so I am not even going to ask how you have the audacity to claim that.
>there are no Libyan spies,
Maybe not, but is it true you claimed to me that you had a friend on the Libyan desk when I asked you to help interview Al Megrahi? Y/N
I can prove after your nuisance phonecalls stopped I got harrassing phone calls from a North African. Probably just another bipolar drunken friend of yours but obviously intended to intimidate.
>no one was planning for primary school trips
[removed] discussed that with me.
>But there is an orgy of evidence of you threatening people's families, children, threatening people with murder, with violence, with rape... and it is CORROBORATED, unlike your fanciful pish.
So why don't you drop the pseudonymns and we can examine all these charges in a court of law?
02.04.2009 15:43
Point 1 is true the rest is pure crap... and you know it.
FYI I have never taken anti-psychotics (never been prescribed them either), never taken bipolar medication (and wasn't diagnosed bipoar when I knew you) and haven't taken LSD since the 90s (you need to learn to read properly). Oh, and I don't appreciate having "You are buch of arsefucking homos that like a big black cock up yeez" screamed at me and react badly to be pushed to the ground when asking hysterical violent people to leave me and my tripping friends alone. You weren't there, you don't know anyone who was there either.
I won't even dignify the rest of your mutilation of truth and sheer invention.
Courts? I thought you prefered the idea of Jeremy Kyle because then you'd get a make over.
You are a bare-faced liar, and everyone knows it. I have no need to prove or disprove anything. No mutual acquaintances has beleived any of your lies.
Expect to be reminded of your hypocrite and liar status on here until you decide to stop telling massive fibs and get a life and move on.
02.04.2009 18:38
So you are denying phoning my parents in the middle of the night after you were repeatedly ask not to contact me? Because I can prove that via phone records and the testimony of my parents. I've even got emails between us discussing it.
We are making progress though. You admit you are best mates with ex-SAS, ex-Paras and squaddies. You also admit to losing your temper due to a sexual comment, and attacking a teenage girl while tripping in the city. I don't to have been there to realise she was half your age and size.
You still think that was justified because you were tripping. You were regularly on some sort of drug for mental illness so effectively you were mixing drugs, knowing you you probably had a drink in your too. That'd be a partial excuse certainly, you could blame the drugs you were taking and express regret. But you didn't do that did you? You were quite proud of it.
You came on a thread here, All Men Are Responsible for Stopping Male Violence', in November to rubbish feminism and men who work against male violence. You then invited lot's of meat puppets from an anti-misandry web site to come to Indymedia to post against womens rights - you can't deny 'Dogsy' is you, can you? The NW UK photographing who is campaigning against 'feminist propaganda'.
You then admitted to attacking the girl under your full name, then had your name removed. Things got even more bizarre as you posted as a woman who hates feminism, only to email me and confess that was you.
That thread perfectly illustrates your use of sock-puppets, your use of meat-puppets, your contempt for women, your lies, your justifications and your violent nature. But most of all it is mentally unhinged. It was the first point I realised it could be a genuinely mental ill person stalking me rather than an agent. Either way you are definitely dangerous and I did have genuine fears about you raping someone.
It wasn't an isolated occasion, you later went on to start a brawl because two guys were kissing at a peace camp. I associated you with sexuallly hang-ups and macho violence. You joked about raping the lesbianism out of a rather vunerable girl at the camp. You expressed a desire for another young woman, P, in the most offensive terms. That wouldn't be tolerated at most peace camps and doesn't really square with you other claim to be best friends with Crass. Other things about your backstory didn't check out. Claiming to have 'a friend on the Libyan desk' as you know you did is a bizarre thing to claim when you are pretending to be an activist. I was dubious about you before an action only you and [removed] knew about turned up in a Sunday newspaper.
"all I did was pinch her coritids"
02.04.2009 22:17
The carotid artery supplies the brain with blood. Cutting that supply causes unconsciousness and brain damage. Followed by death.
Maybe pinching carotids is something you learned from your admitted SAS mates, maybe you were even trained how to do that.
Add to that your last confession you were tripping when you were strangling her. Everyone who has tripped knows that your sense of time disappears. So when you were 'pinching her' supply of blood to her head, you can't really have been that sure if you had been pinching for ten seconds, or thirty seconds, or a minute or two. You are damn lucky not to have killed the girl. Until you realise why this is wrong, until you can admit it, you will always be a danger and especially to women.
I was horrified when [removed] told me this story, because I was already worried about your behaviour around women. I asked [removed] what he thought of you attacking a girl, and he said 'That's fair enough, she was asking for it'.
life but not as we know it
03.04.2009 02:40
FYI Its 3.38am and i've just made over £3600 today. Thats the product of doing something productive with my life. I'm taking my second foreign holiday this year at end of next week.
03.04.2009 10:05
Norville B is another of your sock-puppets who 'never posts right wing things' eh? Just like you pretended to be feminist hating Eva on the thread you first admitted nearly killing the girl. Tell me, does your mental illness include multiple personalities that don't know what the other personality is doing?
Richard, you've been smearing me to strangers and anonymously to the police as a rapist. Do you want to discuss that here now to my face with resorting to sock-puppets?
Your rape allegation
03.04.2009 10:52
Do you want to discuss those serious allegations openly here? I hope the Indymedia folk permit that because those are damaging alleagtions that have destroyed a couple of anarchist groups and a couple of activist groups already.
Who have I threatened to rape?
Or even the Brad Will allegation
03.04.2009 11:50
Brad Will was murdered by a Mexican cop before that student went to Mexico. I never met Brad but I met someone who did, oddly enough always in Edinburgh.
Show me anything I've written on the internet or via email that denegrates Brad Will or links him to your or those you know. I never met him. I think of him like a male Rachel Corrie, someone worth remembering who I wouldn't drag into smears.
Can I have a response from 1 of RM*s groups?
03.04.2009 17:49
I find it worrying that even AF members are associated with this. I think a lot of groups have been embarrassed by association. I think all these groups should consider their positions given that RM* has admitted to be an 'anti-mysandrist' who had attacked girls while tripping before some of you recruited him.
It would be nice if someone took an interest in RM*s tactics, because this will inevitably happen to others and you should prepare yourself. I know most of those groups feel antogonistic about me, but bear in mind. The police have been told that I am a rapist by [removed] and RM*.
Is there anyone in your groups that have ever witnessed me behaving in a sexually inappropriate way or even saying anything sexually inappropriate?
That group also accused me to the police of being a nazi graffiti artist to the cops. Again, a lot of you want to give me a slap but is it really credible I am a Nazi?
Even you people who are probably justified in wanting to give me a slap, you'd just slap me. You wouldn't target my family. I respect that so I don't undertsand the company you've kept.
03.04.2009 18:01
Ther is much documentary evidence for what you have been up to, witnesse stoo. You plainly can't even hold oonto reality long enough to read sentence and write a reply- me getting attacked by someone suddenly becomes in your fucked head me admitting to nearly killing a yound girl!???
Working IT support with someone becomes working for MI5!???
You have seriosu fucking problems Danny and given your violent nature you should get help ASAP.
There is nothing else worth saying. There is no sanity left in your mind left to engage with.
To IM Admins: sorry fo rthe selfish use of your resources, this guy has threatened me (and who knows how many others) with so many things I wouldn't even agree to be in the same postal district as him. I have ascertained that he is as mad as a bag of cats. Now I'm fucking off and ignoring him again (like I have done for about 18 months)
Walter Mitty was framed
03.04.2009 18:53
RM*, you said earlier:
"Oh, and I don't appreciate having "You are buch of arsefucking homos that like a big black cock up yeez" screamed at me and react badly to be pushed to the ground when asking hysterical violent people to leave me and my tripping friends alone."
I've heard you say worse than that to perfectly nice activists, to the point you've scared them. They didn't cut off the blood supply to your brain. Why do you think it is reasonable for you to do that to a girl half your age and weight?
Would the rest of your 'international brotherhood of ex SAS and ex Paras' look kindly on that? Were you ever trained to 'pinch' the blood supply to someones brain? Why do you still seem to think that was a good idea when you were tripping? She wasn't a suicide bomber, was she, she had just accused you of being gay.
I don't know much about the little girl you attacked, but I remember one description by [removed]. She was a Ned. That means she was Glaswegian working class scum, a teenage girl giving you lip. You were a 38 year old man, linked to the SAS. A grizzly bear versus a gopher isn't a fair fight. I remember how PGW all think of yourself as middle-class, and how that justifies lashing out at the lower classes. But it doesn't, especially when you are beating up teenage girls.
Now, back to the rape allegations that you have stated twice on this thread, although you started off with Crimestoppers allegations. For the past three years you have been called me a rapist.
Simple question. Who have I raped?
Trident Ploughshares psycho
04.04.2009 05:37
For the past three years you have been destroying my life with false allegations. You have repeatedly called me an arsonist, a murderer, a terrorist and a rapist to the police, and everyone who meets me gets told the same thing. You've called me a rapist twice on this thread already and I've offered you the chance to explain that.
You are a liar though. It is irrelevant whether you are the secret agent you sometimes you pretend to be or just a victim to your own mental illness, you are a malicious and false liar. You admit to beating up girls. Everything else I've said about you and your friends is true. You beat up little girls but ignore little boys. You threaten my parents but refuse to face me.
You are a sick, dishonest coward and I challenge anyone from Trident Ploughshares or any of the other groups you've been redruited for to defend using mentally disabled people in dangerous actions.
The scourge of misandry
04.04.2009 13:26
You apologised to the IMCs earlier, but not for using meat puppets. I was having a look at your other Dogsy posts on AntiMisandry. That thread wasn't the only time you used macho cockpuppets from there to attack feminists here is it? Is trying to get a feminist library closed down your idea of being a campaigner? You had said at that time you were going to join a womens support group to make ammends for your attack on the girl but instead you were working against 'misandry'. Yet you call me a hypocrite.
Sorry, one last comment.
05.04.2009 17:28
If you can't remember threatening someone with rape in an e-mail- that has been seen by many people including the cops- then you should be worried. Judging by the utter fantastical and totally made up and utterly weird obtuse nonesensical shit you have written on this thread: you should be VERY worried.
I'm just curious though why your parents never gave any statements about being threatened by me? Could it be because it never happened and was just a complete lie by you? That the couple of phone calls to YOU, you had logged were made after receiving deaththreats from you by e-mail (which I still posses- as do the cops)? No answer needed, I already you are a liar either by design or by illness.
Oh, and for your information: go read up on some basic psychiatry literature before you start painting mood disorders out to be some kind of psychotic madness; you could avoid looking like a clueless fuckwit.
Stay away from me and all the others you have threatened. We have all been advised by the cops that we are within our rights to regard you as a serious threat and defend ourselves accordingly.
Don't bother replying for my benefit, as I'm not checking back. But I'm sure you'll invent some new mad lies to avoid facing up to the ones I just buried.
Get help; you are sick!
Please reprint in full here or indicate who I threatened to rape
05.04.2009 20:23
I'm still sane, so far, and I am far from conviced that you are ill. I think you are pretending, but it is hard to differentiate. The craziest thing I believe is that you are not suffering from a mental condition. None of my friends or family think my mental condition is any different than it was 20 years ago so I also haven;t progressed. No doctor, either professionally or the ones I've dated, has ever intimated I may be 'ill'. I am happy to make my medical records public or sit any public psychiatric exam. Just like I'm happy to sit a lie detector test you have repeatedly refused.
>I have no fucking idea what the hell you are referring to with 'Dogsy'
Dogsy lists himself on anti-misandry.com Nov '06 as a male, campaigning photographer from north west UK. At the same time you called yourself a campaigner and a photographer and lived in Glasgow and Peaton Glen Woods. You have remarkably similar views & remarkably taste in avators. In fact, when you tell one obvious lie it undermines the other kess obvious ones.
Dogsy posted on anti-Misandry encouraging anti-Feminist posts on an Indymedia thread, just when you were posting anti-Feminist posts on the same article, while also admitting to attacking a girl.
For the record, I can't access that mysoginist site now. I could a day or two ago and have been able to access it before for months before that, but now I've been blocked. Hopefully a few people will have read the cock-puppet site when it was available or can access it through a cache.
RM* claimed they weren't going to respond, waited a day or two until that site that was suddenly unavailable, and now he responds. After a quick email to get his mysoginist mates website to erase his tracks. How fucking obvious can someone be.
>If you can't remember threatening someone with rape in an e-mail- that has been seen by many people including the cops- then you should be worried.
I'm not worried.
Print the email here or at least identify who I've threatened to rape.
>I'm just curious though why your parents never gave any statements about being threatened by me?
I'll take a written statement from then through to Coulport. The reason no one else gave a statement at the time is because we all assumed you were a burnt-out nutter and we could get you help through the activist movement, a mistake certainly.
>Could it be because it never happened and was just a complete lie by you?
No, because I have the phone records proving numerous nuisance calls over a prolonged period after I'd asked you to break contact.
>That the couple of phone calls to YOU, you had logged were made after receiving deaththreats from you by e-mail (which I still posses- as do the cops)?
>Oh, and for your information: go read up on some basic psychiatry literature before you start painting mood disorders out to be some kind of psychotic madness; you could avoid looking like a clueless fuckwit.
>Stay away from me and all the others you have threatened. We have all been advised by the cops that we are within our rights to regard you as a serious threat and defend ourselves accordingly.
You mean you've 'A Licence To Kill'? So why restrict yourself to nearly killing girls and pensioners? You are too good at being nasty, manipulative and disruptive to be forgiven as 'mentally incapable'. You always 'Cover-Your-Arse' before you run for the safety of victimhood. You are about to call me a bully, aren't you, like you did in the feminist thread, and run for the safety of your supposed mental illness. I don't know much about mental illness so some of my comments are obviously ignorant. I used to work in the corporate world, for decades including in IT, so I know a few things. I know a lying, charming salesman when I see one pretending to talk the talk. I know you don't have any real knowledge of IT, you are not even front line support knowledgable. I know after three years of denying you said 'you had the friend on the Libyan desk' you have stopped denying that and recast it on this thread as
>"Working IT support with someone becomes working for MI5!" = RM*
[Here is my version of that event, swear on my mothers life etc]
...I'd recruited RM*, known as MI5 here at the time, to take a photo a demo, March 06. Newbie pretending to be experienced, unbelievably well-equipped. Within a month he'd moved into a camp I knew that I'd introduced him too searching for recruits for that demo. We have a bigger history on Indymedia than in real life,
Danny - I am wanting to go to Greenock prison and interview Al-Megrahi for Indymedia. I'd like you to come to act as an independent witness.
Richard - I can't, I have a friend on the Libyan desk.
I assume RM*s recollection of that conversation goes something like this...
Danny - I am wanting to go to Greenock prison and interview Al-Megrahi for Indymedia. I'd like you to come to act as an independent witness.
Richard - I can't, I have a Libyan friend on the techical support desk.
RM*, what it the first line of a joke that I missed or do you deny saying what I've claimed you said? Because if it was joke a joke that fell on death ears, I do have a poor sense of humour, especially lately.
I know I am responsible for my actions. If I was to kill you, I would phone the cops myself. You have to realise though that you are responsible for your actions, including your past actions.
Apology to Dogsy
06.04.2009 07:24
I hope even Dogsy would admit that it is worrying for any real man to cut the bloody supply to a young girls brain? I have perhaps falsely linked you to someone called RM* today. I am quite prepared to pay you fifty pounds for damage to your reputation for linking you to an admitted girl-beater.
Danny Prior
Fact checking the light fantastic
06.04.2009 10:02
2. A female in her mid-twenties is called a 'woman'- unless you are indulging your obvious penchant for disempowerement stereotypes/fantasies.
3. To commit a beating you have to strike someone with your fists or a hand-held object causing blunt force trauma. Grabbing by the throat doesn't qualify.
4. Being pushed to the ground, having your head split open for objecting to a torrent of racial and homophobic abuse is BEING attacked (note the present continuous (participle) passive grammar structure) not "attacking".
NB: Danny is not a witness and he doesn't even know anyone who has spoken to any witnesses of that incident. In short, his account is total fabrication- which is why he never supplies any details, because he cannot.
5. Actually, you have been schooled many a time by me on IT matters under various 'nyms' on here, and sometimes even thanked me for it. Though you just doggedly refused to be taught anything about NAT/DHCP/Hostmasks and ISP address blocks. My guess is that you did a little basic network support on an NT4 system and mainly did database coding or application training. Obviously, UNIX command line jokes go over your head. But you are kind of right, I progressed off the frontline to management quite quickly. But these days, I'd rather drink paint than do IT work. I was mediocre at best- and disinterested. Perhaps you were good back when the Internet wasn't widespread and NT Workstation was...
5b. I actually said I was more than happy to go to Barlinnie (as I thought he was still there and not Greenock). I also said that it was the worst kept secret that Libya admitted the bombing as means to lift sanctions- as recently corroborated on the BBC by Gaddafy (Khaddazi) Junior.
6. I have never been diagnosed nor medicated for any "serious mental illness"- not in how Danny in his ignorant prejudicial stereotyping means it at any rate- I wonder if he also objects to Black people using the word nigger for self-refence, or understands the concept of irony...
Again go actually do some reading. And perhaps you'll realise that you are mad as a bag of cats- even if alone, for even thinking that lying about the above points will be believed by anyone sane.
And now I'm going to live up to my nym.
It's upt o IM UK if they want to let this guy shit all over their project with his lies, his fabrications, attacking activists as groups and individuals- barking at the traffic and accusing any old person as being me.
I'm gone again, and back to doing more good than a certain someone sitting one here talking out their arse and threatening people.
Don't beware, be aware
09.04.2009 15:22
I think [removed] claim to be a techie who has schooled me about routing and Unix to be especially easily/cheaply disprovable. That would make any genuine geek retaliate, but not me, it is far better than his claims I am terrorist / rapist / nazi etc. He is now just accusing me of being a techie faker who he can 'school'. That is fairly easy to disprove just through general conversation, never mind actuals courses and qualifictions.
I could publically challenge [removed] to sit the technical, certified, tests and exams I have previously claimed to have passed while I do the same. I can't afford to pay for them though anymore. He wouldn't agree to that any more than he would agree to any other sort of verification of his claims. Any genuine, verifiable techies here who want to quiz us both face to face, feel free. He is faking on every front. I am crap at maths except logic. Ask me about how De Morgans theory inspired me more than Buddha or Ghandi ever did. Ask him if he even understands it. Someone who understands it ask him.
>5. Actually, you have been schooled many a time by me on IT matters under various 'nyms' on here, and sometimes even thanked me for it.
What an interesting claim /admission. In the anti-feminist thread from three years ago you claimed I stalked/bullied you here, but now you admit to stalking me. I may have been polite to ' one of your nyms' here [removed], but to be honest the only thing I've learned from you is how to strangle women, how to abuse pensioners, how to smear, how to destroy movements. I haven't learned anything about routing since - well at least ten years before I met you. Okay, onion routing, and I got that from wikipedia. Anonimity and error are your constant companions though, whatever you are. I've met you and you were never IT, not the least technically credible. You could claim to me to be innocent, or to strangers to be the best lover ever, with as much credibility. Maybe helpdesk at most, and maybe you have the best of IT support depts behind you, but you? Face to face I could rip the earth from under you. People who know any trade instantally know when someone else is bullshitting. Techincial knowledge is relatively easy to evaluate offline, relatively easy to fake online. Everyone who knows me knows I was a computer guy before I got labelled as a terrorist by RM*. I'm glad I never trusted you with too much information about my previous employers. Genuine MI5 would know what I know. But no individual agent would know everything I claim to know in a controlled indypendent test.
>Though you just doggedly refused to be taught anything about NAT/DHCP/Hostmasks and ISP address blocks.
Maybe because that was the first Microsoft exam I sat, because that was the easy one and it got me my MCP+I pin. It was easy because I started off with other OSes, not Microsoft, and most of computing was easy because I started off with an electronics design engineer apprenticeship.
ou vary from trying to intimidate me to trying to imitate me but you only talk the talk and you don't scare me. The police officers in stab proof vests at my parents house do intimidate me so please, will you stop that grassing? In another anon smear you claimed I'd told the dole on you. All I did was ask a pal in the civil service to check
>My guess is that you did a little basic network support on an NT4 system and mainly did database coding or application training.
I did software testing on the Cisco NMS. That was one of my worse jobs among a career of bad jobs. The least technical job I ever did is a million times more technical than anything you did. In public it would take me two minutes to expose you as a fraud. What exactly is your current illness that you are hiding behind?
I will happily post my CV and verify it through an independent third party if you do the same. I can prove you never schooled me in anything. I can prove this is another attempt for you to try to get information out of me without exchanging any.
>Obviously, UNIX command line jokes go over your head.
How many Unix folk would class RM* as a Unix joke? You can't type three bytes without making two obvious mistakes. When you ruin the lie within three charcters I find it damning that some people take you seriously.
I don't laugh at any jokes told by people who have threatened my parents or beaten up girls. Here is one Unix joke, well anectdote, I did tell here that [removed] obviously latched onto.
(Apologies to everyone else for that, I know how dull C++ jokes were to non-coders. I translate hex by reflex due to my apprenticeship ).
How many times have you pinched a girls carotid artery? Who trained you to do that? Was that a microsoft course?
You do admit I recruited you from here in 06 for a naval sonar demo, as a photographer for a demo ? Back when you were posting as MI5. Regrets, I have a few.
'RM*', do you really want to defend the posts of 'MI5's here yet again under whatever 'nym'?
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